Answer all the questions on the answer sheet provided. There is only one best answer. This quiz is worth 10% of the course grade.

1.  What two major trends have shaped the world since 1945?

a.  economic and population change

b.  military expansion and terrorism

c.  nation building and economic expansionism

d.  *economic integration and territorial fragmentation

e.  environmental determinism and free trade

2.  Some of the principle driving factors of globalisation are:

a.  Migration.

b.  Trade.

c.  Communications and transportation technology.

d.  *all of the above.

e.  b and c.

3.  Internationalizing processes involve ______whereas globalisation processes involve ______.

a.  *limited functional integration but wide spatial scope/wide functional integration and spatial scope

b.  wide functional integration and spatial scope/limited functional integration but wide spatial scope

c.  wide functional integration and spatial scope/limited functional integration and spatial scope

d.  wide functional integration but limited spatial scope/wide functional integration and spatial scope

e.  None of the above.

4.  The title of the video Commanding Heights refers to______and was coined by ______.

a.  the high tech economic sector/Bill Gates

b.  *the heavy industrial economic sector/Vladimir Lenin

c.  high rise corporate office towers of TNCs/Daniel Yergin

d.  the financial services economic sector/John Maynard Keynes

e.  nations at higher latitudes all of which are economically powerful/Josef Hayek

5.  Territoriality provides a way to meet the socio-cultural needs of groups for:

a.  Regulation of social interaction.

b.  Regulation of access to people and resources.

c.  Provision of a focus of group membership and identity.

d.  To exert control over people and resources.

e.  *All of the above.

6.  As discussed in this course, Babel______.

a.  is a region in the Middle East known for high quality oil

b.  is a concept that refers to the effects of issues such as the 2008 financial crisis

c.  is a geopolitical concept that refers to the homogeneity of populations that have arisen since WW2

d.  is a geopolitical concept that provides territorial identity for the myriad spatial entities that have arisen since WW2

e.  *is used as a metaphor for the number of nations, INGOs, IGOs, Trading Blocs and Terrorist groups that have evolved since WW2

7.  As discussed in this course, contagion______.

a.  refers to how disease is transmitted through the global system

b.  *is a metaphor refering to how social, economic, and cultural phenomenon are transmitted through the global system

c.  is a geopolitical concept that refers to the process through which the homogeneity of populations that have arisen since WW2

d.  is a geopolitical concept that provides territorial identity for the myriad spatial entities that have arisen since WW2

e.  is a term used to describe how financial transactions are transmitted through the global system

8.  The declarative theory of statehood states that ______.

a.  nationhood has to be declared by the United Nations

b.  a nation requires a constitution

c.  a nation does not require a constitution

d.  a nation requires recognition of other nations

e.  *a nation exists regardless of whether other nations recognize it.

9.  A fragile state is:

a.  A de facto or de jure nation that has defaulted on its external debt.

b.  A de facto or de jure nation that is not recognized by the U.N.

c.  A de facto or de jure nation where the central government was not democratically elected.

d.  *A de facto or de jure nation where central governance too weak to have effective control over its territory and population.

e.  A de facto or de jure nation with no natural resources.

10.  The global territorial system is comprised of:

a.  Regional and sector based trading blocs.

b.  Regionally isolated nations.

c.  Regionally integrated nations.

d.  Globally isolated nations.

e.  *All of the above.

11.  De jure nations ______whereas de facto nations ______.

a.  *are nations recognized in law/are nations recognized by fact of controlled territory

b.  have a legal system/have a political boundary

c.  nations recognized by fact of controlled territory/nations recognized in law

d.  are recognized by other nations/are not recognized by other nations

e.  none of the above

12.  Regions are:

a.  Convenient labels imposed by humans on areas of the earth’s surface.

b.  Defined with unique characteristics.

c.  Often overlapping.

d.  Changeable over time and space.

e.  *All of the above.

13.  Which of the following is not a period and area of Decolonialisation?

a.  1776 to 1900 in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand.

b.  1947 to 1980 in Africa, South Asia and Oceania, Caribbean.

c.  Post-1990 in the former Soviet Union.

d.  *They all are.

e.  None of the above.

14.  Net migration has provided ______proportion of Canada’s population growth.

a.  a decreasing

b.  *an increasing

c.  a steady

d.  a net outmigration

e.  None of the above.

15.  Developed nations are typically represented by ______while developing nations are typically represented by ______.

a.  pyramid shaped population structures/inverted pyramid shaped population structures

b.  *inverted pyramid shaped population structures/pyramid shaped population structures

c.  oval shaped population structures/inverted pyramid shaped population structures

d.  pyramid shaped population structures/oval pyramid shaped population structures

e.  All of the above.

16.  Population growth rates in all major regions of the world have ______but population continues to increase due to______.

a.  decreased/decreasing death rates

b.  increased/increasing birth rates

c.  increased/young population composition in developing nations

d.  *decreased/young population composition in developing nations

e.  None of the above.

17.  Which of the following statements is most true?

a.  *Lower educational attainment is correlated with higher total fertility rates in all countries.

b.  Higher educational attainment is correlated with higher total fertility rates in all countries.

c.  Lower educational attainment is correlated with lower total fertility rates in all countries.

d.  There appears to be no correlation between educational attainment and total fertility rates.

e.  None of the above.

18.  In most of Europe the share of working age population is ______and that of dependents is ______.

a.  *decreasing/increasing

b.  decreasing/decreasing

c.  increasing/decreasing

d.  increasing/increasing

e.  stable/stable

19.  The relationship between infant mortality and GNI per capita indicates that ______.

a.  *rising incomes contribute to falling infant mortality rates

b.  falling incomes contribute to falling infant mortality rates

c.  rising incomes contribute to rising infant mortality rates

d.  there is no relationship

e.  None of the above.

20.  The demographic dividend refers to ______.

a.  the potential economic growth that results from having a small number of young

b.  *the potential economic growth that results from having a large number of young

c.  the potential economic growth that results from having a small number of elderly

d.  the potential economic growth that results from having a large number of elderly

e.  None of the above.

21.  Population growth is still taking place because ______.

a.  while fertility rates are decreasing in developed countries the number of women of childbearing age is increasing

b.  while fertility rates are increasing in developed countries so are the number of women of childbearing age

c.  while fertility rates are increasing in developing countries so are the number of women of childbearing age

d.  *while fertility rates are decreasing in developing countries the number of women of childbearing age is increasing

e.  None of the above.

22.  Even though ______, this is being offset by ______resulting in ______.

a.  *fertility rates have declined/more women in their childbearing years’/population growth

b.  fertility rates have increased/fewer women in their childbearing years’/population growth

c.  fertility rates have declined/fewer women in their childbearing years’/population decrease

d.  fertility rates have stabilized/the same number of women in their childbearing years’/population stability

e.  fertility rates have increased/more women in their childbearing years’/population growth

23.  The relationship between infant mortality and fertility is ______.

a.  that rising infant mortality rates are contributing to falling fertility rates

b.  *that falling infant mortality rates are contributing to falling fertility rates

c.  that rising infant mortality rates are contributing to stable fertility rates

d.  that stable infant mortality rates are contributing to rising fertility rates

e.  None of the above.

24.  In Canada, natural increase and net migration ______since 1851.

a.  *have converged such that net migration is now the larger component of population growth

b.  have diverged such that net migration is now the larger component of population growth

c.  have remained stable at about the same share of population growth

d.  are unknown

e.  None of the above.

25.  The second stage of demographic transition would be typified by ______.

a.  declining birth and death rates, and increasing share of manufacturing employment

b.  declining birth rates, stable high death rates, and decreasing share of manufacturing employment

c.  declining death rates, stable high birth rates, and decreasing share of manufacturing employment

d.  *declining death rates, stable high birth rates, and increasing population

e.  None of the above.

26.  In the demographic transition model death rates ______while birth rates ______leading to ______.

a.  decline slowly/decline rapidly/large natural increase in population

b.  decline slowly/decline rapidly/small natural increase in population

c.  decline rapidly/decline rapidly/no natural increase in population

d.  decline rapidly/decline slowly/small natural increase in population

e.  *decline rapidly/decline slowly/large natural increase in population

27.  Ardrey’s Territorial Imperative concept is based on people seeking territory for:

a.  Sustenance.

b.  Security.

c.  Socialisation.

d.  Sense of self (identity).

e.  *All of the above.

28.  The Global Village:

a.  Was a concept developed by Marshall McLuhan.

b.  Was based on the technology of communications and the influence of the mass media.

c.  Included the demonstration effect and societal homogenisation.

d.  Metaphorically, reduced the size of the world to that of a ‘village’.

e.  *All of the above.

29.  The Second World War and its aftermath set the stage for the global village phenomena because of:

a.  Technological, scientific and transportation advances.

b.  Large global movements of people.

c.  A large number of new nations and growing geopolitical interest.

d.  Resource extraction and consumption.

e.  *All of the above.

30.  The constitutional theory of statehood states that ______.

a.  nations only require a constitution to become official

b.  *a nation requires recognition of other nations

c.  nation requires recognition by the United Nations

d.  a nation exists regardless of whether other nations recognize it

e.  None of the above.


Circle the correct answer – use a BIG circle

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