Board of Education Synopsis – Consent Calendar
Topic: School LAND Trust Plan Amendment, 2016-2017, revised – New Bridge
This is a REVISION to the previously approved School LAND Trust plan for New Bridge School. The revision regards the specific expenditures of their additional available Land Trust funds approved by their Community Council on 3/16/17. School LAND Trust plans are viewable at
Revision Details:
As a Community Council this year, we have reviewed our School Land Trust Plan carryover funds, which are above expectation, and are requesting to use the excess to extend our library collection (which is minimal since we started a new school).
According to the estimation that we received, we feel that we could use $ 5,000.00 to purchase books. These books would increase our guided reading library and would benefit the small group instruction already taking place in the school.
This revision is for the 2016-2017 school year.
Topic: High School Course Request for 2017-2018 - Botany
Course Name:Botany
Date to Begin:Fall 2017
Length of Course:1 semester
Credit Awarded:.5 Applied Science credit
Course Description & Syllabus:
This course is an introduction to the systematics, anatomy, and physiology of the plant kingdom. The course will examine the structure and function of plant systems and biological diversity in the framework of the evolution of adaptations. This course also deals with the study of the structure and biological functions of plants; their habits; where and how they grow; their relations to one another and to their environment; and their classification including theories and laws that relate to plant life. This is a one semester course worth ½ science credits.
Unit 1: Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Unit 2: Taxonomy (organizing biological diversity)
Unit 3: Ecological Relationships (harnessing energy)
Unit 4: Adaptations to biomes
Unit 5: Adaptations to watery environments
Unit 6: Adaptations to soil types
Unit 7: Adaptations to cold; hot; dry environments
Unit 8: Adaptations to propagation
Unit 10: Biodiversity of Utah
Summative Assignment: Each student will complete a final project in which they investigate the unique adaptations of a plant organism of their choice and present to their peers
Alignment to District/State Curriculum Standards:
It is aligned with the Biology standards and objectives for the state of Utah with an emphasis on Botany.
Instructor:Brent Richardson @ OHS
Lab Fee:$10.00
Topic: High School Course Request for 2017-2018 - Zoology
High School Course Request for 2017-2018
Course Name:Zoology
Date to Begin:Fall 2017
Length of Course:1 semester
Credit Awarded:.5 Science Credit (this course will give another option for science credit required for graduation)
Course Description & Syllabus:
This course is an introduction to the systematics, anatomy, and physiology of the animal kingdom. The course will examine the structure and function of animal organ systems and biological diversity in the framework of the evolution of adaptations. This course also deals with the study of the structure and bodily functions of animals; their habits; where and how they live; their relations to one another and to their environment; and their classification including theories and laws that relate to animal life. This is a one semester course worth ½ science credits.
Unit 1: Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Unit 2: Taxonomy (organizing biological diversity)
Unit 3: Ecological Relationships
Unit 4: Adaptations for Flight
Unit 5: Adaptations for Water
Unit 6: Adaptations for Land
Unit 7: Adaptations for Cold
Unit 8: Adaptations for Hot and Dry
Unit 9: Adaptations for Reproduction
Unit 10: Biodiversity of Utah
Summative Assignment:
Each student will complete a final project in which they investigate the unique adaptations of an organism of their choice and will present their peers.
This course will be experiment and inquiry based. Students will be conducting comparative analysis, experimental investigations, research, presentations, etc…
Common formative assessments will be used to assess student progress and growth. CANVAS will provide a digital platform for student work, resources, calendar, and more.
Alignment to District/State Curriculum Standards:
Science Benchmark
Ecosystems are shaped by interactions among living organisms and their physical environment. Ecosystems change constantly, either staying in a state of dynamic balance or shifting to a new state of balance. Matter cycles in ecosystems, and energy flows from outside sources through the system. Humans are part of ecosystems and can deliberately or inadvertently alter an ecosystem.
Standard 1
Students will understand that living organisms interact with one another and their environment.
Standard 3
Students will understand the relationship between structure and function of organs and organ systems.
Standard 5
Students will understand that biological diversity is a result of evolutionary processes.
Instructor:Ryan Edel @ OHS
Lab Fee:$10.00
Topic: CTE Computer Purchase
Keeping with the practice of meeting the CTE district goal of replacing computer lab equipment very three years, the following schools are involved in the 2016-17 replacement cycle: Highland Jr. High (Business program), Mt Ogden Jr. High (Business program), Ben Lomond High School (Business and Health Sciences program), and Ogden High School (Business and Technology programs). In addition, 40 new Chromebooks and a Chromebook Cart will be purchased for the FACS department at Md. Fort Jr. High and the BLHS Health Sciences 30 laptop computers will be replaced with Chromebooks. The 3-year replacement cycle has been in place for approx. 17 years, which allows the various CTE programs to maintain “industry standard” in their program by keeping the CTE computer labs equipped with current technology, which allows the students to work on software that they will encounter in the private sector. This board request is to replace 179 CTE computers, 70 Chromebooks, 2 20-item and 1 30-item carts in the schools and programs listed above.
The replacement cycle is designed to seek approval and order the computers in the spring, computers on-site late May, available for installation during the summer, and up and running for the first day of school. With approval of the school board, the computers will be immediately ordered.
Measurement and evaluation:
All seven computer labs being replaced with this request will be installed and ready for the first day of school.
If approved, the computer equipment will be ordered from Valcom (Salt Lake City) under the existing “state contract” allowing for the best price. The total for this request is $190,552.62. CTE Federal Perkins will pay for $173,011 and CTE Add-On Fund will be used for the remaining amount of $17,541.62.
- 37 HP EliteOne 800 AIO for Business Lab at Highland = $35,100.79
- 40 HP Chromebook 14” plus carts for Family & Consumer Sciences Lab at Md Fort = $12,164.42
- 37 HP EliteOne 800 AIO for Business Lab at Mt Ogden = $35,100.79
- 35 HP EliteOne 800 AIO for Business Lab at Ben Lomond = $33,203.45
- 30 HP Chromebook 14” plus cart for Health Sciences Lab at Ben Lomond = $8,576.27
- 35 HP EliteOne 800 AIO for Business Lab at Ogden High = $33,203.45
- 35 HP EliteOne 800 AIO for Information Technology Lab at Ogden High = $33,203.45
Topic: Student Travel Request – DECA National Convention
To approve for one student to attend the DECA National Convention in Anaheim CA, April 25-30, 2017. This student has been elected as a student officer for Utah State DECA and will represent our state at this convention.
Topic: Student Travel Request – OHS JROTC National Drill Competition
To approve for 23 JROTC students to attend the National Drill Competition for JROTC, April 26-30, Torrence CA.
Topic: School Club Application
The students seeking the approval to create a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) club at MOJHS are looking to promote a safe educational environment for any person regardless of gender, lifestyle choices, race, or religion. It is the intent of this club to provide an opportunity for students to gather together and have fun. This club will only have local ties to MOJHS & OSD and will not be affiliated with any organization at either the state or national level. (see the attached club application)
MOJHS presently has two faculty volunteer advisors who will supervise weekly club meetings and activities; craft projects, watching approved movies together, etc. The club will meet in one of the classrooms on campus. Posters will be utilized to advertise the club and a signed parent permission slip will be required for students to participate.
Board of Education Synopsis – Increasing Student Achievement
Topic: Second Reading Board Policy Manual, Section 8.39 – Junior High Activities & Athletes – Ninth Grade Participation
To make the following changes to the above named board policy:
The Board of Education of the Ogden City School District’s purpose is to have policies and procedures governing participation in junior high school and senior high school athletics and activities that are equitable and in the best interests of all students. The junior high school program is designed and in place to give ample opportunities for development of skills and competition among students of the same age and comparable skill level.
The eligibility of ninth grade students for any participation at the high school level shall be governed by the following:
1. Any ninth grade student athlete must meet the eligibility and academic standards required by:
a. UtahHigh School Activities Association (UHSAA)
b. OgdenCitySchool District
c. Current junior high school
d. Resident high school (if applicable)
2. The ninth grade student athlete’s parent or guardian shall be responsible for providing transportation for the student to the high school for practices and home events, unless transportation can be arranged and provided by District personnel.
3.Ninth grade students may participate in high school activities and athletics., but only subject to the following provisions:
- In the event that the ninth-grade student’s resident junior high sponsors a ninth grade team, ninth grade students may participate in high school sponsored varsity teams only if the ninth grade student athlete is an exceptional student athlete who can significantly contribute on a varsity level team.
- Coaches desiring to have ninth-grade students attempt to qualify under this provision shall establish criteria for determining significant contribution in advance of any review or evaluation of student athletes.
- If the ninth grade student athlete is allowed to move to the varsity level under this paragraph, he/she may participate and compete only in varsity competition. Varsity level is defined by the UHSAA as the number of student athletes allowed for state competition. This means that the freshman athlete must first and foremost significantly contribute to the varsity team, but may additionally participate on the Junior Varsity team. The student athlete cannot participate or compete at the ninth grade or sophomore level in the same sport.
- In the event that a high school sponsors(Make this paragraph part of 3.)A freshman team anathlete may try out at the high school for thatany team. If the athletestudent makes the high school team he/she has then declared that high school for athletic and activities competition. Any attempt to change schools after that point will fall under the UHSAA transfer rule. If an athlete tries out and does not make the team, no declaration to a high school has been made and he/she may then try out at his/her junior high school. If an athlete does make the high school sponsored freshman team, the coaching staff has the right to play that athlete on any level throughout the season.
- In the event that the ninth-grade student’s resident junior high does not sponsor a ninth grade team, ninth-grade students may participate at their
resident high school subject to the same terms, conditions and restrictions that would apply to a student athlete at the high school.
- In the event that the ninth-grade student’s resident high school sponsors a ninth-grade team, ninth-grade students may participate at their resident high school subject to the same terms, conditions and restrictions that would apply to a student athlete at the high school.
- It is the intent of this policy to keep freshman at the junior high school unless they truly do meet the standard of exceptional athlete that can significantly contribute at the varsity level.
- Any student is selected for the varsity team may still tryout for the junior high school team. In the event a ninth grader is selected for the high school varsity team, he/she may not participate on the junior high school level in that particular sport.
8.37.1 Ninth Grade Participation in High School Activities:
(Make this paragraph part of 3.) Furthermore, in situations where the junior high school does not offer the sport or activity, or there is not a freshman only team, the ninth grader may participate at any level of competition if the sport or activity does not regularly interfere with the academic schedule. This includes golf, swimming, tennis, cross country, track, wrestling, and all other non-athletic activities that take place outside the regular academic schedule.Excluded from this would be cheer, drill, and any non-athletic activity that regularly interferes with the academic schedule.
Topic: First Reading Board Policy Manual, Section 8 – Emergency Epinephrine Response to Anaphylaxis (new)
Ogden City School District recognizes the increasing prevalence of life-threatening allergies among individuals and that the risk of accidental exposure to allergens can be addressed in the school setting.
Ogden City School District is committed to working in cooperation with parents, students, and physicians to minimize risks and to provide a safe educational environment for all students.
The focus of accommodations for students and other individuals with life-threatening allergies shall be on exposure prevention and emergency response. As per state requirements Ogden City School District shall:
1)make an emergency epinephrine auto-injector available to any teacher or other school employee who:
- is employed at the school; and
- is a qualified adult;
2)make initial and annual refresher training, regarding the storage and emergency use of an epinephrine auto-injector, available to any teacher or other school employee who volunteers to become a qualified adult.