
Board of Education Board of Education Budget Sub-Committee


Thursday, March 14, 2013

1:00 PM in Room 310 of the Capitol

Those present:

Brian Anderson, Gayle Weinstein, Matt Knickerbocker, Don Stein, Gary Buzzel, Jim Vigue, Rep. Alexander, Rep. Carpino, Rep. Cook, Rep. P. Davis, Rep. Maroney, Rep. Morris, Rep. Srinivasan

Those absent:

Paul Formica, Leo Canty, Lon Seidman, Christopher Wilson, Patrice McCarthy, Tom Frattaroli, Rep. Ayala, Rep. D’Agostino, Rep. Fleischman, Rep. Johnson, Rep. Lopes, Rep. McGee, Rep. Ryan

The meeting was called to order by M.O.R.E. Vice-Chair Mae Flexer at 1:06 p.m., assuming the chairperson function due to the unavailability of subcommittee chair Kevin Ryan.

Members present introduced themselves to the subcommittee.

M.O.R.E. Commission clerk Jessie Hubbard articulated the following issues:

- There will likely be one or two work sessions per week for the next five weeks.

- Each work session will likely be between two and three hours.

- The Commission's website was introduced as a resource that will receive regular updates in the interest of public and bipartisan transparency with the M.O.R.E. Commission process. The website can be found at the following URL address: http://www.housedems.ct.gov/MORE

A tentative date for the next meeting will be Monday, March 18 at 1:00 p.m., however this is subject to change. Members will be updated on a finalized date on Friday, March 15.

Update: the next meeting is Tuesday, March 19 at 10:00a.m.

There was discussion between members regarding the parameters around which the subcommittee schedules its meetings.

An audience member inquired into the purpose of the subcommittee. Commission Vice-Chair Flexer responded that Speaker Sharkey wishes for regionalization and municipal efficiency to be hallmarks of his leadership term.

The meeting adjourned at 1:19 p.m.