Poodle Club of Massachusetts
Board of Directors
Meeting Date: Saturday, September 6, 2008
Location: Mary Lebet’s House, Ipswich, MA
Attendees: 9
Board Members
Mary Lebet, President / Eve BaltzellHelen Sokopp, Vice President / Cynthia Brown - absent
Jean Chintalan, Treasurer - absent / Andy Kress
Susan Giordano, Corres Secretary - absent / Judy Schwerdt
Deb Parisi, Recording Secretary / David Simler
Pauline Simmons
Other attendees:
John SeeleyMinutes:
10:30 Called to order
Scheduled Agenda
Recording Secretary
(DP )
Minutes of previous meeting (6/21/08)
Corresponding Secretary
(ML reports / SG is absent)
Membership Roster will be re-published
Treasurer’s Report
(ML reports / JC is absent)
PCM Bank balance: $3265.89
Paid since last meeting: MBF Ribbons $283.00
P’town Florist (DeVilla) 58.95
Deb Parisi (website host fee – 2 yr) 191.04
M.Lebet (election notices) 42.79
Jamie Trust
Current available cash 4106.21
CD maturing 10/10/08 5000.00
CD maturing 09/20/08 5000.00
Rescue Fund current balance 43123.16
Sent $1000.00 to Bangor Humane Society as voted by BOD in June
June PCM Show nets a loss of $345.45 after adjusting for ribbons
Report filed for audit.
ML: Constitution requires that books be audited periodically; will ask Susan Cornwall
Committee Reports
Dec 2008 Show
Ladies 12/5 is our Specialty; Supported entries at Eastern
Trophies: wine charms
We’ll do ad in catalog - $35
(to include our June ’09 weekend, w/judges; and if we know the dates by then, the ’09 WC/WCX event)
May 29, 2009 Specialty
Michael Dachel has accepted
Joan Scott has accepted for 2010
(we have signed letters of agreement)
Testing Policy Committee
(John Seeley; Helen Sokopp; Pauline Simmons)
Document presented and accepted for discussion
Motion to present an amended * version of this recommendation to the membership at the October general meeting
If membership votes to approve these testing requirements
Code of Ethics will be revised (change point 7 to include this detail)
(Code of Ethics must be signed by each member and returned with dues at end-of-year. The club will always have a current COE signed by each member) [ POLICY ]
* amendments for the recommendation:
Title to be Proposed Testing Requirements by Variety for PCM Members
(instead of Proposed Testing Requirements by Variety to List Litter on PCM Website)
Include both parents
Require test prior to breeding: Change all reference of ‘within one year of breeding’ to ‘within twelve months prior to breeding’ and any reference like ‘within 12 months of breeding’ to ‘within 12 months prior to breeding’
(paragraphs A.2; B.2; B.4; C.2; C.3; C.4)
Expect normal/acceptable test result:
A1: “…Via Optigen Both parents must be Normal/Clear or clear by parentage (one generation-clear parents) or if the dog/bitch is a Carrier, it must only be bred to a DNA Normal/Clear.” (dp note: is this the same as saying “at least one parent must be Normal/Clear or clear-by-parentage…”?)
A3: “Normal or Grade1 written evaluation of stifles (knees) for luxating patellas by a licensed vet. (Per OFFA website, a breed database…)” (dp note: Pauline is going to check the quote here since it says normal, but she also finds numbers for other than normal)
C1: “Clear of Hip Dysplasia as evaluated by OFA at 2 years of age or older…”
JS: move to accept the document as amended
ML will send the revised document to the membership with the invitation to the general meeting
Code of Ethics
[dp note: my notes say that the Code of Ethics will be revised by the time of the general meeting. But in other places, my notes say the testing requirements document will be presented to membership and would need acceptance before changing the Code of Ethics. I’m not sure of the sequence.]
Policy & Procedures
Postpone discussion
Kay Barry Bequest
$1000 ck was sent to Bangor (see Treasurer’s report)
DP: Have we received any report from recipients as to how they used the money. (They were supposed to report back before receiving another payment). I think we heard from Daryl – Poodle Rescue CT, but not PRNE. ML will inquire.
Unfinished Business
Survey on Awards Brunch
Questions 11 and 12 are not necessary
Add Price to question 13
Survey’s o.k. if DeVilla wants to handle it.
(btw – Judy’s unavailable on 1/31/2010… just an fyi J
Health Clinic
(Jim Risser, possibly Lynn Travers)
Postpone until the spring; possibly in conjunction with a show
Member’s Match
Date: 10/5/2008; location: Mary Lebet’s
ML will ask Jane Small if she’ll do CGC again
Members match will include a “poodle-a-thon” as in
Match – with puppy classes (divided)
AND an Open class
(dp note: how ‘bout “Very Open” … Open entries will be judged on conformation to the standard with the exception of trim (all trims allowed and spay/neutered entries allowed)
(can enter any/all events)
Jack Combs and Mia DiBenedetto were unanimously voted to full membership
Susan Cornwall was unanimously voted to full membership (effective 9/30/08)
(letters from DeVilla Williams and Deb Parisi)
New Items
Suggests third Sat in August ‘09
One day, no training day, Trial only; Include date in ad for Ladies’ Dec Show
Rescue Contact on our PCA Listing
Adding Poodle Rescue CT (Daryl Masone)
If they allow only one, choose Poodle Rescue CT
If the list two, list Poodle Rescue CT first
Andy needs to order more medallions (used at shows for BOV, and on the annual award plaques). Seem to be $700 for maybe 25. He’ll check that and also check the price for qty of 50.
Date for next board meeting:
Saturday, November 8, 2008
1:10 pm – Adjourned