Arleta High School
Vocabulary Study Chart English 11 - #2
/ Synonym/Antonym/Explanation / Example/Image/Showing SentenceAffable (adj)
Affability (n)
Affably (adv) / friendly and easy to talk to
Syn: sociable; pleasant; polite
Ant: unfriendly; rude; unkind / It might be difficult to be affable when ______.
Carlos is a bright, affable fellow, but every little success he has feels weak in comparison with his friend’s accomplishments.
Innovate (v)
Innovation (n)
Innovator (n-person) / to think of and begin to use new ideas, methods, or inventions
Syn: launch; invent; establish
Ant: ignore; destroy; neglect / ______will have to innovate in the future by ______if they want to be competitive.
Last year, LAUSD innovated a new attendance system which has made the news for its lack of efficiency.
Disparity (n)
Disparate (adj) / a difference between things, especially an unfair difference
Syn: imbalance; inequality; difference
Ant: agreement; harmony; equality / The disparity between the poor and the rich is evidenced by ______.
They found that having children can explain much of the income disparity.
Austere (adj)
Austerity (n) / very strict and serious; very plain and simple; without a lot of comfort or enjoyment
Syn: harsh; strict; rigid
Ant: flexible; calm; encouraging / An austere house would not have a lot of ______.
In the past, principals were very good about working within an austere annual budget.
Complacent (adj)
Complacency (n) / pleased with what you have achieved so that you stop trying to improve or change things
Syn: confident; satisfied; happy
Ant: unsure; discontent; unhappy / A winning team shouldn’t become complacent because ______.
Give people too little to pay attention to and they'll become complacent.