Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Call to Order:Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by the Board President, Dick Igel, at the Governor’s Ranch clubhouse. Board members present: Dale Burnham, Don Fansler, Kathleen Jameson, and Judy Yaw. Also present, Sharon Leiter, Bookkeeper.
Open Forum: No homeowners present.
Minutes: Board reviewed minutes of October 27, 2015, Regular Board Meeting. Minutes were approved as written.
Financial Reports:
- The October 2015 financial statements were reviewed by the Board. Motion made by Don Fansler, seconded by Dale Burnham, to approve the financial statements as presented; motion carried.
- Bookkeeper reported that cost of repairs to the security gate in 2012 was reported as $1,176.60. After a refund for a returned circuit board was received in Jan. 2013, the actual cost of the repair totaled $726.74.
- Motion was made by Kathleen Jameson, seconded by Judy Yaw, to adopt the Resolution for Revenue Ruling 70-604 regarding excess income; motion carried. The Resolution is attached to these minutes.
Committee Reports:
Social: Judy Yaw
- Tree lighting will be on Thursday, Dec. 3.
- Holiday party will be held on Dec. 9. It will be catered by Sherri’s Kitchen. Motion made by Judy Yaw, seconded by Kathleen Jameson, to approve $300 more for the Social Committee budget for 2015; motion carried, 4/1.
Design Review: Dick Igel
- Design Review Requests have been approved for new driveways and drain pans.
Hospitality/Beautification: Kathleen Jameson
- Karen Hanson will put out the holiday decorations after the 1st of Dec.
Capital Improvements: Dale Burnham
- No report.
Gate: Don Fansler
- Gate working fine.
Governor’s Ranch: Don Fansler
- Don Fansler gave a brief report on the agenda of the upcoming Gov. Ranch board meeting.
Unfinished Business:
- Tree Lighting: lights will be installed by JSC Fence, Inc. on November 20.
- Budget for 2016: work continued on the budget. Motion made by Judy Yaw, seconded by Don Fansler, to increase the 2016 annual assessment to $270; motion carried. Budget will be finalized in December after the insurance policy cost can be quoted.
New Business:
- Social Committee budget request: See Social Committee report above.
- Motion made by Kathleen Jameson, seconded by Dale Burnham, to cancel the December board meeting; motion carried.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made by Don Fansler, seconded by Dale Burnham; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.