NAME:Professor C.O.A. Awosope
SCHOOL:Applied Engineering
DEPARTMENT:Electrical & Information Engineering
PROGRAMME:Electrical & Electronics Engineering
CV UPDATED:December 3rd, 2014
S/N / TITLE OF ARTICLE / ABSTRACT / AUTHOR (S) / OUTLET1 / Wind Energy Potential in Nigeria / Wind energy is one of the fastest growing technologies in energy generation industry nowadays. The erratic and epileptic state of power in this country and the concern about global warming should be a great concern for all and should drive us into strong demand for wind generation. The main advantages of electricity generation from wind are the absence of harmful emissions, very clean and the almost infinite availability of the wind that is converted into electricity. In Nigeria, where the wind power prospect is estimated to be high or moderate has not connected this renewable resources to the grid. It is not just enough to say that the wind turbines should be connected to the grid because there are sufficient wind speeds to drive the wind turbine. Mostly, the stability and reliability studies must be carried out whenever wind power is to be connected to power system to predict severe consequences on the power system to which the wind generators will be connected.
This paper therefore describes the wind energy potential in Nigeria and specifies the conditions to be met before the wind generator can be connected to the existing grid and how it can be connected. The paper also shows that short-circuit power at Point of Common Coupling (PCC) is the crucial value for the permissible installed power ratings of the turbine. / COA. Awosope et al. / International Electrical Engineering Journal (IEE) Vol. 3 (2012) No 1, PP595-601. ISSN 2078-2365
2 / Wind Power Potential and Integration in Africa / Wind energy penetration into power networks is increasing very rapidly all over the world.The great concern about global warming and continued apprehensions about nuclear power around the world should drive most countries in Africa into strong demand for wind generation because of its advantages which include the absence of harmful emissions, very clean and almost infinite availability of wind that is converted into electricity. This paper shows the power available in the wind. It also gives an overview of the wind power potential and integration in some selected Africa countries like Egypt, Morocco, South Africa and Nigeria and thechallenges of wind power integration in Africa continent are also discussed. The Northern part of Africa is known to be Africa’s Wind pioneers having installed and connected the Wind Energy Converters (WEC) to the grid. About 97% of the continent’s total wind installations are located in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.Research work should commence on the identified sites with high wind speeds in those selected Africa countries, so that those potential sites can be connected to the grid. This is becausethe ability of a site to sufficiently accommodate wind generation not only depends on wind speeds but on its ability to interconnect to the existing grid. If these wind energy potentials are tapped and connected to the grid, the erratic and epileptic power supply facing most countries in Africa will be reduced; thereby reducing rural-urban migration and morejobs will be created. / COA. Awosope et al. / International Journal of Development and Sustainability. ISSN: 2186. 8662. May 2013
3 / Technical Challenges in connecting Wind Energy Converter to the grid. / Most developing nations of the world are looking towards renewable energy sources as a sustainable option. Among all the energy sources, the one that is matured to the level of connecting it to the grid (either distribution or transmission) is wind energy. As wind energy is increasingly integrated into power systems in some countries in the world, the stability of already existing power systems is becoming a concern and of utmost importance to the power system engineers and operators. This is because the connection of wind generators to the existing grid poses new challenges which have a significant impact on the system and equipment operations in terms of steady state, dynamic operation, reliability, power quality, stability and safety for both the utility and customers. These challenges are due to the fluctuating nature of the wind and the type of wind generator used. In order to supply quality voltage, SVC and STATCOM can be used to control the reactive power at the point of common coupling. Also the use of variable speed wind turbine generator can help in lowering the flicker level. This paper therefore gives the overview of the causes of these challenges, its effect on the existing power system and possible ways of improving the challenges. / COA. Awosope et al. / International journal of renewable and sustainable energy Vol. 2, No 3, pp 90-92 May 20, 2013
4 / Capacity Integration into a microgrid, a Tool for Electrical Energy Supply Cost Reduction in Nigeria / The cost implication of running a cluster of stand-alone power generating plants was investigated using the generating capacities of the generators and consumption (load) profile obtained from a campus based substation. Analysis of the results revealed a lot of unused available capacity within the system which invariably increases the operating cost of power generation within the campus. Integrating the power generators into a microgrid was suggested where there will be a common pool of energy sources and all loads attached to the network. The proposed network model seeks to reduce power plant engagement by integrating the generating power plants into a microgrid system. To overcome the challenge of synchronization in the AC platform as the power generators are dissimilar, the network is designed to operate as a DC microgrid where the AC generating plants and loads will be interfaced by converters (rectifiers) and inverters respectively. This method reduced the unused capacity being wasted by reducing power plant engagement and consequently reducing the running cost of power generation in the campus / COA. Awosope et al. / Accepted paper for World Congress on Engineering 2014
(WCE 2014). Date 2-4 July, 2014 - paper number: ICEEE_82
5 / A Review of PHCN Protection Schemes / This paper brings to the fore, a comprehensive and useful guide to the concepts, practices, and equipment in the important field of Electrical (protection) Engineering. The PHCN Power network experiences several types of fault like over/under voltage, overload, earth fault etc. and as a result of these faults, proper protection is necessary for efficiency and continuity of supply. Components of protection and the various protection schemes as well as their guiding principles as it relates to old method of protection employed by PHCN and the latest improvements are also considered. This paper also sheds light on the protection of PHCN networks from generation, transmission and distribution, also considered is the protection of transformers, busbars, transmission lines, overhead lines, generating generators and feeders. It is anticipated that this work will be of immense benefit to those concerned with design, planning, construction and operation especially in the area of protection. / COA. Awosope et al. / International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
Vol. 2 Issue 11, November – 2013. ISSN: 2278 - 0181
6 / Innovative Practical-Oriented Teaching Reforms in Engineering Education: A Key To Effective Capacity Building / Thorough engineering education imparts robust and reliable knowledge and practical skills in relevant fundamental as well as advanced concepts for the purpose of applying scientific information, data and results to analyze, design, synthesize and develop useful systems, devices and machines. Unfortunately, many engineering schools in our universities over the years have adopted incomplete and or weak teaching methods that give superficial and alarmingly low attention to students’ exposure to well-developed practical skills, thereby reducing the quality of technical know-how of the young engineering graduates.
This paper presents an analysis of the teaching methodology being adopted by many engineering schools in Nigerian universities. This is done in comparison with recognised working models, which are employed by universities in developed countries. The paper also presents an innovative practical teaching reform for the enhancement of effective students’ capacity development. / COA. Awosope et al. / Proceedings of the 5th African Regional Conference on Engineering Education (ARCEE 2013); 9 – 12 Sept. 2013. pps 242 - 251
7 / A Markov model for estimating the remaining life of electrical insulation indistribution transformer / In this paper, a Markov maintenance model for predicting the remaining life of transformer
insulation has been developed. It incorporates various stages of insulation deterioration andminor maintenance state. Given that a current state of insulation ageing has been reached, froma diagnostic testing and inspection, this model is capable of computing the predicted averagetime before insulation failure occurs. The algorithm developed in this model was implemented in acomputer program using Matlab. The data required for this program and the numerical examplebased on the developed algorithm are also discussed / COA. Awosope et al. / Research, Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., (3) (2010)
8 / A probabilistic modeling of distribution equipment Deterioration; An application to transformer insulation / In this paper, a probabilistic maintenance model relating probability of failure to maintenance activity had been developed for maintainable distribution components. This model incorporates various levels of insulation deterioration and minor maintenance state.
It was applied to a distribution transformers ranging from 300 KVA to 15 MVA in Abule-Egba Business Unit network of Power Holding Company of Nigeria. The result obtained from the application study and model simulation verified the mathematical analysis of the developed model. Although this application illustrates the development of a probabilistic deterioration model for a distribution transformer, these models can be developed to predict the performance of other distribution components in the Electric power system network. / COA. Awosope et al. / International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET). Vols 10, Issue 04, ISSN: 2077-1185. 2010.Pakistan at
9 / Modeling Distribution Component Deterioration: An application to Transformer Insulation. / The two most critical components in a typical Power System are the circuit breakers and transformers. Failure of any of these components will result in high cost due to component replacement and associated load loss. Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) may reduce this cost in the long run by extending the component lifetime and increasing availability. This will be possible, since the adopted RCM will balance carrying out too much maintenance which will increase maintenance cost or too little maintenance that will result in catastrophic failure and hence increases the cost of maintenance and repair. A Markov model that relates probability of failure to maintenance activity is developed for distribution transformers. This model incorporates various levels of insulation deterioration and minor maintenance state. It was applied to one of the distribution transformers in Abule-Egba Business unit network of Power Holding Company of Nigeria. The result obtained from model simulation agrees with the one obtained from the mathematical analysis of the developed model. With an adjustment in the inspection parameter, this probabilistic deterioration model for a distribution transformer can also be applied to predict the performance of circuit breakers. / COA. Awosope et al. / Advanced Materials Research Vol. 367(2012) pp 117-123© (2012) Trans Tech Publications Switzerland Doi: 10.4028/
10 / Critical review of the reliability centred maintenance (RCM) for Asset management in Electric power distribution system. / The purpose of maintenance is to extend equipment lifetime or at least the mean time to the next failure. Maintenance too incurs expenditures that result in very costly consequences when not performed or performed too little, and it may not even be economical to perform it too frequently. Therefore the two costs must be balanced.
In the past, this balance has been estimated by extrapolating the experience obtained from existing systems and using the rule - of – thumb methods. Nowadays, the tempo of advanced and softiscated research in that direction has rendered such rule – of – thumb methods obsolete. The literature describing the reliability centered maintenance methods for managing distribution assets has grown until the papers can now be numbered in thousands. This paper presents critical review of the various existing methods that have been developed by different researchers and proposed a probabilistic model that will provide a quantitative connection between reliability and maintenance, a link missing in the heuristic approaches. / COA. Awosope et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 2 No. 6, June, 2012
11 / Asset Maintenance Planning in Electric Power Distribution network using Statistical Analysis of Outage data. / The problem faced by electric power utilities in developing countries today is that the power demand is increasing rapidly whereas the supply growth is constrained by aging generating and distributing assets, scarce resources for constructing new ones and other societal issues. This has resulted in the need for constructing additional new generating plants and a more economic way of planning and maintaining existing Generating and Electric power distribution assets. System planning and maintenance that are based on reliability – centred asset management approach had been adopted.
Maintenance of critical asset is an essential part of asset management in distribution network. In most Electric utilities, planning for maintenance constitutes an essential parts of asset management. In this paper, an enhanced RCM methodology that is based on a quantitative relationship between preventive maintenance (PM) performed at system component level and overall system reliability was applied for the identification of distribution components critical to system reliability. The conclusion from this study shows that it is beneficial to base asset maintenance management decisions on processed, analysed and tested outage data. / COA. Awosope et al. / Elsevier International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (IJEPES), Volume 47, May 2013, pages 424-435,
12 / Power Flow Analysis of Abule-Egba 33-kV Distribution Grid System with real network Simulations. / This paper is concerned with using the fault
analysis to establish the requirements for the proper selection ofcircuit breaker; A Case Study of Power Holding company ofNigeria (PHCN) 330-kV Transmission Grid System. The work is
modelled for Fault Analysis and it is written in a flexibleMATLAB programs to accommodate addition or reduction inthe Transmission Grid System. It aimed at establishing theCircuit Breaker Capacity at any point in the system. The result isthen compared with the existing circuit breaker capacity ofPHCN 330-kV system. The short-circuit fault is simulated by
combining a solution of algebraic equations describing thechanges in the network with a numerical solution of thedifferential equations. Two MATLAB programs were writtenand simulated; one for Lord Flow study to know the pre-faultbus voltages based on Gauss-Seidel Method; the other for ShortCircuit Studies which made use of Thevenin’s theoremapplication. The highest Circuit Breaker Capacity established bythe result of this study is relatively lower and the investmentsneeded for this are smaller compared with the normal practicewith PHCN system. This reveals that PHCN system can be
protected with this low capacity circuit breaker with a reducedcost effectiveness and equal sensitivity which is a break-throughin terms of Circuit Breaker Capacity in the field of power systemprotection. / COA. Awosope et al. / IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 9, Issue 2 Ver. III (Mar – Apr. 2014), PP 67-80
13 / Reliability Analysis of Circuit Breakerin theNigerian 330-kV Transmission Network. / This paper is concerned with using the faultanalysis to establish the requirements for the proper selection ofcircuit breaker; A Case Study of Power Holding company ofNigeria (PHCN) 330-kV Transmission Grid System. The work ismodelled for Fault Analysis and it is written in a flexibleMATLAB programs to accommodate addition or reduction inthe Transmission Grid System. It aimed at establishing theCircuit Breaker Capacity at any point in the system. The result isthen compared with the existing circuit breaker capacity ofPHCN 330-kV system. The short-circuit fault is simulated bycombining a solution of algebraic equations describing thechanges in the network with a numerical solution of thedifferential equations. Two MATLAB programs were writtenand simulated; one for Lord Flow study to know the pre-faultbus voltages based on Gauss-Seidel Method; the other for ShortCircuit Studies which made use of Thevenin’s theoremapplication. The highest Circuit Breaker Capacity established bythe result of this study is relatively lower and the investmentsneeded for this are smaller compared with the normal practicewith PHCN system. This reveals that PHCN system can beprotected with this low capacity circuit breaker with a reducedcost effectiveness and equal sensitivity which is a break-throughin terms of Circuit Breaker Capacity in the field of power system
Protection. / COA. Awosope et al. / Paper I. d: IJERTV3IS030541
Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research (ISERT)
ISSN – 1270 – 0181
May 2014
14 / Modelling of Electricity Market in Europe: Lessons for
Nigeria / The introduction of deregulation into the
power system planning ,operation and marketing has
been reported to improve the system efficiency and
reduce loss of revenue and at the same time
encourage entrepreneur.
From South America (Chile) to the Europe (England
and Wales) to the North America (Pennsylvania-New
Jersey-Maryland interconnection) the story has been
quite similar except for a few pockets of challenges
in these places. This foregoing experience with the
power system deregulation has been able to boost the
interest of Africa, especially Nigeria in the quest for
power restructure for improved efficiency.
In the proposed work, the various market models of
European electricity markets (EEM) shall be
reviewed in order to fashion a more efficient market
model for Nigeria.
It is strongly believed that the model developed here
could be adapted by any developing economy with
serious preference for African and Asian countries. / COA. Awosope et al. / 6th European Electricity Market (EEM 09). Conference, Leuven, Belgium, May 26 - 29, 2009.
15 / Long-term Electronic Load Forecasting for the University of Lagos Using Regression Analysis Method / The University, as a centre for research into the development of a nation, require constant supply of electricity. In order to achieve this, it becomes of great important to evaluate the precise amount of energy required for continuous and uninterrupted power supply to the academic community.
In line with this goal, this work investigates the historical load consumption of the University of Lagos community from which an electrical load forecast for the future energy requirement of this community can be proffered using the regression analysis method. It is the intent of this work to establish a mathematical model via the regression analysis method for the assessment of the historical data in order to predict a fairly reliable future energy requirement for the community, with special consideration for the next one decade i.e long-term load forecasting.
Even though this method is examined using a University community, it can be further extended to cover the whole country, provided the historical data of the country’s past electric energy consumptions available. / COA. Awosope et al. / Journal of Engineering Research, JER- 15, No1, March, pp69-79. 2010
16 / A study of the Effects of Electricity supply Regulation on Nigerian Consumers / There is a need for reform in Nigeria’s electricity supply in order to remove the regulatory barriers so as to encourage Demand Management (DM) in our electricity industry especially at the load end but the influence of the separate sector of the electricity market must be protected through a number of measures that ensure that no segment of the market is short changed, at the long run. The work reported here examines the need for the establishment of independent regulatory activities in Nigeria to make the process of price regulation more efficient, consistent and predictable and less amenable to arbitrary judgments of the regulators.
It also examines the need of private sector participation and reforms in the energy sector so that such can secure the supply of electricity in the nation.
Finally, governments and regulators must provide a clear signed to the electric sector that all environmentally safe cost-effective demand-side resources should be deployed before the use traditional fossil-fuel supply -side resources. / COA. Awosope et al. / Journal of Engineering Research, JER-15, No 2, June, pp 58-63. 2010
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