MISSION:WOLF SANCTUARY Supplemental Application

This supplemental application MUST accompany your SCI standard application to be considered for this camp. Use extra space for your answers if necessary.

1) MISSION:WOLF is located in an extremely isolated region, about an hour by car from the luxuries of a town. Trips into town for SCI volunteers occur only once or twice for the duration of the camp. Alcohol is not allowed and tobacco is strongly discouraged. Telephone calls can be made during the trip(s) into town. Accommodations at the refuge are basic -you'll need your own tent & sleeping bag, an outdoor kitchen is provided for meals that you will prepare. Washing facilities are limited at the refuge. Showers are limited to one per week. Laundry is available during the trip(s) into town.

--Please explain what experience you may have had of such conditions and/or how you might deal with them.

2) Because you will be living and working in a remote area around wolves, respect for their well being and the wilderness environment is paramount. Maintaining a general level of calm and quiet is expected from all volunteers while in the proximity of the wolves, ie... no loud music or parties.

--Explain how you would deal with this stipulation.

3) As you will be living and working with a small group of people everyday for three weeks you will find that this concentrated interaction requires that you are an enthusiastic group participant and accepting of other people with beliefs, personalities or cultures different from your own.

--Detail your experiences relevant to this aspect of the camp.

4) The work to be done at Mission:WoIf is hard physical labor. The amount of time off away from the camp is few and far between. A complete commitment to the work is necessary.

--Express how you feel about this.

5) Lastly, volunteers are expected to attend the entire length of the camp --this is a full-time commitment. There will be ONE pickup from Walsenburg and ONE drop-off at the end of the camp. There are NO exceptions to this so please be able and prepared to coordinate your transport arrangement accordingly. We recommend that you plan to arrive in Denver, Colorado at least one day before the starting date of the camp.