(Attachment #2.b. 10-13-07)

Board of Directors Meeting – SD Swimming Inc.

6:00 p.m. – Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cubby’s Restaurant - Brookings, SD

General Chair, Scot Graff called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

1. Roll Call: Secretary, Norm Bouwens called the roll. A quorum of 11 Board Members was present as follows:

Gen. Chair, Scot GraffAdmin. Vice-Chair, Todd Knutson

Age Group Vice-Chair, Lindsie MickoSenior Vice-Chair, Keli Books

Finance Vice-Chair, Dave HonnerSecretary, Norm Bouwens

Treasurer, Sara HoggTech. Planning Chair, Michael LaBelle

Coaches Rep., Wendy AhrendsenAthlete Rep., Dalonda Dalin

Safety Coordinator, Deb Finnesand

Board of Review member, Todd Campbell was also present.

2. Agenda: The attached agenda was approved with the addition of item #5.d. RE: adding a link to the Swimroom website on the SDSI website.

3. Finance Committee Report: (See attached July 26, 2007 report).- Dave Honner

a. Dave presented the Balance Sheet and Statement of Income & Expenses

b. Our fiscal year ends Aug. 31. Members were asked to submit requests for funding to

be considered in preparing the 2008 Budget. The Budget will be presented at the Fall

HOD Meeting.

c. Moved (Finnesand), seconded (LaBelle) to: “Accept and file the Budget/Balance sheet.”


Executive Session: Dave Honner Moved to go into Executive Session. Dalonda Dalin recused herserlf from the meeting. Todd Campbell was asked to temporarily leave the meeting, The Board went into Executive Session at 6:18 p.m.

Moved (Knutson), Seconded (LaBelle) to: return to Regular Session at 6:50 p.m. Approved.

Todd Campbell and Dlonda Dalin returned to the meeting.

Moved (LaBelle), Seconded, to “Refer the personnel matter discussed to the Board of Review with the latitude to secure legal counsel.” Approved.

4. Changes in State Meets:

a. Four LSC Members and Chairs sent a response in reply to the BOD’s request

(of 05-05-07) for input and suggestions on “how we can improve SD Championship

and Novice Meets.”

b. Suggestions in their attached “State Meet Critera” were discussed.

c. Moved, Seconded , to: “Form an Ad. Hoc. Committee to study State Championship

Long Course and Short Course Meets.” Approved.

d. Chairman Graff asked Vice-Chair Todd Knutson to Chair and form the committee and to

report any recommendations at the Spring 2008 HOD Meeting.

5. New Business:

a. Coaches Representative, Wendy Ahrendsen’s 1st 2-year Term expires at this 2007 Long Course Championship Meet. Bylaws requirements and election procedures were

discussed. Wendy will arrange to hold an election for this position on Sunday of the

Meet, July 29.

b. The Fall LSC House of Delegates Meeting will be on Saturday, October 13th at Cedar

Shore Resort in Chamberlain.

c. The USA Swimming Convention will be in CA in late September. Gen. Chair, Scot Graff

will go to represent SD LSC. He requested approval for our Board of Review Chair,

(Dave Mortimer), and one other SD representative to attend.

Moved (LaBelle), Seconded (Knutson) to: “Allow expenditure for up to 3 SD LSC

representatives to attend the Convention.” Approved

d. The criteria for posting items on the SD Swimming website was discussed.

The attached memo about Swimroom was distributed.

Swimroom ( is a site with podcasts, blogs and video clips

of Olympic Team and other elite swimmers.

Moved (Books), Secondedd (Finnesand) to: “Authorize our webmaster to create a link

to Swimroom on the SD website. Approved.

6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:”28 p.m.

Norm Bouwens, Secretary

SD Swimming Inc.

(Attachment #3)

Agenda – October 13, 2007

SD LSC House of Delegates Fall Meeting – 12:30 p.m.

Cedar Shore Resort – Chamberlain, SD

Call to Order: General Chair, Scot Graff

1. Roll Call and Seating of Delegates: Secretary, Norm Bouwens

(Each Club is entitled to 1 voting Delegate who is a USA Swimming member.

Board Members may not also vote as a Club Representative).

2. Reading, Correction and Adoption of Previous Minutes:

a. Spring HOD Meeting – May 6, 2007 (Attachment #2.a.)

b. Board of Directors Meeting – July 28, 2007 (Attachment #2.b.)

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Reports of Officers:

a. General Chair Report – Scot Graff

(1) USA Swimming Convention – Sept. 2007

(2) At Large Members of the HOD

b. Administrative Division: Vice-Chair – Todd Knutson (Attachment #4.b.)

(1) Bylaws update approved by HOD 5-6-07 to comply with Crime

Insurance carrier requirements

(2) Bylaws updates approved by USA Swimming HOD, Sept. 2006

(a) Replace all references to “Chairman” with Chair, and

“USA Swimming Code” with USA Swimming Rules Regulations

Delete reference to “OVC or other” reportable time


(3) Update Policies & Procedures Manual Exhibits:

(a) To replace mistaken references to section numbers,

references to past years, and/or the names & addresses of

former LSC Officers or Coordinators with those that

are current in EXHIBITS 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. Directions for

Electronic Registration will also be revised for clarity in


c. Senior Division: Vice-Chair – Keli Books

d. Age Group Division: Vice-Chair – Lindsie Micko

(1) All Star Meet information

(2) Proposed All Star Meets Policy

Rationale: SD Policies & Procedures Manual has no guidelines

for the All Star Meet that Team SD has attended for many years.



11.1 The All-Star Meet is typically held the 2nd or 3rd week in January in

Lawrence, KS for swimmers up to 14 years of age.

11.2 Coach Selection:

(1) Interested coaches must turn in an application to the Coaches’

Representative by the Summer Long Course Championship Meet.

(2) Coaches’ Representative shall select a Head Coach and 2 Assistant Coaches

to represent Team SD.

11.3 Swimmer Selection:

(1) SDSI will follow all rules set forth in the sanction and invitation sent by

the All-Star host. South Dakota will select 5 swimmers per event to best

represent swimming in this LSC.

(2) Interested swimmers MUST apply by the due date on the application form in

order to be considered.

11.4Swimmer Fees:

(1) Each swimmer will pay a $50 fee to SDSI to help cover costs of entry fees, suits,

t-shirts, swim caps, and Coaches’ hotel and travel costs.

11.5Coach Reimbursement:

(1) Each coach will receive $50 per session worked, including the Friday night


(2) Each coach will receive reimbursement for reasonable food and hotel

expenses, and mileage at the current rate.

e. Finance Division: Vice-Chair – Dave Honner (Handout)

f. Treasurer’s Report – Sara Hogg (Handout)

g. Secretary – Norm Bouwens (Attachment #4. g.)

(1) Updated Team Contacts list (Coaches & Club officers) will be posted on the SDSI website. Use the Club Information Form (from the “Forms” tab on the website) to send changes.

(2) Updated HOD Team Reps. list will be posted at the bottom of the

“Contact Us” and “Teams” pages on the SDSI website. Use the

new LSC Delegate Appointment Form to send changes when needed.

(3) Please update your own address book or use the website links


h. Coaches Division: Chair - Wendy Ahrendsen

i. Athletes Division: Representatives - Dalonda Dalin, Morgan McClain

j. Seasonal Members Representative – Angie Uttecht

(1) Addition of Sample Meet Invite/Template and Order of Events for Seasonal Championship Meets to SD Policies & Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 10 - Rule 2.1 (2) (b) (Attachment #4.j.)

(2) Addition to EXHIBIT 10 - Rule 1.2 (2)

“SD minimum qualifying times are not required for the SD Seasonal Clubs Championship Meet. (See 2.1 (2) (b) Meet Invite/Template ).”

k. Technical Planning Chair – Mike LaBelle

(1) Presentation and approval of SD Swim Meets Schedule

(Attachment #4. k.)

l. Safety Coordinator – Deb Finnesand

5. Reports of Committees and Coordinators:

a. Membership/Registration Coordinator – Stacey Brook (Attachment #5.a.)

b. Officials Committee Chair – Edie Mueller

(1) Proposed amendment to SDSI ‘s Policy (EXHIBIT 10)

RULE 5.2 Long –Course Championships – The meet will

conclude on the first Sunday in August

the Sunday prior to the Zone Meet.

c. Board of Review Committee Chair – Dave Mortimer

d. Nominating Committee Chair – Paula Gordon

(1) LSC Positions up for Election/Re-election – Spring 2008:

a. General Chair – (Scot Graff)

b. Age Group Chair – ( Lindsie Micko cannot be re-elected)

c. Secretary – (Norm Bouwens)

d. (Seasonal Clubs Rep – Angie Uttecht at Seasonal Champs Meet)

e. Officials Committee Chair – (Edie Mueller)

f. Records/Top 16 Coordinator – (Kelly Gorman)

e. Records/Top 16 Coordinator – Kelly Gorman

f. Sanctions Coordinator (Resigning) – Lori Bork

g. Webmaster – Bob Moore

6. Presentation and Approval of the Annual Budget – Dave Honner (Handout)

7. Unfinished Business:

a. Proposal for paid part-time LSC Coordinator – Dave Honner

(1) The Board of Directors referred this item to the Finance Committee

at their 5-05-07 BOD Meeting.

b. Proposed Athlete Travel Reimbursement Guidelines & Reimbursements

(1) The BOD referred this item to the Finance Committee for further

study at their 5-05-07 BOD Meeting. (Attachment #7.b.)

c. Proposal on State Meets – Todd Knutson

(1) The BOD considered this on 5-05-07 and requested input by

7-20-07. It met again on 7-28-07 and asked Admin. Vice-Chair,

Todd Knutson to form an Ad. Hoc. Committee to evaluate State

Meets and bring recommendations to the spring 2008 HOD


8. New Business:

a. SD Warm-Up Procedures - Gary Hagerty


9. Date of Spring 2008 House of Delegates Meeting: Saturday, May 3 or May 10

10. Resolutions


- Norm Bouwens, Secretary

(Attachment #4.b.)



(Revised 4/20/96)

(Amended 4/22/06)

(Amended 9/23/06)

(Corrected 3-1-07: Spelling errors, missing indentations and section numbers).

(10/13/07 Amendments)

Additions are underlined and in bold type. Deletions are lined out.

On May 5 & 6, 2007 the Board and HOD approved making the changes required by the provider of USA Swimming’s Crime/Dishonesty Insurance: 1) Dual signatures are required for checks for $5,000 or more. 2) The person who issues checks cannot be the same person that balances the monthly bank statement. 3) An audit committee is to review the LSC financial records at least semiannually. The highlighted changes accomplish these requirements.

Other changes made but not highlighted are: “Chairman” to “Chair” and “USA Swimming Code” to “USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.” References to “OVC or other” reportable time have been deleted (at 603.9 and elsewhere). These revisions were made by the 2006 USA Swimming HOD, and are now part of their Sample Bylaws for an LSC. These amendments require a 2/3 favorable vote for approval.







601Name, Objectives, Territory and Jurisdiction 3 602 Membership 3

603Dues and Fees 6

604House of Delegates 8

605Board of Directors12


607Divisions, Committees and Coordinators23

608Annual Audit, Audits Reports and Remittances31

609Members’ Bill of Rights33

610Board of Review, Hearings and Right of Appeal33

611Organization, Amendment of Bylaws and Dissolution48


613Parliamentary Authority50

614Permanent Office and Staff50


616Definitions, Conventions and Rules of Interpretation51


AQuestions and Answers About Resolving Disputes56

BForm of Board of Review Notice60


.3TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be the principal receiving and disbursing officer of SDSI. Except as otherwise directed by the Finance Vice-Chair, the Finance Committee or the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall receive all moneys, incomes, fees and other receipts of SDSI and pay all bills, salaries, expenses and other disbursements approved by an authorized officer, committee Chair, coordinator, the Finance Vice-Chair, the Finance Committee, the Board of Directors or the House of Delegates, or required to be paid pursuant to Section 610.3.12. For payments in the amount of $5,000 or more, the Treasurer will obtain a second signature in accordance with Section 606.11.3. When authorized by the Board of Directors, income and expenses may be received and paid by a division, officer, or committee or coordinator, provided that the division, officer or committee or coordinator promptly submits to the Treasurer an itemized report, duly attested by the division, officer, or committee Chair or coordinator and either within the approved budget of such division, officer, or committee or coordinator, or authorized by the Board of Directors or the House of Delegates. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee but may not be its Chair. The Treasurer shall issue a quarterly report listing the current budget variances by line item, all receipts, all expenditures and the current fund and account balances for the preceding quarter and for the fiscal year to date, together with such other items as the Finance Vice-Chair, the Finance Committee, the General Chair or the Board of Directors may direct. The Treasurer shall:

Ahave charge of and supervision over and be responsible for the funds, moneys, securities and other financial instruments of SDSI;

Bcause the moneys, securities and other financial instruments of SDSI to be deposited in the name and to the credit of SDSI in such institutions as shall be designated in accordance with Section 606.11 or to be otherwise invested as the Finance Vice-Chair, the Finance Committee or the Board of Directors may direct;

Ccause to be appropriately segregated and accounted for any endowment funds, scholarship or award funds and any similar special purpose funds or accounts;

Dcause monthly bank statements to be sent to the Finance Vice-Chair for review and approval;

Ecause the funds of SDSI to be disbursed by checks or drafts, automated debits or wire transfers upon the authorized depositories of SDSI, and obtain and preserve proper vouchers for all moneys disbursed;

Fcause to be kept in the safe-keeping of the Treasurer correct books of account and other financial records of all its affairs and transactions and such duplicate books of account as the Board of Directors, the Finance Vice-Chair, the Finance Committee or the Treasurer shall determine;

Gupon request and at reasonable hours cause such books or duplicates thereof to be exhibited to any member of the Board of Directors and upon application and at reasonable hours cause the quarterly financial reports and the annual and semiannual audited financial statements to be exhibited to any member of SDSI or USA Swimming;

Hcause SDSI to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 608.4.

Ihave the power to require from the officers, committee chairmen, coordinators, or agents of SDSI reports or statements giving such information as the Treasurer may determine to be appropriate or helpful with respect to any and all financial transactions of SDSI;

Jmake the books and records available and otherwise fully cooperate with those conducting the annual an annual or semiannual audit of accounts of SDSI and cause the preparation and timely filing of all required federal, state and local tax returns, and other financial and tax reports with the applicable government official, and forward a copy of the annual financial statement and audit report and any federal tax return to the Secretary for submission to the Board of Directors and USA Swimming national headquarters in accordance with Sections 608.2 and 608.3;

Khave the power to appoint one or more assistant treasurers and delegate to them one or more of the Treasury functions, or parts thereof; and

Lin general, performs all the other duties incident to the corporate treasury function.

.4ADMINISTRATIVE VICE-CHAIR: The Administrative Vice-Chair shall conduct meetings in the absence of the General Chair and, at the request of the General Chair or in the event of the disability of the General Chair, shall perform all of the duties of the General Chair, and when so acting shall have all of the powers of the General Chair. (See Section 606.9.) The Administrative Vice-Chair shall chair, and have general charge of the business, affairs and property of the division that administers SDSI business and affairs. The Administrative Vice-Chair shall aid in the development of policy and the coordination of the activities of the officers and committees within the division internally and with other divisions, and committees and coordinators. The Administrative Division shall be responsible for the creation and maintenance of SDSI's Policies and Procedures Manual (Standing Rules).

.5SENIOR VICE-CHAIR: The Senior Vice-Chair shall chair and have general charge of the affairs and property of the Division that develops and conducts the senior swimming program of SDSI. The Senior Vice-Chair serves as a liaison to the Athlete Representatives and the Athletes Committee, and shall be responsible to see that the Athlete Representatives elections are held in accordance with these Bylaws. The Senior Vice-Chair also coordinates the awarding of meet sponsorships to Club Members, facilities and equipment rentals and meet management for all swimming meets sponsored by SDSI.

.6AGE GROUP VICE-CHAIR: The Age Group Vice-Chair shall chair and have general charge of the affairs and property of the Division that develops and conducts the age group swimming program of SDSI and develops or coordinates the development of long-range plans for swimming programs.

.7 [Reserved for future Program Development Vice-Chair].

.8[Reserved for future Program Operations Vice-Chair].

.9FINANCE VICE-CHAIR: The Finance Vice-Chair is the chief financial officer of SDSI. The Finance Vice-Chair shall chair and have general charge of the affairs and property of the division that includes the Treasury function, the development and implementation of an investment program for SDSI's working capital, funded reserves and endowment funds and

the development and implementation of a marketing and fund raising plan for SDSI. The Finance Vice-Chair, with the assistance of the Finance |Committee, shall prepare an annual budget for SDSI's operations and present the budget for approval by the Board of Directors and the House of Delegates. In addition, the Finance Vice-Chair shall cause to be conducted the audit required pursuant to Section 608.5 and shall review, or shall cause the Audit Committee to review, the annual audit report annual and semiannual audit reports and recommend acceptance and appropriate action, if any, with regard thereto by the Board of Directors and the House of Delegates. The Finance Vice-Chair reviews and balances SDSI’s monthly bank statements as required by the provider of USA Swimming’s crime (employee/volunteer dishonesty) insurance.The Finance Vice-Chair is responsible for the adequacy of SDSI's system of internal financial and accounting controls. The Finance Vice-Chair is the Chair of the Finance and Budget Committees and a member of the Personnel Committee. Together with the Treasurer, the Finance Vice-Chair is ultimately responsible for SDSI's compliance with Section 608.4.

.10ATHLETE REPRESENTATIVES: The Athlete Representatives shall serve as the liaison between the athletes who are members of SDSI and the Board of Directors and House of Delegates.