November 17, 2014

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November 17, 2014 - 7:00 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building

Columbus, NC


PRESENT: Chair Owens, Vice-Chair Gage, Commissioner Gasperson, Commissioner Holbert and Commissioner Pack. Also in attendance were Interim County Manager Pittman, Clerk to the Board Fehrmann, staff, media and citizens.

1.  Call to Order of the Public Hearing on the Proposed FY 2016 Appalachian Development Transportation Assistance Program (ADTAP) Grant Application – Chair Owens called the public hearing to order. The purpose of the public hearing was to receive public comment on the proposed FY 2016 Appalachian Development Transportation Assistance Program (ADTAP) grant application. The program, which requires a 5% county match, provides assistance in coordinating existing transportation programs operating in the county, and provides transportation options and services for the communities within the county’s service are. The public hearing was advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin. Dianne Timberlake, Transportation Director, gave the presentation.

2.  Citizen Comments – There were none.

3.  Commissioner Comments – There were none.

4.  Adjournment – Vice-Chair Gage moved to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Pack and the motion carried unanimously.

5.  Call to Order of the Regular Meeting – Chair Owens called the regular meeting to order.

6.  Invocation – Reverend Gary Curtis, Green River Baptist Church, gave the invocation.

7.  Pledge of Allegiance – U.S.A.F. Veteran Glen Burgess led the pledge.

8.  Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Holbert moved to approve the October 27, 2014, work session and November 3, 2014, regular meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Pack and the motion carried unanimously.

9.  Approval of Agenda – Chair Owens asked that a resolution for John Vining be added as Agenda Item #10a. Commissioner Pack moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Commissioner Holbert and the motion carried unanimously.

10. Citizen Comments – Judy Heinrich took issue with the Board’s intent to hire Robert Williamson as the county’s contracted Economic Development Director. Doris Holbert said the county’s fund balance increased approximately $1.3 million from July 1, 2013, to July 1, 2014.

10.a. A Resolution in Appreciation of John Vining, Retired Cooperative Extension Director – Commissioner Pack moved to approve the resolution, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.

11. Proposed FY 2016 Appalachian Development Transportation Assistance Program (ADTAP) Grant Application – Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve the FY 2016 Appalachian Development Transportation Assistance Program (ADTAP) grant application, seconded by Commissioner Pack and the motion carried unanimously.

12. October Refund Request – Melissa Bowlin, Tax Administrator, presented the refund request in the amount of $1,229.17. Commissioner Pack moved to approve the refund request, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.

13. Building Inspections Department Personnel Request – Steve Jones, Building Inspections Department Director, presented the request for an additional Building Inspector. Commissioner Pack moved to approve the request for a Building Inspector, to be hired in as a Grade 24, seconded by Vice-Chair Gage and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Pack moved to approve BA #8/Fund Balance #5, $57,788, Addition/Appropriate Fund Balance, Community Development – Increase revenue based on current projection and balance with fund balance for the cost to fund a new Building Inspector position and truck beginning in January 2015, seconded by Commissioner Holbert and the motion carried unanimously.

14. Acoustics Issue in the Historic Courthouse Courtroom – Chair Owens asked that this item be placed on the agenda. Bailiff Bruce Odel presented a number of possible sound damping/deadening solutions, as well as increased safety recommendations; a copy of the handout is hereby incorporated by reference into these minutes. Vice-Chair Gage moved to appoint Bailiff Bruce Odel, Maintenance Director Mickey Edwards, and Bruce Yelton of the IT Department to an ad hoc Courthouse Security Committee, seconded by Commissioner Pack and the motion carried unanimously.

15. Polk County High School Gym Bleacher Refurbishment Request – School Superintendent Bill Miller presented the request to replace the existing 22 year old bleachers. Commissioner Pack moved to approve the high school gym bleacher refurbishment request, seconded by Commissioner Holbert and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Pack moved to approve BA #6, $60,000, Appropriate Fund Balance, Polk County Schools – To appropriate fund balance to replace bleachers at the high school, seconded by Commissioner Holbert and the motion carried unanimously.

16. Annual Audit Report – Brian Broom of Dixon Hughes Goodman presented the report, a copy of which is hereby incorporated by reference into these minutes. Commissioner Pack moved to approve the audit report, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.

17. Budget Amendment – Sandra Hughes, Finance Director, presented the budget amendment. Commissioner Pack moved to approve BA #4, $35,000, Revaluation Fund 23, Appropriate Fund Balance - To appropriate unspent funds appropriated in the prior year for the Bright’s Creek appeal that are needed to finalize the process, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.

18. Volunteer Boards & Procedures Recommendations – On July 8, 2013, the BOC requested that the respective policies and procedures of all thirty county volunteer boards be reviewed; the recommended changes are on file with these minutes.

(1) Vice-Chair Gage moved to approve the proposed recommendations in order to modernize, update, and clarify the policies, procedures, and bylaws of the following volunteer boards in order to ensure the boards are consistent with one another in regard to membership and administration: Council on Aging, Home & Community Care Block Grant Committee, Isothermal Community College Board of Trustees, Isothermal Planning & Development Commission, Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, Recreation Advisory Board, Recycling Advisory Board, Region C Workforce Development Board, Transportation Advisory Board, seconded by Commissioner Pack and the motion carried unanimously.

(2) Commissioner Pack moved to approve an Ordinance Amending the Enhanced Agricultural District Ordinance, seconded by Commissioner Holbert and the motion carried unanimously.

(3) Commissioner Pack moved to approve an Ordinance Amending the Voluntary Agricultural District Ordinance, seconded by Vice-Chair Gage and the motion carried unanimously.

(4) Vice-Chair Gage moved to amend a resolution for the Board of Equalization & Review, which includes an increase in terms from 1 year to 2 years, seconded by Commissioner Pack and the motion carried unanimously.

(5) Commissioner Holbert moved to create bylaws for the Appearance Commission, seconded by Commissioner Pack and the motion carried unanimously.

(6) Commissioner Pack moved to approve dual membership on the Adult Care & Nursing Home Community Advisory Committees, and to appoint the current Nursing Home members to the Adult Care Committee for the remainder of their terms, seconded by Commissioner Holbert and the motion carried unanimously.

The Commissioners commended Administrative Assistant Angé High for all of her hard work on this project.

19. Economic Development Director Contract – Vice-Chair Gage moved that Polk County contract with Strategic Work Systems, Inc., a for profit North Carolina Corporation, to carry out the duties of Polk County Economic Development Director; Strategic Work Systems, Inc., further agrees for the term of this agreement that Robert Williamson, the president of said corporation, will be assigned on a regular basis to fulfill the duties as Economic Development Director as outlined in this agreement; the term on this agreement is to commence on November 18, 2014, and end on November 17, 2015, seconded by Commissioner Pack. Commissioner Gasperson quoted Section Six (Staff and Technical Services) of “A Resolution Creating The Polk County Economic and Tourism Development Commission (ETDC)”, which was passed on October 20, 2014: “Within the limits of appropriated funds and the proscriptions of other County policies and laws, the (ETDC) Commission may hire any personnel necessary to its operations, contract with consultants for such services as it may require, and contract with the state or the federal government or any agency or department thereof for such services as may be provided by such agencies.” Commissioner Gasperson said that, as a member of the ad hoc committee assigned to make recommendations regarding the repeal of the existing ETDC ordinance and for the adoption of a resolution to recreate the ETDC, it was his understanding from attending the committee meeting that the ETDC would be involved in the process of hiring an Economic Development Director. Commissioner Gasperson asked the Board to consider retaining Mr. Williamson on a weekly or monthly basis until such time as the ETDC has been given an opportunity to participate in the hiring process.

Vice-Chair Gage, who was also a member of the aforementioned ad hoc committee, said he was not under the impression that it was ever intended for the ETDC to be involved in the hiring process, but rather to collaborate with the Economic Development Director and the Board of Commissioners on economic development initiatives. Commissioner Gasperson said it was his hope that the ETDC would be given autonomous control of the economic development budget in the next fiscal year; balance would be maintained because the BOC would continue to set the annual ETDC budget and appoint the ETDC members. Commissioner Holbert said that, since the Commissioners have the responsibility of funding the Economic Development Department, they should have control over the budget. Commissioner Gasperson also expressed concern over the fact that the salary for the new Economic Development Director is “significantly higher” than that of the last director. With a motion and a second on the floor, the motion carried 4-1 (Gasperson opposed).

20. Housing Solutions/Workforce Housing – Vice-Chair Gage said he is concerned about the availability of affordable housing in Polk County, especially as local development increases. Vice-Chair Gage moved to charge the Planning Board with investigating the possibility of reducing the lot size requirement in the Multiple Use zoning district to ½ acre parcels with public water and/or sewer for two lot and family subdivisions only, and to have the recommendation brought back to the BOC by February 2015 or sooner, seconded by Commissioner Pack and the motion carried unanimously.

21. Update Comprehensive County-Wide Water & Sewer Plan – Commissioner Gasperson said the proposed water contract between Polk County and Inman-Campobello Water District (ICWD) is currently on hold because the proposed draft agreement does not fit within North Carolina Local Government Commission guidelines. Commissioner Gasperson recommended the BOC schedule a retreat in January 2015, and asked the Commissioners to consider as a retreat agenda item the scheduling of water and sewer plan meetings with the community at large and the towns. Commissioner Pack said the county has tried to work with the towns since 2004/05, and will continue to do so, but the county will continue to move forward on the proposed contract at this time, with or without the towns. Chair Owens said the county held meetings in 2004 regarding a water authority. Commissioner Pack said if the towns want to come to the table, now is the time to do it, and recommended that Interim County Manager Pittman and Jeff Walker, ICWD General Manager, talk with the towns and see whether their intent is to join now or wait until later. Commissioner Pack reminded the Board that there is a provision in the contract allowing the towns to join at any time. Vice-Chair Gage moved that Interim County Manager Pittman talk with the towns about organizing a meeting in December, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson.

Commissioner Pack asked Vice-Chair Gage to amend his motion to state that Interim County Manager Pittman is instructed to talk with the town managers and Jeff Walker to determine if there is any interest from the towns in joining in the proposed water contract between Polk County and ICWD; if there is not, then the county will move forward. Vice-Chair Gage withdrew his initial motion. Vice-Chair Gage moved to instruct Interim County Manager Pittman to coordinate with the town managers and ask them to check with their boards to see if the towns are interested in joining in the proposed water contract between Polk County and ICWD and, if they are interested, to conduct a joint meeting with the county, the interested towns, and Jeff Walker of ICWD in December 2014, seconded by Commissioner Pack. Commissioner Gasperson said that all the local elected officials should also be included. Commissioner Holbert said the contract allows for the towns to join at any time. With a motion and a second on the floor, the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Gasperson said community meetings should also be held.

22. Manager’s Report – 1) A consultant list for the jail facility needs study was reviewed, and the proposed request for qualifications will be reviewed at the December 1, 2014, regular BOC meeting. 2) The Smoky Mountain LME 1st quarter finance report for FY2014/2015 was presented. 3) The library is in the process of creating an early literacy program for babies and caregivers, and a social program for teens, both made possible by a $3,800 Polk County Community Foundation grant. Library checkouts during the first quarter of FY14/15 increased 16% over the same period last year. Library Director Rishara Finsel was praised for these accomplishments.

23. Volunteer Board for Vote – Nowell Guffey and Wanda May were appointed to the Tryon Planning Board as ETJ members by unanimous vote.

24. Volunteer Boards for Review – Applications for the Council on Aging and the Library Board of Trustees were reviewed.

25. Commissioner Comments – Commissioners Gasperson and Pack, and Vice-Chair Gage thanked everyone for coming out. Commissioner Holbert thanked Chair Owens and Ms. High for their hard work on the volunteer boards and procedures project. Chair Owens read the following statement and asked that it be included in the minutes verbatim: “On May 3, 2010, the BOC – consisting of Warren Watson, Renée McDermott, Ray Gasperson, Cindy Walker and Tommy Melton – voted to form the UDO Committee, and on June 21, 2010, the same BOC appointed the UDO Committee made up of a person from each township and the Planning Board applicants. An individual about a week ago reminded me that in 2012 I promised to make a public statement that the UDO did what they were requested to do. I have failed to do that, so tonight I’m going to correct that by publicly stating that the UDO Committee did what was requested of them by the previously mentioned BOC.”