The purpose of this document is to detail the responsibilities of the Board of Directors of the GBTA North Central Chapter. This document will be updated as changes to the organization occur and modifications are required.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The GBTA North Central Board of Directors is made up of the following positions:

·  President The President shall be the chief executive officer and shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Chapter consistent with policies established by the Board of Directors. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members, and at all meetings of the Board of Directors; shall be the principal spokesperson for the Chapter; shall appoint the chairpersons of, and serve ex officio on, all committees, and in general shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. The President shall have previously served on the Board of Directors.

·  Direct Vice President shall assist the President and President Elect in performing the duties of those offices and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the President.

·  Allied Vice President The Allied Vice President shall assist the President and Direct Vice President in performing the duties of those offices and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the President.

·  Treasurer The Treasurer shall keep correct and complete records of account, showing accurately at all times the Chapter's financial condition. The Treasurer shall be legal custodian of all monies, notes, securities, and other valuables, which may from time to time come into his/her hands in some reliable bank or other depository approved by the Board of Directors.

·  Secretary The Secretary shall give notice and attend meetings of the Board Of Directors and shall keep all non-financial records of the Chapter; and shall perform all other duties assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. For instances in which the Secretary cannot attend the Board of Directors meeting, the President shall appoint a suitable replacement at his/her discretion.

·  Direct Representative (3 positions)

·  Allied Representative (3 positions)

The Board of Directors also includes one of the following: President Elect, or Chairman.

·  Chairperson. The Chairperson is the Immediate Past President and shall serve in an advisory capacity in order to ensure continuity and to provide such assistance as may be required by the President.

·  President Elect shall consult with the President and Board Members in a voting roll and can fill in for the President when necessary. The President Elect shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President, and shall take an active part in the general affairs of the Chapter. This position will allow the President Elect to observe the President in the fulfillment of his/her duties so that the President Elect will be prepared to continue a smooth and seamless transition to the Presidency in the following year.

Board of Directors Responsibilities:

  1. Attend the annual Board of Directors retreat (a two-day, long-range planning session generally held in June or July - exact dates and location are announced as early as possible to ensure full attendance.)
  2. Attend monthly Board of Directors meetings. Board meetings are scheduled from 9am to 11am the second Thursday of the month prior to the monthly chapter program meeting. Monthly meetings occur in the months of January, February, March, April, September, October and November. If a monthly program meeting is scheduled in the morning, the Board of Directors will meet the week prior to the meeting. Generally, a December Board of Directors meeting is scheduled separately due to the absence of a monthly program meeting in December. There are no monthly program meetings in May (due to Education Summit) and December (due to Scholarship Fundraiser / Holiday Gala.) In addition, the chapter does not conduct monthly meetings during the summer months of June, July and August. If a Board of Directors meeting is necessary during any of these months, it will be scheduled separately.
  3. Notify the President and Secretary in the event that you are unable to attend a Board of Directors meeting. Board Members are required to provide advanced notice of his/her expected absence. In addition, the absent board member is required to provide any updates for his/her areas of responsibility to the President and Secretary for inclusion in the Board Meeting discussion and the meeting minutes.
  4. Actively participate in discussions at the Board of Directors meetings, offering recommendations for ways to improve the organization and bring value to the membership.
  5. Act as Board Liaison to at least one GBTA North Central Chapter Committee (responsibilities detailed below.)
  6. Follow up on all action items discussed at Board meetings in a timely fashion.
  7. Be an ambassador and advocate of GBTA North Central Chapter when interacting with members and guests at Chapter events and/or responding to questions about the organization. Board members are responsible to relay any concerns/constructive feedback brought to their attention at the next board meeting.
  8. Represent GBTA North Central Chapter in a professional manner at all times.
  9. Ensure that any information representing your areas of responsibility are updated efficiently and accurately on the GBTA North Central Chapter website. Updates and modifications are to be sent to the Technology Committee as necessary. The Technology Committee will accept changes to the website from members of the Board of Directors only.
  10. Solicit prospective members.
  11. Notify the Treasurer of any financial transactions anticipated and/or executed within your areas of responsibility.
  12. Review monthly financial statements for accuracy and coordinate changes with the treasurer in a timely manner.
  13. Write, review and/or approve all newsletter communications pertaining to your areas of responsibility prior to submission. The Newsletter Committee will accept submissions for the newsletter from members of the Board of Directors only.
  14. Ensure activities of the Committees under your areas of responsibility are delivered within established budgets except where cost overruns have approved by the BOD.
  15. Review all expenditures proposed by the Committees under your area(s) of responsibility are reasonable and necessary.
  16. Monitor plans of each Committee under your area(s) of responsibility to ensure they are meeting the goals of the Chapter.

Board Liaison Responsibilities: Each board member will oversee a minimum of 1 committee. The duties are defined below.

  1. Recruit or confirm committee chair person(s) and/or co-chairperson(s) before the annual Board of Directors Retreat (generally held each June/July.)
  2. Communicate all committee goals and objectives to each Chairperson, Co-Chairperson and/or Committee Member.
  3. The role of communication link between the Board of Directors and the committee(s) under your areas of responsibility.
  4. Communicate a thorough understanding of the budget to each Chairperson, Co-Chairperson and/or Committee Member.
  5. Initiate a discussion with each Chairperson/Co-Chairperson prior to each Board of Directors Meeting to obtain an update on activities occurring within your areas of responsibility.
  6. Provide an update at each Board of Directors meeting which overviews the activities initiated by each Committee within your areas of responsibility, including anticipated expenditures and any variances to budget.
  7. Attend committee meetings and act as consultant to the committee.
  8. Maintain overall responsibility for the committee, ensuring that the Board of Director’s goals for the chapter are achieved.
  9. Submit contracts negotiated by your committees to the President (& President-Elect or Chairperson as applicable) for signature.
  10. Approve committee expense reports and submit to Treasurer for processing.
  11. Respond to Treasurer with additional information requests in an expeditious manner.
  12. Ensure that Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for all areas under your responsibility are updated annually and submitted to the Technology Committee for posting to the chapter website.

Committee Chairperson Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of the board member to communicate the following responsibilities to their chairperson(s).

1.  Ownership for the success of your committee.

2.  The role of communication link between the Board Liaison and the Committee members.

3.  Recruit committee members.

4.  Initiate and lead committee meetings, ensure accurate meeting minutes and update Board Liaison on committee activities.

5.  Write newsletter updates/articles and submit to the Board Liaison for review and approval.

6.  Review the website monthly and submit updates and modifications to the Board Liaison.

7.  Request expense approval from the Board Liaison prior to incurring any costs. [Committee members do not have the authority to commit to expenses without the approval of the Board Liaison.]

8.  Update the detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for your committee annually and submit to the Board Liaison for review, approval and posting to the chapter website. [SOP’s should include targeted due dates for each activity, names of committee members responsible for each task, etc.]

10 Core Pillars

There are 10 Core Pillars of the GBTA North Central Chapter. These Core Pillars are supported by various Committees within which a great deal of activity occurs to ensure that we adequately serve our members. The 10 core pillars are as follows:











The following pages will detail each of the 10 Core Pillars as well as the Committees that provide support, including a list of responsibilities for each one. Each Core Pillar is assigned to a member of the Board of Directors who will act as Board Liaison. The Board Liaison will select a Chairperson for each Committee. The Chairperson is responsible for selecting Committee Team Members.


The Chairperson for Chapter Governance is the President of GBTA North Central Chapter. The committees that roll-up to Chapter Governance are responsible for ensuring consistent management, cohesive policies and processes, and that all decisions made by the Chapter are within scope and authority of the board as defined by oversight authorities (including but not limited to Federal, State and local laws, IRS regulations, GBTA and the association’s by-laws.) These requirements are accomplished through the following Committees:

·  Bylaws


·  Elections

·  Leadership Summit

·  Board Planning

·  Legal Regulatory

·  President Awards

·  Scholarships


By-Laws: This committee periodically reviews the current by-laws, makes recommended changes to the Board of Directors, coordinates legal review with GBTA, notifies membership of recommended changes and oversees any required membership voting activities.

GBTA: The purpose of this committee is to act as the liaison between the local chapter and GBTA.

Elections: This committee conducts the annual Board of Directors election process which includes soliciting nominations, collecting candidate bios and conducting the election.

Leadership Summit: This committee coordinates activities and budgeting for the board members to attend GBTA’s Annual Leadership Summit.

Board Planning: This committee coordinates the activities, budgets, site selection and agenda for the annual Board of Director’s Retreat.

Legal Regulatory: This committee is called upon as needed to respond to changes in laws or regulations.

President Awards: This committee collects nominations and selects members to be recognized by the President.

Scholarships: This committee manages the annual scholarship application, selection and notification process including working with the Board of Directors to determine the number and amount of scholarships to be awarded.


The Chapter Development Core Pillar is comprised of several committees that collectively have responsibility for developing and executing strategies which ensure the growth of the chapter (number of members and geographical expansion.) This is accomplished through the following Committees:

·  Membership

·  Chapter Expansion

·  Marketing

·  Volunteer Development

·  Mentoring Program

Government Relations and the coordination of Political Action Committee (PAC) activities with GBTA also falls under the Chapter Development Core Pillar via the Government Affairs/PAC task force which is generally chaired by the Chairperson or President Elect.


Membership: The primary mission of this committee is to increase the number of new members with a primary focus on Direct Membership. Members of this Committee conduct membership drives, coordinate and run any membership referral contests and review/approve new member applications. The committee works with GBTA North Central Chapter’s administrator to maintain current and prospective member lists, maintain the online membership directory and update membership materials. This committee also provides a committee member to work at the registration table for each monthly meeting to greet members, guests and prospective members and also answer questions about the organization.

Volunteer Development: The goal of the Volunteer Development Committee is to encourage members of GBTA North Central Chapter to become active in our organization. The Committee provides direction to members who are interested in volunteering and want to be more involved in the organization. The Board Liaison who oversees Volunteer Development will notify the Board of Directors of new volunteers in an effort to understand which committees need additional volunteers.

Chapter Expansion: Members of the Chapter Expansion Committee conduct membership drives, increase chapter awareness and increase direct membership in outlying markets. The Committee focuses on markets including Rochester, Duluth, Fargo/Moorhead and St. Cloud. The Chairperson of the Membership Committee also works with the Hospitality Committee to greet and welcome both guests and new members at each monthly meeting.

Marketing: New Committee. Mission to be determined

Mentoring Program: The Mentoring Program Committee is responsible for ensuring that all new members to the organization feel welcome and are introduced to as many members as possible, including the chapter president. The committee members are present at the registration table at monthly meetings to greet new and continuing members, guests and prospective members. In addition, they answer questions about the GBTA North Central Chapter. It is important to reach out to each new member in order for them to realize the full potential of our organization, new member involvement, committee participation and upcoming events.

Government Affairs /PAC: GBTA North Central Chapter’s Government Relations Program brings the collective voice of business travel to Washington.

One of the primary benefits of chapter membership is an effective Government Relations program. In addition to lobbying on members’ behalf, GBTA & GBTA North Central Chapter gives members opportunities to get involved in issues that affect business travel through the Legislative Action Center, events in Washington, and National Business Travel Association (NBTA) PAC.