
Meeting Title: / Heritage Kernow Board
Date: / 18th May 2016
Time: / 3.30pm – 5pm
Location: / Grenville Room, New County Hall
Chaired by: / Nigel Blackler
Membership: / Nigel Blackler, Head of Strategy, Economy Enterprise & Environment, Cornwall Council
Rachael Bice, Strategic Environment Manager, Cornwall Council
Daniel Ratcliffe, Historic Environment Strategy Lead, Cornwall Council
Julie Seyler, Culture Programme Manager, Cornwall Council
Deborah Tritton, Kresen Kernow
Corinna Woodall ,Tamar Valley AONB
Alex Page ,English Heritage Trust
Andrew Vines, Historic England
Ainsley Cocks ,World Heritage Site
Philippa Hoskin, Local Nature Partnership
Ian Wall, Royal Institution of Cornwall
Malcolm Bell, Visit Cornwall
Nick Lawrence, National Trust
Merv Davey, Cornish Gorsedd
Mike Hawkey, Cornwall Heritage Trust
Clare Jacques ,Cornwall Heritage Trust
Nick Johnson , Cornwall Archaeology Society
Donna Abraham, Cornwall Council (Minutes)
Apologies & additional attendees / Andrew Vines – Simon Hickman & Jerome Tait attending
Rachael Bice, Collette Beckham, Julie Seyler, Philippa Hoskin, Mike Hawkey, Nick Lawrence




I Standing Items




DR welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Board and set out the background to the Board being set up.
Heritage is part of the Cornwall Deal and the Board is here to develop a vision for heritage at a local level and to move forward the aspirations set out in the deal.
The group introduced themselves and spoke a little about their organisations and their role, background and interest in heritage.
NB explained that he is here to facilitate and ensure that the group works well and has the prominence necessary within Cornwall Council to move this work forward.


/ Terms of Reference & Membership
NB asked the Board I they fell that anyone is missing from the Membership. The following additions were suggested:
-The Trevithick Society (Kingsley Richard)
-Cornwall Council Conservation Team (Dave Edmondson)
-Cornish Buildings Group (Paul Holden)
-Cornwall Museums Partnership (Emmie Kell, Chief Exec)
-Isles of Scilly rep
-Duchy of Cornwall
-Federation of Old Cornwall Societies ACTION: MD to provide a contact)
ACTION: DR to seek suitable representatives from these organisations and invite them to sit on the Board.
Meeting are scheduled monthly for the next 6 months due to the involvement required in the Distinctiveness Study. Thereafter meetings will be quarterly.
The Board requested a dial in option in future for those unable to attend in person. ACTION: DR to arrange this.
It was requested that ToR are amended to read that both English Heritage and Historic England should be present at the Board. ACTION: DR to make this amendment and recirculate ToR.
The Board then approved the Terms of Reference. / MD


/ Appointment of Chair
NB has been asked to Chair for the first meeting and asked the Board to put forward any other names for consideration for Chair.
It was agreed that NB be appointed Chair of the Board.
DR explained that the Board already has a supporting Forum made up of a wider group of representatives. The next Forum meeting is to be arranged shortly.
ACTION DR to arrange next forum meeting to coincide if possible with next Board. / DR


i) / The Cornwall Deal
DR explained that the Board has been put in place to supervise a Distinctiveness Study being carried out and the production of a 5 or 10 year Heritage Strategy that will set out the vision for heritage at a local level.
Distinctiveness Study
The Board were provided with the draft brief for the Distinctiveness Study. This will be funded by Cornwall Council and Heritage England and will take 6 months to complete. The study will look at the cultural distinctiveness of Cornwall’s heritage and environment and what makes assets distinctive or of local significance.
We need to agree on desired outputs and produce guidance or a statement of what makes Cornish heritage assets distinctive/significant.
DR clarified that this refers to physical assets/remains within the natural environment and not to other areas of heritage such as archives, language or folklore.
SH asked how the aims of this study will be different to the system of listing already undertaken by English Heritage. DR stated that this project will help to inform those kinds of decisions at a national level by providing evidence and more understanding of why assets are important locally. We hope to come up with some conservation principles/guidelines and develop an evidence base. ACTION: DR to ensure that this is referenced clearly in ToR.
DR was clear that we will be careful not to interfere with or devalue national listings but wish to assist national bodies in their work and help to make their listing/scheduling activities to be more effective.
MD added that locally assets will be viewed differently to those looking at the nationally. Influencing national decisions and contributing to their understanding of the things that are important in Cornwall and to the Cornish will be welcomed.
AP offered the use of Pendennis Castle as a living case study for the distinctiveness study – we can assess why it is important at a local level compared to a national level to assist in identifying local principles.
NJ asked if these principles would be used to produce a local list of assets of significance. There would be a number that reach a local list but not a national list. DR explained that this is what we are hoping to produce as a result of this study, once the guidelines are agreed.
CJ told the group that there are plans to introduce a black plaque system in Cornwall. This will be launched in the media shortly inviting nominations.
MB added that the guidelines we produce take into account what is important from a tourism point of view. Things like bring a human connection, telling a story, international connections and timelines to an asset are important.
The Board agreed that this work will also be important in order for Cornish heritage to be taken into account within new development in Cornwall. Buildings should be sympathetic to the local area and reflect the Cornish style/traditions. This evidence base and guidance should be considered by planners to encourage them to take on board advice from heritage experts in Cornwall and better understand the importance of protecting it.
NB recognises that more resources need to be made available in protection of heritage assets and hopes the Board and this study can provide him with evidence that we need to secure more resources in the future.
NJ asked for clarification of the Boards role in this study. DR explained that the Board would be asked for their contribution, comment and feedback on the study brief document before submission to Historic England. We need to ensure that the study will be fit for purpose and produce the desired outcomes.
CJ asked what success will look like when this project is completed? ACTION: Agreed this is something for the Board to answer and will be discussed at the next meeting.
CW stated that it is also important that the study asks local people what they feel make Cornwall/ assets distinctive or important. This will build local support for heritage and conservation work. We could ask people to record photos and stories themselves to contribute to the evidence base that we build. People can also help to signpost us to assets that we might not know about.
DR thanked the Board for their feedback and welcomed further feedback via email.
NB suggested that, when they are in place , the team that will be conducting this piece of work come to a Board meeting to explain what they are doing and how to ensure engagement from the Board form the outset. We can also ensure that it is going in the right direction and covers everything the Board wish it to. ACTION: DR to arrange this, possibly for July. / DR


/ Heritage Kernow Forum
DR explained that the next meeting of the forum is to be arranged for June.
The Board agreed on the theme of distinctiveness and what that is to you.
ACTION: DR will liaise with IW regarding date and use of the Museum as a venue. DR will look at the possibility or the Forum and Board taking place on the same day to help with travel.
ACTION: DR will email the Board with some more information about the Forum and to agree membership. / DR/IW


/ The Cornwall Heritage Strategy
In order to inform the strategy the Board will be asked to consider that they would like to see in terms of management of historic environment in the next 5 – 10 years.
NB feels that this steer will come out of the distinctiveness study. The outcomes of that will influence what the Council and partners so at the moment and how that needs to change and look in the future in order to better protect Cornwall’s heritage.
SH suggested we can look at how national processes can be developed to ensure we link better with local bodies i.e designations at a local level.
AP suggested that partners bring specific ideas for the future and cases to the Board for feedback and discussion as this can help to inform the Strategy. This will be welcomed.
DT suggested that we need to agree who the Strategy is for before we can decide the approach and content. ACTION: Strategy to be discussed at the Forum meeting.
NJ summarised that the Strategy isn’t about numbers of buildings but more of a business plan that needs to set out what is done locally now and hat our longer term aspirations are, including setting out decision making processes. It should be a very proactive document that follows up the distinctiveness study and puts its findings into practice by implementing its outcomes.
DR concluded that the Strategy is the first step to managing our heritage ourselves in 10 years time – which is the aspiration set out in the Cornwall Deal.
MD commented that the Board should take the opportunity to learn from Historic England with a view to potentially assuming some of their statutory responsibilities in time whilst SH responded that Historic England do not share the aspiration for devolved heritage powers in Cornwall, but in any case the Board should consider what local powers are already held in Cornwall and are not being used before seeking further responsibilities / DR
Date of Next meeting:
23rd June, 9.30-11am, Grenville room, New County Hall.
Agenda to cover:
-Updated distinctiveness study – DR to take the Board through in detail for any final comments.
-What does success look like?
-Towards a Heritage Strategy
DR also to try and arrange the Forum for this date who will look at the Strategy and who it is be aimed at.

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