UNIT 1: Marriage and Family
50 Years Ago
- Only had sex in marriage
- Married in a church.
- Babies to un-married mothers generally taboo
- Divorce and re-marriage rare
- Divorce looked down on
- Children brought up by married mother and father.
- Homosexuality was illegal.
- Many believe that homosexuality is against nature.
- Many cohabit before they marry
- Cohabitation is acceptable
- Most marriages not in church
- Fewer people influenced by religion
- Contraception
- Divorce and re-marriage accepted
- 2 in 5 marriages end in divorce
- Cheaper and easier divorce
- Equality for women
- Children mostly brought up by mother and father, but not necessarily married.
- Re-constituted families becoming more common.
- Society more supportive of single parent
- Homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals.
- Laws have been changed.
- Many people think that homosexuality is natural.
- 1967 Homosexuality became legal.
Christianity and Sex
•All Christians believe adultery is wrong as it breaks one of the ten commandments.
•Most Christians believe that sex before marriage is wrong because the Church and the bible teach this.
•Children born outside marriage have a less stable family life.
•Some Christians think co-habitation is ok if the couple love each other and it is a long term stable relationship.
Islam and Sex
•Muslims believe that sex before marriage and adultery are wrong because the Qur’an teaches this.
•Prophet Muhammad was married so all Muslims should be married to have sex.
•Marriage brings Allah’s blessing.
•After puberty boys and girls are kept separate
•The main purpose of sex is to have children.
Christian Attitudes
- Catholics do not allow religious divorce and re-marriage because they believe the marriage vows cannot be broken.
- Other Christians disapprove of divorce, but allow religious divorce and re-marriage if the marriage has broken down, because Christianity teaches forgiveness.
Muslim Attitudes
- Most Muslims allow divorce because it is permitted by the Qur’an.
- Some Muslims do not allow divorce because Muhammad said God disapproves of it.
•It is taught in the Bible
•Christian marriage services refer to bringing up a family as one of the main purposes of marriage.
•Christians believe that the family was created by God.
•Without the family , children would not learn the difference between right and wrong.
•Family life is important in Islam because the Qur’an says that the family ids the basis of society and Muslims should follow the example of Muhammad who raised a family.
•Without the family, children would not learn the difference between right and wrong.
•Family brings children into the faith.
•The Catholic Church teaches that using artificial methods of contraception to stop a baby being conceived is wrong. God gave sex in order to create children.
•Other Christians allow the use of contraception because they believe God gave sex to strengthen a married relationship.
- Some Muslims are against the use of contraceptives because they believe God created sex for procreation.
- Other Muslims agree with contraception because the Prophet and law schools do.
•Catholics - Believe there is nothing wrong with homosexuality feelings as long as there is no sexual activity, because this is the teaching of the Church
•Evangelical Protestants - Believe homosexuality is sinful because it is condemned in the Bible.
•Liberal Protestants - believe that homosexuality is acceptable because it is natural, and Christians should love and accept everyone.
•Most Muslims believe that homosexuality is wrong because it is condemned in the Qur’an and Shari’ah.
•A few Muslims believe that homosexuality should be accepted because it was created by God and Islam is a religion of tolerance.