JOSEPH PIRO Tel. 973-661-8849
Director of Athletics Fax 973-661-2834
September 7, 2012
The opportunity to participate in a wide variety of athletic activities is an essential component of the well-rounded school experience that Nutley provides its students. These activities, offered to high school students, carry costs beyond the academic program for items that include transportation, uniforms and equipment, officials, and entrance fees. Nutley Public Schools has a rich tradition of athletic excellence due in large part to the support of the community and the School Board. This commitment has never wavered; however, the realities of constrained school budgets has necessitated that the district initiate a pay-to-participate program.
Students at Nutley High School who wish to participate in any of our athletic offerings will be assessed a fee. If a student participates in one or more sports, the fee will be $200. If more than one student in a family participates in one or more sport(s) the maximum amount assessed will be $300.
If you wish to have your child(ren) participate in athletic activities, please complete and return the 2012-2013 Student Activity Fee Remittance Form with the appropriate payment. Payment may be made by check, made payable to Nutley Public Schools and submitted to the School Business Administrator or by credit card or check online by visiting the district’s main webpage and selecting “2012-2013 Student Activity Fee Remittance”.
Please do not send cash. Your cancelled check will serve as your receipt and we will record payment in our electronic student information system so that your child(ren) will be cleared to participate immediately.
Activity Fee payment deadlines are detailed below.
Activity / Due DateFall Sports / September 17, 2012
Winter Sports / November 2, 2012
Spring Sports / March 1, 2013
Students may decide to participate in a sport at any time during the school year, but the fee will not be prorated. Payment of the fee does not affect playing time or any other coaching decisions. Coaches determine these based on professional judgment. Students who pay the fee, begin participation in a sport and are then removed due to a violation will not receive a refund.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (973) 661-8849. We appreciate your continued support as we look forward to the 2012-2013 school year.
Joe Piro
Director of Athletics