Clinical Quality Information Work Group Mission & Charter
Created: January 14, 2013. Updated May 9, 2016
WG Approved: January 15, 2013To be determined
The mission of the Clinical Quality InformationWorkgroup is to create and maintaininformation technology standards in support of measuring and improving health, improving health care and health care quality, including clinical care, including and to fostering collaboration and alignment between stakeholders addressing clinical decision support, quality measurement, and outcomes and improvement stakeholders.
The intent of theThe Clinical Quality Information workgroup is towillwork in concert with existing committees to coordinate activities with other workgroups to establish and maintain standards that support directed queries, clinical decision support artifacts and data sharing to determine the effectiveness of health processes and achievement of outcomes. help focus quality oriented members of HL7, increase participation, and provide clear guidance on measurement and evaluation as part of standards development initiatives. The Clinical Quality Information workgroup will provide a single point of entry for clinicians and others representing the quality community to impact the output of existing committee standards.The single point of entry may lead to a project undertaken in the Clinical Quality Information Workgroup or a recommendation that the project be coordinated with other HL7 workgroups. The result of such coordination of efforts will encourage harmonized standards to manage data capture, clinical workflow and that include elements that can and will be used to evaluate the success of each interoperability effort.
Work Products and Contributions to HL7 Processes
The Clinical Quality Information workgroup will coordinate with all relevant workgroups to
1) coordinate with the Structured Documents workgroup on completing the balloting of all active quality measurement and reporting standards and implementation guides;
- 2) pProvide required domain expertise in development, maintenanceand enhancement of these standards;
- 3) become responsible for mCreate and maintaining existing HL7 standards related to health quality measurement and reporting;
- Harmonize standards with clinical decision support to enable improvement in health care processes and health outcomes. transitioned from Structured Documents; and 4) identify and develop new quality measurement and reporting standards, in collaboration with other HL7 workgroups.
The Clinical Quality Information WG will develop specifications using the principles and language of the HL7 Services Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF) Canonical Description (CD) and the restrictions and specializations of the SAIFto ensure traceability from conceptual to logical to implementable specifications.
Formal Relationships with Other HL7 Groups
The intent of the Clinical Quality Information workgroup is to work in concert with existing HL7working groups such as: Clinical Decision Support, Clinical Information Modeling Initiative, FHIR, Vocabulary, Structured Documents, Patient Safety, Patient Care, RCRIM, PHER, Pharmacy, Clinical Interoperability Council, EHR and Security.
Formal Relationships with Groups Outside of HL7
There are no formal relationships with groups outside of HL7; however, in the United States the Clinical Quality Framework initiative is a forum for implementers to pilot existing and new quality-related standards. the Clinical Quality Information workgroup will seek participation from organizations, such as Quality Measure Developing and Endorsement Organizations, Health Care Accrediting Organizations, Health Care Delivery and Management Organizations, Patient Safety Organizations, Quality Improvement Organizations, professional societies and government agencies, in a manner consistent with HL7 policies.
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