Board of Directors Conference Call\Meeting

October 31, 2012

3pm-5pm EST

Members participating: Max Allen (Chair), Blake Fry (Past Chair), Phyllis Gregg (Vice Chair), Theresa Singletary (Secretary); Adriel Hilton (Treasurer), Mark Lanier, Sydney Peterson, Edie Boatright, Howard Gordon, Kai Swanson, Ijade Maxwell Rodrigues, Sylvia Payne, Monica Huffman, Tim Black, Ken Butler, Willie Larkin, Edward Summers, April Lee

Also participating: Linda Ryan (NAPAHE Administrator)

The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Max Allen.

  1. Approval of Minutes

Board Secretary did not have the minutes from the July 22nd Summer meeting available for distribution, review and approval. Theresa will send draft minutes to the Board via email and ask for edits and approval.

  1. Officer Reports


Announcement of Board Resignations

  • Evelyn Young resigned from the Board.
  • Board Treasurer, Adriel Hilton, has resigned from the Board due to a change in title and role. Dr. Hilton as accepted the position of Assistant Vice President for Inclusion Initiatives in the Office of Inclusion and Equity at Grand Valley State University (Michigan).
  • Board Chair, Max Allen has asked for volunteers to step into this soon to be vacant and very important role. Blake Fry has offered to step in to fill the role if the Board approves.

By a unanimous VOTE of the Board membership, Blake Fry was appointed to the position of Board Treasurer.

b)Vice Chair – no report


Adriel will send all of his electronic files to Blake.

The checking balance is $74,863.40 and the PayPal account has $1,150.00 as of today.

Linda has completed all paperwork necessary in preparation for filing tax returns.

Adriel will file the returns with the IRS.

d)Secretary– no report


Linda reported we have 581 memberships as of today and overall, we are in great shape as an organization. There are other organizations that have been through some of the same issues NAPAHE has dealt with over the past couple of years who were not able to get back on their feet. Kudos to the leadership of this great organization who worked together to not only get back on our feet, but to come back stronger than ever!

  1. Committee Chair reports

a)Conference/Hotel Room Reservations

Heather was impacted severely by the storm (Sandy), so please keep her in our thoughts.

Sydney reported on some highlights from recent conference discussions:

  • The committee has been working with ACE to make sure we are communicating on all levels. Right now, very tentatively, the schedule is coming together like this:
  • Friday evening – opening night will be a group dinner
  • Saturday morning– continental breakfast and roundtable discussions, followed by a keynote
  • Saturday 10:30 – concurrent sessions
  • Saturday Noon – Luncheon/Awards followed by concurrent sessions
  • Saturday evening – Phyllis has secured/arranged for a campus visit; committee is still considering networking dinners that evening
  • Sunday – Concurrent sessions, followed by plenary, followed by campus conference wrap-up

Discussion: The question/future plans for the President’s Office Manual was raised. It was noted that presentations have been full and membership interest peaked for this project. It was discussed that instead of a workshop this year, we had discussed collecting information from our membership and colleagues about President’s Office Manuals and place them on our website. Willie suggested that Jessica Hallam be involved and invited to participate in any future discussions about the project and how it will be moved forward.

Sydney will send out a drafted update on committee planning progress.

Max reminded everyone that we will be at the OMNI Shoreham – a hotel that generally books quickly. Make your reservations sooner than later!

The Board will plan to meet on Friday morning, March 1st, before the conference begins.

Max noted that April has put a lot of work into sponsorships and the committee work involved. In addition, Adriel has secured a $5000 sponsorship, and other Board members have secured two additional $1000 sponsorships. It is a good start!


Ijade reported that the committee has met and has been very productive. She sent out copies of a memo and an updated appointment term chart to everyone. The committee work has brought to light the need to revamp the nomination form to capture additional information. The committee will continue discussing the needs and requirements and will present a proposal to the Board at a later date.

The nominations committee reviewed a total of 7 submitted nominations. The committee recommendation is that 3 of those nominees be brought forward to the full Board for vote:

Cynthia Buskey

Heather Fehn

Penny Perdue

Board Chair called for a vote on the committee recommendations.

By a unanimous VOTE of the Board membership, all three nominations put forth were approved and appointed to the NAPAHE Board.

c)Awards and Recognition

This committee comprised of Sylvia, Mark and Eddie put out a call for nominations for both award categories and for the new conference grant. The committee is on track to meet the November 10th deadline with adequate nominations/submissions and look to make a decision by December 10th.


Mary was unable to join the call today, and Linda just reiterated that we are doing very well in regards to memberships.


Howard reported that the napahe website is receiving a steady amount of traffic. He has added 32 new photos to the main page and removed the Book Club link per request from Phyllis. Communications committee is doing well.

  1. Business Plan Update

Blake reminded us that we reviewed this at the summer meeting and because of the feedback received; this plan has gone through many updates. Please note new text/wording for the Vision Statement and the new formatting.

Max shared a huge thank you to Blake and others who worked on this project. It is well organized and looks great.

Max asked that we please review one last time and get any comments/edits/suggestions to Ken Butler as soon as possible so that this document can be finalized.

Discussion: many commented that they did not believe a hard copy printing of this document is necessary. Board members will all have access to the electronic pdf and will be able to print as needed for business purposes.

  1. Other Issues – n/a

Board Chair called the meeting adjourned at 4:06 p.m. (EST).

Minutes recorded and prepared by Theresa Singletary, Board Secretary

NAPAHE 2507 University Avenue Des Moines IA 50311 515-271-2147 TEL 515-271-3016 FAX