Bloomington-Normal Area Convention and Visitors Bureau

Board Minutes

January 9, 2018

Call to Order:

Ronn Moreheadcalled the meeting to order at 8:39 a.m. on Tuesday, January 9, 2018.

Board Members:

Present: Ronn Morehead, Kathleen Lorenz, Dave Selzer, Kevin McCarthy, Steve Newman (on conference call), Mayor Renner, Scott Black,and Crystal Howard.

Public Comment:

Kevin McCarthy mentioned he saw a Chicago Tribune Top 10 Illinois Festivals map that Bloomington-Normal was not listed on. He indicated that Alto Pass near Shawnee National Forest was listed as was Peoria. Kevin believed that the map was published in last Sunday’s issue of the Tribune. Crystal Howard indicated she would look into this.

Consent Agenda:

Kathleen Lorenz asked to pull item B. Financials. Mayor Renner motioned to pass the Consent Agenda aside from the discussion of financials. Kevin McCarthy seconded. All in favor, motion passed.


Kathleen Lorenz asked to be updated on the board’s reservefund policy. Crystal Howard reviewed the Reserve Fund Policy indicating this policy was put into place to meet the contracted financial obligations we have with the Illinois High School Association. The Board established the reserve fund.Kevin McCarthy asked if funds were saved due to receiving increased funding from the State of Illinois which was not budgeted. Crystal indicated that we use State funding first per the grant. She stated there has been discussion with the Chairman about using some of these funds to help with moving expenses should there be a relocation of our offices and for a new sports complex. She stated use of these funds had notbeen presented to the board.

Discussion was held on CVB bank accounts, operating costs and contractual obligations.

Kevin McCarthy asked if a 6-month reserve for operating expenses was appropriate. Crystal Howard noted that a 6-month reserve was appropriate at the time but that the board could vote to change it at any time. Kevin McCarthy and Kathleen Lorenz both asked what the bulk of the contractual obligations is for roughly one year. It was agreed that Crystal Howard would send the detailed financial obligations out to the board.

Steve Newman noted that when we established this policy, we did not have the extra funds and Crystal Howard was directed to build this. Mayor Renner motioned to move to approve the financials. Kathleen Lorenz seconded. All in favor, motion passed.

Executive Session:

Kevin McCarthy made the motion to move into executive session. Mayor Renner seconded. All in favor. Crystal Howard and Brittney Sage left the room while the employment agreement was being discussed.

Employment Agreement

Dave Selzer motioned to move discussion to the Regular Agenda. Kevin McCarthy seconded. All in favor, motion passed. The employment agreement was approved and the board thanked Crystal Howard for her work.

Regular Agenda:

Central Illinois Regional Airport Lease

Scott Black discussed his concerns with the BNACVB offices staying at the airport location. He indicated the CVBneeds a location with more visibilityand that his recommendation would be to have a 6-months’ notice on the CIRA lease agreement. Kevin McCarthy stated that in discussion with Crystal Howard that CIRA Executive Director, Carl Olsonwouldn’t have flexibility. Kevin McCarthy recommended a lease where at each one-year anniversary the BNACVB would have the option to give a 6-month notice.

Crystal Howard mentioned the benefits of being at CIRA, including free parking for groups, useof meeting space in the conference rooms, etc. Crystal also stated that CIRA would still move forward with a visitor information center at the entrance. Discussion held on the $1800 per month rent, various alternative spaces in Bloomington-Normal and parking.

Steve Newman noted that should let Carl Olson know that it is the BNACVB’s intent to move eventually. The board asked that Crystal Howard meet with Carl again and they agreed to reach out to their city representatives on the CIRA board. Kevin McCarthy noted criteria should be put together to see what a new location for the BNACVB actually looks like including square footage, visibility, comfort, etc.

Committee Reports

No reports given.

Sports Complex Update

Steve Newman reviewed updates on the Sports Complex. Kathleen Lorenz stated that assistance from Bloomington would be welcomed. Crystal Howard asked if BNACVB should look into assisting with the funding of the Sports Complex study. She indicated that the last study was completed 8 years ago. Kathleen Lorenz noted that she asked Katie Kim aboutdata but it was never produced.Ronn Morehead asked what the study would cost and Kathleen Lorenz thought it would be around $25,000.00. She noted that RFPs for the studywere going out soon.Discussion held on funding the study and it was decided that this would be presented at the March Board meeting.

Board Discussion:

No additional comments.


Kathleen Lorenz motioned to adjourn. Steve Newman seconded.All in favor.Ronn Morehead adjourned the meeting at 10:00 a.m.