The following are a list of available WFD aggregation reports derived from the MS reporting. (document version 27/3/2012)
The reports can be directly accessed using the following url: ] Use Internet Explorer!
Group / Report name / Short explanation / WISE Source / CommentSurface water / SWB_RIVER_DENSITY / Water bodies per 1000km2 of land size / / [This report is unclear and is going to be replaced]
Surface water / SWB_TYPE / Number of types in RBD (RLTC) / / Number of types refers to the water body typology in WFD Annex II.
Surface water / SWB_ HMWB_AWB / Number and % of HMWB and AWB per water category and overall /
Surface water / SWB_PRESSURE / Number and percentage of water bodies (global, not by water category) subject to each significant pressure (aggregated in the 8 categories of the table) and water bodies with no pressures / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Surface water / SWB_PRESSURE_STATUS / Number and percentage of water bodies (global, not by water category) subject to each significant pressure (aggregated in the 8 categories of the table) and water bodies with no pressures for only those water bodies with known ecological status/potential (high, good, moderate, poor, bad) / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Surface water / SWB_POINT_SRCS / Number of significant point sources in the RBD / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Surface water / SWB_ABSTR / Number of significant water abstractions in the RBD and annual volume extracted per sector / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Surface water / SWB_IMPACT / Number and percentage of water bodies (global, not by water category) subject to each significant impact and waterbodies with no impacts / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Surface water / SWB_IMPACT_STATUS / Number and percentage of water bodies (global, not by water category) subject to each significant impact and waterbodies with no impacts for only those waterbodies with known ecological status/potential (high, good, moderate, poor, bad) / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Surface water / SWB_STATUS / Number and percentage of water bodies in each ecological and chemical quality class (high, good, moderate, poor, bad, unknown) for all water categories together (rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal) and also by water category / Tables 5.1.2.a, 5.5.a
Surface water / SWB_STATUS_NATURAL / Number and percentage of water bodies in each ecological and chemical quality class (high, good, moderate, poor, bad, unknown) for all water natural types (natural, artificial, heavily modified) in each category (rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal) for each RBD and country / Tables 5.1.2.a, 5.5.a
Surface water / SWB_STATUS_EXEMPTIONS / Water bodies which are in moderate or less status and any exemptions are applied to them. In addition the type of exemption (ecological, chemical, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7...) / Tables 5.1.2.a, 5.5.a, section 8
Surface water / SWB_STATUS_2015 / Number and percentage of water bodies that are expected to achieve at least good status in 2015 at country and RBD level for all water categories together (rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal) and also by water category / Tables 5.1.2.a, 5.5.a, section 8 / Water bodies with status "unknown" are not considered in this calculation.
Surface water / SWB_CLASS_QE / Comparison of number of water bodies monitored and classified in terms of each individual/groups of quality elements compared to the total number of water bodies reported / Table 5.1.2.b / Number of water bodies monitored for each quality element is extracted from the monitoring schema. Number of water bodies classified for each quality element is extracted from the surface water body schema.
Surface water / SWB_CLASS_NATURAL / Number and percentage of natural water bodies which are classified using different numbers of quality elements, for each water category, and in total for all water categories. / Tables 5.2.1.b, 5.2.2.b, 5.2.3.b, 5.2.4.b / Explanation of categories as per WISE 5.2.X.b:
No information - No information/ no monitoring on any quality element and no status assigned
Just status - No information/ no monitoring on any quality element but status assigned
No BQEs - No information/ no monitoring on any biological quality element
1 BQE - Monitoring information available for 1 biological quality element
2 BQE - Monitoring information available for 2 biological quality elements
3 BQEs - Monitoring information available for 3 biological quality elements
4 or more BQEs - Monitoring information available for 4 or more biological quality elements
HYMO - Monitoring information available for hydromorphological parameters
PYSCHEM - Monitoring information available for general physico-chemical parameters
Annex VIII - Monitoring information available for specific pollutants Annex VIII
Other specific - Monitoring information available for other specific pollutants
Surface water / SWB_CLASS_HMWB / Number and percentage of heavily modified water bodies which are classified using different numbers of quality elements, for each water category, and in total for all water categories. / Tables 5.3.1.b, 5.3.2.b, 5.3.3.b, 5.3.4.b / Explanation of categories as per WISE 5.2.X.b (see above)
Surface water / SWB_CLASS_AWB / Number and percentage of artificial water bodies which are classified using different numbers of quality elements, for each water category, and in total for all water categories. / Tables 5.4.1.b, 5.4.2.b, 5.4.3.b, 5.4.4.b / Explanation of categories as per WISE 5.2.X.b (see above)
Surface water / SWB_CLASS_ALL_RIVER /LAKE/TRANSITIONAL/ COAST/ALL_CATEGORIES / Combination of SWB_CLASS_NATURAL, SWB_CLASS_HMWB and SWB_CLASS_AWB to have an overall summary per water category and in total for all water categories / Previous 3 reports / 5 different reports. Explanation of categories as per WISE 5.2.X.b (see above).
Surface water / SWB_CLASS_EXCEEDED_EQS / Number and percentage of water bodies where EQS is exceeded for each type of priority substance / Table 5.5.b / Types of priority substances: heavy metals, pesticides, industrial pollutants and other pollutants (as defined in CIS Guidance number 21, page 13).
Groundwater / GWB_DENSITY_ECOSYS_TRB / Nb GWB per 1000Km2; Number of groundwater bodies for which there are dependant terrestrial ecosystems; Number of transboundary groundwater bodies /
Groundwater / GWB_PRESSURE / Percentage of groundwater bodies subject to each significant pressure (aggregated in the 6 categories of the table) / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Groundwater / GWB_POINT_SRCS / Number of significant point sources in the RBD / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Groundwater / GWB_ABSTR / Number of significant groundwater abstractions in the RBD and annual volume extracted per sector / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Groundwater / GWB_IMPACT / Percentage of groundwater bodies subject to each significant impact / / Definition of significance is left to the Member States (see WISE section
Groundwater / GWB_STATUS / Number and percentage of water bodies in each quantitative and chemical quality class (good, poor, unknown) for groundwater bodies and also by water category / 6
Groundwater / GWB_STATUS_EXEMPTIONS / Water bodies which are in moderate or less status and any exemptions are applied to them. / 6, 8
Groundwater / GWB_STATUS_2015 / Number and percentage of water bodies that are expected to achieve at least good status in 2015 at country and RBD level / 6, 8 / Water bodies with status "unknown" are not considered in this calculation.
Groundwater / GWB_POLLUTANT _THRESHOLDS / For each groundwater pollutant compare threshold values (include units and geographic scale) and starting point for reversal / Table
Groundwater / GWB_FAILING_REASON / Number and percentage of groundwater bodies failing good chemical status for each of the reasons / Table 6.2.2 / Reasons as per CIS Guidance nb 21 page 37:
a) Saline or other intrusions;
b) Exceedance of one or more quality standard or threshold value;
c) Failure to meet environmental objectives in associated surface
water bodies or significant diminution of the ecological or
chemical status of such bodies;
d) Significant damage to terrestrial ecosystems which depend
directly on the groundwater body;
e) Deterioration in quality of waters for human consumption;
f) Significant impairment of human uses;
g) Significant environmental risk from pollutants across the
groundwater body.
Groundwater / GWB_FAILING_POLLUTANT / Number and percentage of groundwater bodies failing good chemical status due to each pollutant / Tables 6.3.a, 6.3.b
Monitoring surface water / SWST_STATION_NB / Number of total, surveillance and operational monitoring stations per water category / Table 4.1.1
Monitoring surface water / SWST_PROGRAM_NB / Number of monitoring programmes and sub-programmes (surveillance and operational) per water category / Table 4.1.2.b
Monitoring surface water / SWST_QUALITY_SITES / Number of sites where each quality element is monitored (total, surveillance and operational) / Table 4.1.8 / Some stations may be both surveillance and operational, avoid double counting!
Monitoring surface water / SWB_ SURVEIL_NB / Number and percentage of water bodies included in surveillance and operational monitoring (total and per water category) / Table 4.1.9
Monitoring surface water / SWB_BIO_QUALITY_NB / Number and percentage of water bodies included in surveillance monitoring for which all the required biological quality elements are monitored / Table 4.1.10
Monitoring surface water / SWST_PA_SITES / Number of monitoring sites associated with Drinking Water Protection Areas and other Protected Areas / Table 4.1.13
Monitoring groundwater / GWST_SITES / The total numbers of monitoring sites and the number of sites used for quantitative, chemical surveillance and chemical operational monitoring of groundwater / Table 4.2.1
Monitoring groundwater / GWST_PROGRAM_NB / Number of monitoring programmes for surveillance, operational and quantitative monitoring / Table 4.2.2.b
Monitoring groundwater / GWST_CHEMICAL_SITES / Number of sites used for quantitative, chemical surveillance and chemical operational monitoring of groundwater parameters / Table 4.2.8
Monitoring groundwater / GWST_ SURVEIL_NB / Number and percentage of water bodies included in surveillance and operational monitoring / Table 4.2.9
Economic / ECON_INVEST_COSTS / Investment costs in water services / 2.4.1 / As described in CIS Guidance nb 21, section 8.
Economic / ECON_ALL_COSTS / For each water service and sector (e.g. water supply-industry, waste water-households, etc), volume abstracted and discharged, total cost per m3, environmental cost, resource cost, level of cost recovery in % and price per m3 / 2.4.2 / As described in CIS Guidance nb 21, section 8.
Economic / RBMP_COST_OF_MEASURE / Cost of measures aggregated at country and RBD level / 9.5
Protected areas / PA_NB / Number of protected areas of each type / 2.6.1
Protected areas (all info per RBD and MS)
PA_NBFor each type of protected areas, number of protected areas in high, good, etc status
PA_DRINKNumber and percentage of drinking water protected areas in good, failing good or unknown
Environmental objectives and exemptions (all info per RBD and MS)
EXEM_PANumber of exemptions applied per type of protected area
EXEM_DRINKNumber of exemptions applied for groundwater drinking water protected area
Programmes of measures (all info per RBD and MS)
SWB_PRESS_MEASUREPercentage of surface water bodies that need for supplementary and/or additional measures for each pressure, per water category and for all water categories
GWB_PRESS_MEASUREPercentage of groundwater bodies that need for supplementary and/or additional measures for each pressure
MEASURE COSTCost in euros of measures (total and per type of measure)