Bluestem Ridge HOA Moore, Ok

Board of Directors Minutes

Date: April 8, 2008 Location: McMinn home: 1709 32nd Street, Moore, OK

Present: A. Hutton, E. McMinn, K. Thompson, P. Wilkerson,S. Nickels

Absent: M. Brewster, excused illness;

Visitors: Neighborhood Watch Co-Chairs H. Rolofson, J. Hefley and member V. Hefley

Meeting called to order by President Hutton at 7:09 A quorum was present.

Approval of the agenda:

Additions/deletions from the agenda

MSC (motion, seconded and carried) to approve the agenda.

  1. President’s Report: Jason Gudgel of 3216 Nighthawk Ln. has applied for membership to the

Board of Directors.

MSC to appoint Gudgel to the Board.

  1. Approval of minutes of the last meeting:

MSC to approve the minutes of the March 4, 2008 Board Meeting.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Dues and Operating Income $17,680.00. Total Expenses of $4,115.41

Balance of $13,564.59

MSC to approve to the Treasurer’s Report

  1. Committee Reports: (if present)

1. Bluestem Family: No report.

2. Bluestem Watch: Committee spoke with Officer Jeremy Lewis, coordinator of the program. Neighborhood Watch signs are on order cost to be determined. Signs are recommended at both entrances to the neighborhood and near the footbridge from the park. Committee hopes to recruit several block captains throughout the neighborhood and will hold a brief organizational meeting immediately following the next Homeowner’s Association meeting

3. Bluestem Yard of the Month: No report

4. Bluestem Welcome: No report

5. Architecture: No report

MSC to approve committee reports.

  1. Old Business:
  1. Sign Concerns: Alex reports that he has talked to a City Counselor who said that aMoore

city ordinance prohibits placement of signs in the City’s easement. After discussion it is the consensus of the Board that it is in the interest of individual homeowners and the association to permit placement of Realtor’s Signs as long as other homeowners’ property is respected. The Board discussed the advisability of placing a sign restricting parking access at the Park entry on Nighthawk to Bluestem Ridge residents. Further investigation and discussion may be required before a recommendation to the homeowners can be made. No Action Taken

  1. Fences: Regarding questions about the repair of fences – the Covenants specify that the

fencing and replacement is the responsibility of the individual homeowner. No Action Required

  1. New Business:

1. Speeding Issues: Concerns have been raised about the incidence of speeding through neighborhood streets and the likelihood that this will increase with nearby development,

especially completion of the new high school. After discussion the Board has agreed to

consider recommending the placement of stop signs on Nighthawk and at Carey to

further discourage increased traffic and control. No Action Taken.

2. Park Access: The Board discussed the advisability of placing a sign restricting parking

access at the Park entry on Nighthawk to Bluestem Ridge residents. Further

investigation and discussion may be required before a recommendation to the

homeowners can be made. No Action Taken

Next meeting is: May 12th, 2008, 7pm.

Location: K. Thompson’s house: 1601 SW33rd St.

MSC to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm.


Ken Thompson