Vallecito Room
Fort Lewis College
Durango, Colorado 81301
May 30, 2014
Vol. 14-102
Amended – October 17, 2014 BOT Meeting
Chair John Wells convened the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College at 8:40 a.m.
Trustees Present:
John Wells, Chair; Peter Decker; Ernest House; Tom Schilling; Steve Short; Karen Wilde; Amy Wendland, Faculty Representative; Alex Thompson, Student Representative
Participating by Phone: Matt Wassam
Staff Present:
Dene Thomas, President; Barbara Morris, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs; Steve Schwartz, Vice President for Finance & Administration; Glenna Witt Sexton, Vice President for Student Affairs; Michelle Merz-Hutchinson, Legal Counsel; Peggy Sharp, Deputy Secretary; and Mike Larson, Audio Consultant.
President Thomas introduced three new staff in the Foundation/Development Office: Mark Jastorff, Vice President for Institution Advancement; Sarah Pretzer, Major Gift Officer; and Andy Miller, Major Gift Officer, based in Denver. Each individual gave a brief history of their background and expressed excitement at being at Fort Lewis College.
Bridget Irish, retired Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, and coordinator of the Common Reading Program, described the book chosen for next Fall, Dead Man Walking, by Sister Helen Prejean. Each Trustee received a copy of the book and the schedule of events being planned
for academic year 2014-15.
Professor Andrew Gulliford, History Department, addressed the Board concerning the History Program review and his research conducted during his sabbatical.
Michael Fry, Professor of History spoke to the Trustees regarding concerns about some of the irregularities in the program review for the History Department. Following his comments, Provost Barbara Morris stated that a concerted effort will be made to remedy the apparent lack of communication and confusion. A more robust template will be used by all departments when completing the program review reports.
Faculty Representative Amy Wendland introduced Dr. Justin McBrayer, Associate Professor of Philosophy, who will be replacing her as Faculty Representative to the Board. She also introduced Dr. Dugald Owen, Professor of Philosophy, who is the new President of the Faculty Senate, replacing Dr. Chuck Riggs. Both Dr. McBrayer and Dr. Owen provided a brief summary of their background and issues they hope to address in their respective roles.
Student Representative Alex Thompson introduced the new Vice President of ASFLC, Phil Carter. Mr. Carter stated a few of the goals for the Student Senate in the upcoming year. The new Student Body President, Scott Greenler, was not able to be present.
Peter Decker moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with a second by Tom Schilling. Motion carried and the following Consent Agenda items were approved:
Approval of Minutes of April 3, 2014 Meeting of the Academic & Student Affairs Committee
Approval of Minutes of April 3, 2014 Meeting of the Business Affairs Committee
Approval of Minutes of April 3, 2014 Meeting of the Presidential Evaluation
Approval of Minutes of April 3, 2014 Meeting of the Ad Hoc Investment Advisory Committee
Approval of Minutes of April 4, 2014 Regular Meeting of The Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College
Approval of Minutes of May 14, 2014 Teleconference Meeting of the Business
Affairs Committee
Approval of Academic Program Reviews for 2014-2015
Approval of 2015-16 Five-Year Capital Construction Plan
Chair John Wells reported that the Board retreat schedule will begin on Thursday evening, August 7 with the Gallery Walk downtown and a wine reception at Sorrel Sky. Dinner will be arranged at one of local restaurants. The meeting will convene on Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. and will adjourn at 3:30 that afternoon.
The October 20, 2014 Board meeting was changed to October 17, 2014. This will allow the Trustees to attend the Homecoming football game on Thursday evening, October 16th that is being nationally televised on CBS Sports. Committee meetings will occur on Thursday afternoon, October 16th.
Committee Reports:
Academic & Student Affairs Committee
Chair Ernest House reviewed the agenda items that were covered. President Thomas gave a brief summary of the enrollment report, indicating that we are down in in-state students from where we were last year and up slightly in out-of-state students. Most state institutions are experiencing a slight decline, partially due to fewer number of Colorado high school graduates.
Provost Morris gave a summary of the request to offer Supplemental Academic Instruction in English and Math. She stated that if approved, the proposal would go to CCHE for their approval. These courses would then be offered Fall, 2014.
Action Item: Approval of the Request for Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI) Authorization
Tom Schilling moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve the Fort Lewis College Supplemental Academic Instruction. Karen Wilde seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
The committee heard the Program Review report for the History Department and stated that a lengthy discussion had taken place concerning the review. Provost Morris indicated that the program to be reviewed next year is Teacher Education and will be aligned with their reaccreditation.
President Thomas gave a brief explanation of the policy for awarding Colorado need-based financial assistance and the need to have Board approval.
Action Item: Approval of the 2014-15 Policy for Award of State of Colorado Need-Based Financial Assistance Program
Peter Decker moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve the 2014-15 Policy for Award of State of Colorado Need-Based Financial Assistance Program as presented on the following pages. Steve Short seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
The committee also reviewed the draft Sabbatical Policy. Provost Morris indicated that given the concerns expressed by the Board at the December meeting, a new policy for awarding sabbaticals has been developed in accordance with requirements in the State Statutes. This policy includes a robust application process and outlines the requirements for the subsequent report on the sabbatical. Trustee Schilling expressed strong support of the research component and the accountability for making sure expectations are achieved and moved for strong endorsement of the new sabbatical policy. Ernest House seconded. Motion for the endorsement passed.
Vice President Sexton stated that the two action items concerning approval of special recreation permits with the BLM are being presented due to the indemnification clauses contained in the permits which require Board approval. She further stated that the risk is minimal and outweighed by the benefits of the program.
Action Item: Approval of a Special Recreation Permit MFO-Y010-14-062R (Moab River Permit) for the Use and Benefit of Academic Programs and Organized Student Activities
Tom Schilling moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College find and determine that the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Special Recreation Permit as presented serves the public purposes of Fort Lewis College and that the risk to the college associated with the indemnification and hold harmless provisions of the Special Recreation Permit are sufficiently limited and are outweighed by the benefits of the Special Recreation Permit; that the Board, therefore, approve the Special Recreation Permit; and that the President or her designee be authorized to execute the Special Recreation Permit on behalf of the Board. Ernest House seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Action Item: Approval of a Special Recreation Permit MFO-Y010-14-983R (Moab Land Permit) for the Use and Benefit of Academic Programs and Organized Student Activities
Ernest House moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College find and determine that the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Special Recreation Permit as presented serves the public purposes of Fort Lewis College and that the risks to the college associated with the indemnification and hold harmless provisions of the Special Recreation Permit are sufficiently limited and are outweighed by the benefits of the Special Recreation Permit; that the Board, therefore, approve the Special Recreation Permit; and that the President or her designee be authorized to execute the Special Recreation Permit on behalf of the Board. Steve Short seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Sexton also reported on endeavors being undertaken in some areas of Student Affairs.
Business Affairs Committee
Steve Short reported on this committee meeting on behalf of committee chair Matt Wassam. Three items were on the agenda: the Salary Recommendation; the Operating Budgets for 2014-15 and the Five-Year Capital Construction Plan. In addition, there had been a special teleconference meeting of the Business Affairs Committee on May 14, 2014 to review the Budget Parameters. Vice President Schwartz stated that the budgets had been discussed at both of these meetings. Trustee Short indicated that all three action items were endorsed by the committee for full Board approval. The Five-Year Capital Construction for FY 2015-2016 was approved as part of the Consent Agenda.
Action Item: Approval of FY 2014-15 Salary Increase Recommendation
Steve Short moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve an average base salary increase of 3.0% for Faculty and 3.0% for Exempt Staff, exclusive of promotions and equity adjustments for Fiscal Year 2014-15.
Karen Wilde seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Action Item: FY 2014-15 Proposed Operating Budgets
Steve Short moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College approve the proposed operating budgets for the Education and General Fund, Auxiliary Facilities Income Fund, Health Center Fund, Student Life Center Fund, Club Sports Fund, Intercollegiate Athletics Fund, Other Auxiliary Funds and Student Financial Assistance. Tom Schilling seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
President Thomas called attention to the additional funding for adding women’s golf and women’s track and field sports.
Presidential Evaluation Committee
Tom Schilling reported the committee discussed preparations for the presidential evaluation taking place at the May 30th Board meeting. He stated that the committee considered a proposal from the Interim AAUP Committee for adding a faculty survey to the evaluation procedures. After discussion and review of the portion of the Board’s Policy Manual which establishes a process for faculty input, it was determined to continue to follow the established procedure.
Ad-Hoc Investment Advisory Committee
Michele Peterson reported there were no applications yet for the Investment Advisory Committee. She stated that June 30, 2014 is the current deadline for applications.
Foundation Liaison
Steve Short reported on the meeting with the Foundation and David Bass, the consultant from the Association of Governing Boards. Gene Bradley, President of the Foundation, stated that this meeting helped to see what is happening elsewhere with Foundation Boards. He indicated that the Foundation is working with President Thomas and the administration to complete the MOU and the restructuring of the Foundation and Development area. He distributed the quarterly investment report and responded to questions concerning the report.
Standing Reports
Faculty Representative Report
Professor Wendland thanked the Board for their commitment to the College and acknowledged Professor Chuck Riggs for his service as Faculty Senate President during the past two years. She expressed her belief that the institution is on the right track and the opportunity to redesign the curriculum provides opportunity for growth. Chair Wells expressed the Board’s appreciation for her dedication and hard work as Faculty Representative with a token of appreciation and a plaque stating:
Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College
In Appreciation to Amy Wendland
Faculty Representative
Chair Wells also presented Professor Chuck Riggs a token of appreciation on behalf of the Board for his service as President of the Faculty Senate for the last two years.
Student Representative Report
Alex Thompson reviewed the history of the ASFLC constitution that was written in the early 1950’s and is very outdated and unworkable. A consultant from ASGA was hired to assist in writing a new constitution and Mr. Thompson briefly described the new structure it provides for the ASFLC. In order to ratify the new document, Mr. Thompson requested endorsement from the Trustees. Michelle Merz-Hutchinson stated this normally would not come to the Board, but the endorsement by the Trustees will provide legitimacy for the new constitution. Peter Decker moved to endorse the ASFLC constitution as revised and the Board agreed. Mr. Thompson thanked the Board for giving him the opportunity to serve in this role and for listening to the students opinions. Chair Wells presented him with a token of appreciation and a plaque stating:
Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College
In Appreciation to Alex Thompson
Student Representative
Space Utilization Report
Provost Morris provided a brief explanation of the decision to engage the assistance of Rickes Associates to do an instructional space utilization analysis of its 58 general-purpose classrooms and 39 specialized formally scheduled instruction spaces. Ms. Monica Meyerhoff presented an in-depth power point presentation on their study.
Hesperus Property Update
Beth LaShell, Old Fort Coordinator, gave a summary of the Assessment Management Plan for the Old Fort at Hesperus, which includes the objective for the property and the long range goals that will guide the strategies and activities required to achieve the vision for the Old Fort. This report will go to the State Land Board next week when they meet in Durango. She responded to questions from the Trustees and indicated that several Board members have been invited to meet with the SLB when they are in Durango.
Update on Native American Tuition Waiver Bill
President Thomas gave an update on the Native American Tuition Waiver and referenced the written testimony she provided to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions hearing held on May 13, 2014. She indicated that several more sponsors have given support to the bill, but no action has been taken on the House side. Trustee Ernest House reported that Governor Hickenlooper is working with Senator Tom Harkin’s office to arrange a phone call with the Senator. Trustee House indicated that Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has indicated an interest in being a commencement speaker.
Higher Ed for Higher Standards
President Thomas stated that this document comes from Lt. Governor Joseph Garcia and is a request for postsecondary leaders to insist that elementary and secondary students be adequately prepared to pursue postsecondary education or be qualified for training in careers after high school. Lt. Gov. Garcia is seeking endorsement from all governing board in the state. Peter Decker moved for endorsement and the Board was unanimous in its endorsement.