Date Mailed: [Date Mailing]

National Denturist Association, USA

Examination Eligibility Notice and Information

This is your notice of eligibility to take the Denturist examinations.

The practical examination is given at a date and time established by the National Denturist Association, USA and held at (a site to be determined). A map of this location is enclosed for your convenience.


Examination Site to be Determined

[Examination Date]

Registration:8:00 a.m.

Exam Begins: 8:30 a.m.

Exam Ends:6:30 p.m.

A total of ten hours is allotted for the timed practical examination. This time takes into account potential waiting periods for evaluations by proctors. Candidates should have no problems with time, but should calculate wait periods into their planning.

Practical examinationcandidates will be allowed to gain entry into the building at 7:30 a.m. on the examination date to set up equipment and supplies. The examination will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. with no time allowance for late arrivals, so we strongly recommend that you organize your supplies as quickly as possible. The exam will end promptly at 6:30 pm.

National Denturist Association, USA

Practical Examination

Information Packet
The ability of a candidate to read andInterpret instructions and examinationMaterial is a part of the examination.


Forms included in this packet must be submitted to National Denturist Association, USA (NDA, USA) staff on the day of the examination.

The only form to be completed before the exam is the Oral Health Certificate!

The Oral Health Certificate is prescribed by the NDA, USA and must be signed by a licensed DENTURIST (Denturists must be licensed after January 1, 2004 or if licensed prior to January 1, 2004, have been issued an oral pathology endorsement), DENTIST or PHYSICIAN verifying an oral examination took place within 30 days of the date of the practical examination.

All other forms, which include the patient information and treatment record, must be completed at the time of the examination.


Candidates MUST furnish the following:

Cold sterilization solution / Teeth (No block plane teeth and no flat plane 0o CVSD posteriors)
Any semi adjustable articulator / Hammer
Plaster and yellow stone / Rigid instrument tray

Candidates Must furnish the following supplies if used to fabricate dentures:

Impression trays and materials / Small propane tank/canister and burner
Waxes / Vibrator
Wax pot / Lathe with chuck or straight hand piece
Burrs / Base plate material
Disinfecting tray / Clinic gown and patient bib with chain
Bunsen burner / Examination gloves
Tray material / Mouth mirror
Alcohol torch / Articulation Paper (tape)
Denture cup / Any favorite instruments or supplies
Hand instruments
Cheek Retractors / Gloves
Compressed air can

NDA, USA will furnish:

Paper goods (paper towels) / Natural Gas (if available)
Model Trimmer / and Bunsen burners


All proctors and candidates names will remain confidentialto ensure an objective unbiased examination and to safeguard the integrity of the examination. Examination candidates must not have any contact with the proctors and will be known throughout the examination only by a number assigned to identify the candidates work. Examiners are stationed in a separate area and do not observe candidates during the examination. However, due to limitations imposed by the facility, absolute anonymity is not guaranteed.


The NDA, USA, its representatives, and facility where the examination is held; its offices, agents and employees; assume no responsibility for injuries that may occur during the administration of the examination, for instruments or personal effects which may be lost, stolen or damaged or for the work done on patients by a candidates.


The purpose of the practical examination is to determine and verify that a denturist candidate possesses the minimum level of practical and cognitive skills essential for the competent and safe practice of denturism. The practical examination includes patient treatment, alginate impressions, final impression, bite registration, and development and try-in of trial (wax) denture. The examination will be conducted as if the patient has no existing dentures.

Examination Administration Team

Proctors- licensed denturists with a minimum of three years general practice selected and trained to grade the practical examination.

Mediators- licensed denturists with a minimum of three years of general practicehave been trained to grade the practical examination and are there to assist candidates with technicalissues.

Staff – staff are responsible for the overall administration of the examination.


1.Candidates are responsible for providing their own fully edentulous patients.

2.Candidates are encouraged to bring a patient that has:

  1. A class one bite;
  2. Been wearing an existing set of dentures for at least one year;
  3. Have sufficient vertical dimension to easily set teeth.

3.Candidates may have one alternate patient in case their first patient is rejected; alternates must meet patient qualifications.

4.Candidates must clean their assigned spaces at the completion of the examination, which includes the lab and clinic area by the use of disinfectant/cleaner and scrub brush/papertowels to clean counters, cabinets, walls and floor surfaces.

5.Candidates are required to turn off all machinery used and place in original positions.

6.Read, understand and sign a Disclosure Statement and Assumption of Risk Form


Candidates who violate any rules or instructions may be declared by the NDA, USA to have failed the examination.

  1. Failing to occupy the space assigned throughout the entire examination.
  2. Failing to provide his/her own edentulous patient.
  3. Failing to provide required materials to be utilized for each phase of the examination.
  4. Leaving the examination area without permission from NDA, USA staff.
  5. Dismissing the patient without approval from NDA, USA staff.
  6. Failing to follow directions relative to the administration of the examination, including termination of treatment procedures at the scheduled or announced time.
  7. Contacting the proctors regarding the examination prior to the scheduled examination or after the examination has been administered.
  8. Using an existing denture in the clinic area.
  9. Giving or receiving aid, either directly or indirectly, during the examination process.
  10. Failing to clean assigned space upon completion of the examination.


7.Patients must be:

  1. 18 years or older;
  2. Completely edentulous;
  3. Examined by a qualified denturist, dentist or physician which is documented on forms approved by the NDA, USA within 30 days preceding the date of the practical examination verifying the patient is free of oral lesions/diseases;
  4. In general good overall health;
  5. Present, on time, and able to remain in the clinic until all work is completed;
  6. Read, understand and sign a Disclosure Statement and Assumption of Risk Form;
  7. Able to carry the tray with your work into the examination area for evaluation.

8.Patients shall not:

  1. Be a denturist, denturist student, dentist or dental student;
  2. Enter the laboratory area at any time;
  3. Leave the examination site for more than 10 minutes at a time without approval from NDA, USA staff.

Patient disqualification

If any instructions, requirements or qualifications are not met or have beenviolated, the candidate will be dismissed from the examination and be declared by the Agency to have failed the examination.


Any concerns or questions must be addressed to NDA, USA staff. All staff will be clearly identified through introductions and name badges.

scoring and retained dentures

The practical examination is a pass/fail evaluation based on established criteria; candidates are required to receive a minimum of 70% to receive a passing score.

All examination candidates’ dentures will be retained at the completion of the examination.


There will be long waiting periods for patients while candidates are in the laboratory. Patients are encouraged to bring adequate reading materials, food, etc. to ensure their comfort while waiting. Candidates are encouraged to bring a “box” lunch as candidates may not have time to break for lunch.


Friends and family members may assist candidates in carrying supplies and equipment into the examination site from 7:30am – 8:00am. Registration begins at 8:00 am at which time the area is limited to candidates, patients and staff.

National Denturist Association, USA
Practical Examination Process

1.0 Patient Treatment Record

/ Patient presents with treatment record, oral health certificate and mouth mirror, on a tray.
1.5 / Oral Health Certificate Provided.
Documents appropriate medical and dental history:
Conducts proper extra-oral exam and documents abnormalities of the glands, tissue, and TMJ.
Conducts proper intra-oral exam andMUST document a classification of existing oral condition, supporting structure and previous dentures.
Provides appropriate treatment plan in organized manner and chart notes for each visit.
2.0 Final Impression and Model / Take preliminary impressions prior to examination. Bring diagnostic casts (preliminary models) and custom traysto the examination.
Patient presents with diagnostic casts, final models, final impression, mouth mirror, and treatment record, on a tray.
2.7 / Extension – Lingual/sub-lingual – lower only
Accuracy – overall
Peripheral Roll – Buccal Labial
Hamular Notch – Tuberosities
Frenum (upper and lower)
Retromolar Pad (lower)
Free of Bubbles and Voids – Palate and Alveolar Ridge.

3.0 Trial Denture


Patient presents with Articulated Model. Wax model denture, mouth mirror, and treatment record on a tray. Post-dam model at this phase.


3.5 / Centric relation/ ridge crest relation
Vertical dimension
Excursive movement
Occlusal plane

4.0 Asepsis

/ Observation of candidates conduct and procedures during examination

National Denturist Association, USAstaff will retain dentures at the completion of the examination.

Candidate / Patient Disclosure Statement and Assumption of Risk

By my signature below I attest that:

I have read and understand the National Denturist Association, USA Practical Examination Information Packet.

I hold harmless the National Denturist Association, USA, facilitywhere the examination is held; its officers, agents and employees; from any claims, actions, liability or cost, including attorney’s fees or cost of defense arising out of or in any way relating to instruments or personal effects which may be lost, stolen or damaged, anyinjury occurred, or for work performed by the candidate during the course of the examination.

I will protect the anonymity of the examination candidates and proctors during the practical examination.

I will take any concerns or questions that may arise to staff.

I will only enter designated areas as instructed during the examination with approval from staff.

Failing to follow instructions or perform requirements may result in failure of the examination.

Distractions that delay prompt completion of the examination processmay result in failure of the examination.

Breach of examination security may result in failure of the examination.


Patients Name (Please Print)


Patients SignatureDate


Candidates Name (Please Print)


Candidates SignatureDate

Board of Denture Technology

Certificate of Oral Inspection for Denture Construction

I have examined______

Print Patients Full Name


Print Patients Residential Address

On ___/___/____ to establish the level of oral health in relation to the construction


of a full denture(s).

I do ( ) do not ( ) believe the oral cavity of this patient to be substantially free of significant disease.



Denturist, Dentist, or Physician Name (Please Print)License Number


Denturist, Dentist, or Physician SignatureDate

(Denturists must be licensed after January 1, 2004 or if licensed prior to January 1, 2004, have been issued an oral pathology endorsement)

I understand the results of my oral inspection as they relate to the construction of a denture(s).


Patients Name (Please Print)


Patients SignatureDate

Candidate Number______

Patient Information

Patient Name: ______Birthdate: ______Gender: M / F


Health History

Although dental personnel primarily treat the area in and around your mouth, your mouth is a part of your entire body. Health problems that you may have, or medication that you may be taking, could have an interrelationship with the dentistry you will be receiving. Your denturist is legally obligated to ask the following questions; thank you for answering them.

Do you have or have you had any of the following conditions?

Yes / No / Yes / No
Rheumatic fever / High/low blood pressure
Heat disease / Drug sensitivities
Asthma / Liver disease
Diabetes / Kidney disease
Epilepsy / Prolonged /abnormal bleeding
Tuberculosis / Fainting
Hepatitis / Jaundice / Venereal disease
Heart attack / stroke / Cancer
Mental / Nervous disorders / Arthritis
Do you smoke or use chewing tobacco / H.I.V. positive A.I.D.S
Thyroid disorder / Clenching/grinding/headaches
Chronic dry mouth / T.M.J. injuries/lower jaw problems
Allergies to dental materials / Drug allergies
Neuromuscular disorder
Yes / No
Do you have any disease, condition, or handicap not listed above that you should mention?
If so, please explain:______
Are you now under the care or treatment of a doctor? ......
Have you had any serious difficulty during previous dental treatment? ......
Do you have any difficulty chewing food? ......
Do you have any difficulty opening your mouth wide? Closing? ......
Do you have pain while wearing your dentures? ......
Are you satisfied with the appearance of your present dentures? ......
How old are your dentures? ______
Date of last dental visit:______Dental X-rays______
Please list all prescription medication you are currently taking:
Name of Medication / Condition Being Treated


Patient SignatureDate

Oral Examination of: ______DATE______

Digital and Visual Examination / Comments / Notes
Patient’s general appearance
Dental radiographs taken
Palpate glands of neck and jaw
Outer surface of lips and face
Gingiva; Describe;______
Buccal Mucosa
Palate/palatal form; Describe:______
Tongue upward/outward
Sublingual glands
Frenal attachments
Vibrating line
Denture bearing mucosa
Saliva; Describe;______
TMJ ______
Floor of mouth high/low to crest of ridge
Ridge form
Ridge relationship; Describe:______
Age of present dentures
a. Fit
b. Function
c. Esthetics
Tooth selection
a. Shade
b. Mould
c. Material



Date / Activity / Service / Charges / Payments / Balance


Attached are the forms the proctors use to evaluate and grade the dentures that you construct during the examination.

These forms are provided to you in advance as a courtesy for your understanding of the criteria used to grade the practical examination.

Practical Examination Record


Patient presents with Treatment Record, oral health certificate and mouth mirror, on a tray. Examiner must ensure patient meets minimum qualifications.

1.1 Oral health certificate provided - patient must be an acceptable denture candidate. If another patient is not immediately available; do not move to 1.2 / Pass / Fail
1.2 Documents appropriate medical and dental history. / 25
(full credit for completed form)
1.3 Conducts proper extra-oral exam and documents abnormalities of the glands, tissue, and TMJ. / 25
1.4 Conducts proper intra-oral exam and MUST document a classification of existing oral condition, supporting structures and previous dentures. / 25
1.5 Prescribes appropriate treatment plan in organized manner andchart notes for each visit. / 25
TOTAL: / 100


Patient presents with final model, final impression and mouth mirror and treatment record, on a tray. Examiner ensures impression and model meets minimum standards:

2.1Extension – Lingual/Sub-Lingual – Lower Only. / 14
2.2Accuracy - Overall. / 14
2.3Peripheral Roll – Buccal Labial. / 14
2.4Hamular Notch – Tuberosities – Hard Palate. / 15
2.5Frenum(upper and lower). / 14
2.6Retromolar Pad (Lower). / 15
2.7Free of Bubbles and Voids – Palate and Alveolar Ridge. / 14
TOTAL: / 100

Practical Examination Record


Patient presents with Articulated Model, Wax Model Denture and mouth mirror and treatment record, on a tray. Examiner ensures products meet minimum standards.

3.1 Centric Relation/ Ridge Crest Relation Protrusive  Lateral
Note: If centric relation and ridge crest relation is not correct on the candidates 3rd attempt the candidate will fail and the proctor will not proceed to score 3.2. / 1st -325/
2nd -
3rd -
130 or
3.2Vertical Dimension Open Closed
Note:If vertical dimension is not between these measurements, do not move to 3.3 - send back to candidate until pass or time expires / 325
3.3Excursive Movement / 50
3.4Occlusal Plane Too High Too Low Not Level / 50
3.5Arrangement/Aesthetics Level appearance Speech / 50
TOTAL: / 800

Practical Examination Record


  • Mediator will mark model with initials after final model is poured and ground

Mediator provides general observations on candidate conduct and procedures during examination. In addition to observing candidates, mediator may recommend disqualification of any candidate for flagrant violation of aseptic procedures

4.1Patient Relations:
4.1.1 Patient treated courteously, and with caring and kindness
4.2Uses Aseptic techniques:
4.2.1Wears Gloves When Handling Contaminants.
4.2.2Disinfects Contaminants Properly.
4.2.3Uses Proper Transportation Methods Between
Lab and Clinic
Personal/Patient Clinical
4.2.4Wears Gloves.
4.2.5Washes Hands Appropriately.
4.2.6Disinfects Contaminants Properly
4.2.7 Paperwork Not Contaminated

If mediator observes any violation of examination rules or flagrant violation of aseptic procedures, they may recommend disqualification of the candidate from the examination.