Writing a Press Release
Press releases are probably the most utilized public relations tactic. A press release is a written statement distributed to the media that announces something new or covers a topic that is not only interesting, but ties in to the local community. It can announce a range of news items, including scheduled events, personnel promotions, awards and more. Reporters are generally more likely to consider a story idea if they receive a release first.
When writing a press release it is important to follow these steps:
1.Includes the date, a contact name, e-mail address, telephone number, the city and state from where the release originates, a headline and the date the information is to be released (e.g., immediate, future date). Always compose your press releases on Club letterhead.
2.Place your strongest material at the beginning of the release. The first few lines of your release should explain what makes it so important or interesting. Put the strongest information first, because editors will not have time to read the entire press release to determine why it is important.
3.Define the five Ws -- who, what, where, when and why. This information is what all journalists want to know.
4.Include a "call to action" in your release. One of the most important elements of your press release, the call to action reminds your audience that there is something they should be doing. Whether it is attending an event, donating to your Club or simply visiting your Web site for more information, a strong call to action plays an integral role in an effective press release.
5.Include a "boilerplate." When a journalist picks up your press release for a story, he or she will want basic information about your Club, such as how long it has existed, how many members it serves, how many services and programs it offers, etc. Also include your Web site address and any other pertinent information that sums up what your Club does. This section is the last paragraph of the release and is referred to as the boilerplate. Here's a template version:
Located at [Address], [Your Club] provides program opportunities for (#) boys and girls each year. The Club is open [Days/hours]. Youngsters interested in joining the Club, learning more about Club Tech or other youth programs can contact [Name] at [Your Club], [Phone] or visit [Web address].
6.Signal the end of the press release. A journalistic standard to end a press release is to type three # symbols, centered directly underneath the last line of the release.
Below are guidelines for writing good press releases:
- Make every word count (less is better).
- Write short paragraphs.
- Avoid small, insignificant details and unnecessary statistics.
- Relate specific details to your Club’s current mission and strategic direction.
- Avoid jargon; keep the copy simple and comprehensible for the public. Spell out acronyms and explain Boys & Girls Club-centric terminology, such as "Keystone Club."
- Use a consistent writing style and follow principles of good, tight writing and editing.
- Use strong verbs and the active voice.
- Always observe proper grammar.