Monday, November 21, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President, Terry Hutchinson. Present: Terry Hutchinson, Frank Fox, Denise McBride, Bob Pasch, Rod Cole, Kari Rojas, and Jane Finnerty.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Motion by Bob Pasch seconded by Denise McBride to approve the agenda with no additions or deletions. Motion carried 7/0.

Recognition of Guests: Karen Rau, Kelly Schafer, Sara Millerov and Phil Millerov.

Karen Rau spoke to the Board about Dual Enrollment.

Motion by Frank Fox, seconded by Jane Finnerty to approve the regular meeting minutes of October 17, 2011 and the Special Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2011. Motion carried 7/0.

Mr. Chilman passed around a thank you letter from Tom Lavoie’s family. Bill handed out an article on education that Terry Hutchinson had shared. Bill also handed out a registration form for a conference that he thought some board members might be interested in attending. Bill spoke about the School Equity Caucus Newsletters that he forwards to the board throughout the month.

Mr. Chilman reported for the Building, Maintenance & Transportation Committee. They discussed the bidding out of custodial and transportation services. The bids have been sent to companies that were listed on the MSBO website. There will be walkthroughs on November 28th and 29th. They discussed Special Ed. Transportation and the Forestation Project.

Denise McBride reported for the Technology Committee. They discussed advertising on the website and looked at a sample of a new front page for our website. Tribal grants have been written for the Smart Board Project and Wireless Internet for the building. They also discussed a Powerschool Upgrade that is necessary for the new software.

Kari Rojas reported for the District School Improvement Committee. They were given a School Budget update. They discussed the Graduate Survey and they are working with Heidi Aldrich from the RESD to develop a survey with Survey Monkey. Both School Improvement Teams are working on a unified Disciplinary Plan. They discussed AP, Early College Direct Credit and Dual Enrollment Class opportunities. They reviewed the Teacher Evaluation presentation that will be presented to the Board next month. Each principal reported that Parent Teacher Conferences went real well and were well attended. Jason Wolf reported that he would like to see Accelerated Reader grades on report cards and he also reported on the Veterans Day Assembly. Jeff Jackson gave an update on the Secondary School Improvement Team’s work. He reported that there are teachers throughout the building that are Powerschool Point People who are available for questions from other staff members when Joe is not available. There has been a concern that there is not enough passing time between classes, but after investigating, there doesn’t seem to be a problem with tardiness, so no changes will be made at this time.

Jerry Ward reported that they had Parents Night on November 10th and they doubled their attendance from last year. There have been some scheduling conflicts with the use of the hall and Jerry has had to cancel classes for a couple of days. Enrollment is down a little bit from last year but attendance is up. All is going well with Carrie House.

Jason Wolf reported that the elementary had 97% attendance at Parent Teacher Conferences. The teachers are calling the parents that did not show to discuss their children and their work. The Veterans Day Assembly went very well and next year they hope to have some of the Veterans visit the elementary classrooms after the assembly. The Elementary Staff discussed the Raising of Expectations at their recent staff meeting.

Jeff Jackson reported that they are getting ready to give the Plan and Explore tests to the 9th & 10th graders. The secondary had 71% attendance at their Parent Teacher Conferences. Steve Pritchard, Sara Millerov, Carrie House and Jeff attended an ACT Prep conference last week. This will help them prepare for administering the ACT next spring.

Joe Judge had nothing to report.

Bill Chilman had nothing to report. He thanked the Administration Team for all their hard work.

Terry Hutchinson read the financial report

Motion by Frank Fox, seconded by Rod Cole to approve the General Fund payments of $290,514.46, Hot Lunch payments of $17,557.89, Athletic Fund payments of $5,048.99, Debt Retirement 2002 payments of $30,350.00, and Debt Retirement 2004 payments of $55,343.75. Motion carried 7/0.

The website advertising project has been tabled until December to look into it a little more and to make sure that the information is user friendly.

The Beal City Area Foundation’s spring music fundraiser “Rock the Foundation” is scheduled for March 3rd from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Bill reminded the Board of the Board Goals/Workshops scheduled for January and February.

Motion by Frank Fox, seconded by Denise McBride to approve the following coaching recommendations as presented: Jeff Klapp – Voluntary Girls Varsity Basketball, Brittany Miller – Voluntary Cheerleading, Kaley Hall – Voluntary Cheerleading, Randy Gallagher – Voluntary Boys Varsity Basketball, Andrew Schafer – Voluntary JV Boys Basketball, Kyle Dishaw – Voluntary 8th Grade Boys Basketball.

Motion by Rod Cole, seconded by Denise McBride to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Roll call vote. Motion carried 7/0.

Recording Secretary

Carrie Bleise


Terry Hutchinson, President


Denise McBride, Secretary