Blue Nile WASH Sector Meeting
Venue:WES meeting hall
Date:06 March2017
Minutes of the meeting
- Opening remarks
- Presentation of the findings of Kurmuk inter-sectoral assessment
Agenda Item / Discussion/Decisions / Action / Responsible / Status/
- Opening remarks
- WES PM welcomed the WASH sector partners for their participation and stated that based on the recommendations of the previous meeting today only one agenda will be discussed specifically the presentations of the outcome of Kurmuk inter-agency assessment and the response plan.
- Presentation of the findings of Kurmuk inter-sectoral assessment
UNICEF WASH PO presented the findings of the inter-agency assessment that was conducted on 27-31 December 2016 along with response plan as follows:
Scope of the crisis: A total of 47,222 people are considered to be displaced in the 11 villages visited during the assessment. It is estimated that 28,333 are females while 18,889 are males, and children under 18 represent 52% of the displaced population. However, these numbers have not been verified and it is critical for a registration and verification process to take place in order to have accurate information.
Objective of the assessment:Provide summary of the scale and nature of emergency, identify the status of children affected and immediate intervention as well as prioritization of most critical areas with humanitarian needs and gaps.
Methodology used: Introductory meeting with stakeholders, interview, direct observations and rand visits to the WASH facilities are the main methods uses for obtaining the information.
WASH Key Findings
Kurmuk: The total estimated population of Kurmuk is 7,020 including host community and IDPs.There are 20 hand pumps (8 are functional, 5 at military forces and 7 are not functional) in addition to 3 water yards (are not functional), Hafir with slow sand filter (non-functional).Most of the population who are living in the center of Kurmuk town are using latrines but most of the sanitation facilities are not in good condition and not clean. The outskirts of the town inhabited by IDPs and most of them are practicing open defecation.Hygiene and solid waste management is very poor and there is no hygiene NFIs (soap, hygiene kids) distributed recently.
Dindiro: Currently Dindiro is a home for 8,500 people (host community 5,000IDPS 3,500). Dindero has a chronic problem of groundwater availability which created shortage of improved drinking water in addition Surface water harvested in Hafir is expected to be depleted in one month, which necessitate immediate intervention. In terms of access to sanitation and hygiene facilities around 90% of the population in Dindiro are lacking sanitation facilities even the exiting latrines are not clean, so the majority are going out to the bush for defecation. This connected with poor hygiene and in proper solid management.
Bulang Area: There total number of population estimated to be 15,000 people including host community and IDPs.There are 6 hand pumps and 1 water yard, water considered not adequate, the majority are drinking contaminated water from the Wadi (Mashiesh, which will dry up in 2 months). Distributions pipelines need to be rehabilitated in addition one water yard need to be constructed.In-adequate sanitation facilities and poor hygiene was observed during the assessment, there no proper solid wast management.
Response plan:A detailed response plan has been developed for emergency interventions in Kurmuk for 3 months focusing on provision live-saving sustainable water supply and improved sanitation and hygiene facilities to 47,222 IDPs and host community in in Kurmuk town, Dindiro, Jorot East and West and Bulang. The propped activities as follows:
- Water trucking for 3 months in Dindiro
- Rehabilitation of 3 WYs and conversion of two diesel WYs into solar power.
- Rehabilitation of 33 HPs, two generators, one slow sand filters and 1300m pipeline and distribution points.
- The total cost for trucking and rehabilitation is USD 111,445.
- Construction of new sanitation facilities using the appropriate approach.
- Hygiene promoters training
- Hygiene campaigns
- Cost for monitoring
- The total cost for sanitation and hygiene interventions is USD 89,000
Didiro is facing acute shortage of water, the situation is critical and require urgent interventions through water trucking.
All sector partners were requested to contribute for Kurmuk response. / Provision of life-saving sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene through following activities:
- Water trucking
- Rehabilitation of non-functioning water supply facilities.
- Construction of sanitation facilities
- Carry out hygiene promotion activities.
Prepared by: Yahia Khalifa WASH PO & Abdelrahim ElhajWES database Date: 06March 2017