Blends and Digraphs

Sounding and Blending
First we will work with words. All of these words are real words, but you may not know them all. I want you to sound and blend these words. The way that you do that is, you look at each letter, make each sound, and then say them fast to make a word. I’ll sound and blend each one, and then you’ll do it.
b-l-a-b blab; (your turn) b-l-o-b blob; (your turn) c-l-a-m clam; (your turn) c-l-a-p clap; (your turn) c-l-o-g clog; (your turn) c-l-u-b club; (your turn) c-l-i-p clip; (your turn) f-l-a-g flag; (your turn) f-l-a-p flap; (your turn) f-l-a-t flat; (your turn) f-l-o-p flop; (your turn) f-l-i-p flip; (your turn) g-l-a-d glad; (your turn) g-l-u-m glum; (your turn) g-l-o-b glob; (your turn) p-l-a-n plan; (your turn)
Now that we’ve done them all together, I want you to sound and blend on your own. See how many of the words you can do in one minute.
High Frequency Words (start, more)
We will work with some words. The first word is start. What word? Watch me count the sounds in start s-t-ar-t. There are 4 sounds. Now watch me write the letters: s-t-a-r-t. There are 4 sounds and 5 letters in start. To know this word, you have to think about how the letters and sounds work together. I’ll show you. In this word, the letter S represents the /s/ sound. The letter T represents the /t/ sound. The letters AR work together to represent the /ar/ sound. And the letter T represents the last /t/ sound. The thing to remember is that those two letters AR work together to represent /ar/.
The next word is more. What word? Watch me count the sounds in more m-or. There are 2 sounds. Now watch me write the letters: m-o-r-e. There are 2 sounds and 4 letters in more. To know this word, you have to think about how the letters and sounds work together. I’ll show you. In this word, the letter M represents the /m/ sound. The letters ORE work together to represent the /or/ sound. That’s the thing to remember.
I’ll say a word and you point to it. I’ll say a word and you spell it. [each day two more words are added, with all of the week’s words reviewed together.]
Whisper Reading
Our new book is ______.
It will help you to know these words: ______.
You will know many of the words, and you can sound and blend most of the words that you don’t know. Whisper read, pointing to each word as you say it. If you need help with a word, look up and I’ll help you. If you finish before the timer rings, go back to the beginning and see if you can read more quickly.
Partner Reading/Choral Reading
Please get into partner position and reread. Look at your partner if you need help with a word. If you finish before the timer rings, switch roles and start over. When the timer rings, we’ll read the book together chorally. Think about how much easier it is to read the more you practice.
1 / blab / blob / clam / clap
clog / club / clip / flag
flap / flat / flop / flip
glad / glum / glob / plan
1 / blab / blob / clam / clap
clog / club / clip / flag
flap / flat / flop / flip
glad / glum / glob / plan
1 / blab / blob / clam / clap
clog / club / clip / flag
flap / flat / flop / flip
glad / glum / glob / plan
start / more
start / more
start / more

A little boy went to camp. The sun was hot. The boy said, “I want to swim in a pond.” He went to the pond. The pond had frogs. The frogs wanted to swim too. The boy and the frogs swam in the pond. Then they all sat in the sun and felt glad. The frogs went back to the pond. The boy went back to his tent. Then he shut the flap and went to sleep. The next day, the sun was hot. The boy went back to the pond to swim. The boy and the frogs were happy.

A little boy went to camp. The sun was hot. The boy said, “I want to swim in a pond.” He went to the pond. The pond had frogs. The frogs wanted to swim too. The boy and the frogs swam in the pond. Then they all sat in the sun and felt glad. The frogs went back to the pond. The boy went back to his tent. Then he shut the flap and went to sleep. The next day, the sun was hot. The boy went back to the pond to swim. The boy and the frogs were happy.

A little boy went to camp. The sun was hot. The boy said, “I want to swim in a pond.” He went to the pond. The pond had frogs. The frogs wanted to swim too. The boy and the frogs swam in the pond. Then they all sat in the sun and felt glad. The frogs went back to the pond. The boy went back to his tent. Then he shut the flap and went to sleep. The next day, the sun was hot. The boy went back to the pond to swim. The boy and the frogs were happy.

R-Controlled Vowels

Sounding and Blending
First we will work with words. I want you to sound and blend these words. The way that you do that is you look at each letter, make each sound, and then say them fast to make a word. Sometimes two letters work together to make one sound.
A-r represents /ar/; o-r represents /or/; i-r represents /ur/; If you think of those letters working together to represent one sound, you can still sound and blend. I’ll do them first, and then we’ll do them together.
ar-ch, arch; (your turn) p-or-k, pork; (your turn) c-or-d, cord; (your turn) f-ir-m, firm; (your turn) ar-m, arm; (your turn) b-or-n, born; (your turn) b-ir-d, bird; (your turn) f-ir-s-t, first; (your turn) ar-t, art; (your turn) f-or-m, form; (your turn) f-ir, fir; (your turn) g-ir-l girl; (your turn) c-ar-d, card; (your turn) c-or-n, corn; (your turn) d-ir-t, dirt, (your turn) s-ir, sir; (your turn)
Now that we’ve done them all together, I want you to sound and blend on your own. See how many of the words you can do in one minute.
High Frequency Words
We will work with some words. The first word is when. What word? Watch me count the sounds in when: /wh/ /e/ /n/. There are 3 sounds. Now watch me write the letters: w-h-e-n. There are 3 sounds and 4 letters in when. To know this word, you have to think about how the letters and sounds work together. I’ll show you. In this word, the letters wh represent the /wh/ sound. The letter e represents the /e/ sound. The letter n represents the sound n. That’s what you have to remember to read and spell when.
The next word is there. What word? Watch me count the sounds in there: /th/ /ae/ /r/. There are 3 sounds. Now watch me write the letters: t-h-e-r-e. There are 3 sounds and 5 letters in there. To know this word, you have to think about how the letters and sounds work together. I’ll show you. In this word, the letters th represent the /th/ sound. The letter e represents the /ae/ sound. The letters re represent the sound r. That’s what you have to remember to read and spell there.
I’ll say a word and you point to it. I’ll say a word and you spell it.
Whisper Reading
Our new book is ______.
It will help you to know these words: ______.
You will know many of the words, and you can sound and blend most of the words that you don’t know. Whisper read, pointing to each word as you say it. If you need help with a word, look up and I’ll help you. If you finish before the timer rings, go back to the beginning and see if you can read more quickly.
Partner Reading/Choral Reading
Please get into partner position and reread. Look at your partner if you need help with a word. If you finish before the timer rings, switch roles and start over. When the timer rings, we’ll read the book together chorally. Think about how much easier it is to read the more you practice.
1 / arch / pork / cord / firm
arm / born / bird / first
art / form / fir / girl
card / corn / dirt / sir
1 / arch / pork / cord / firm
arm / born / bird / first
art / form / fir / girl
card / corn / dirt / sir
1 / arch / pork / cord / firm
arm / born / bird / first
art / form / fir / girl
card / corn / dirt / sir
when / there
when / there
when / there

It is fun to play sports. I wanted to play soccer. First, I went to the store to get a shirt and a ball. I went to the park to kick the ball far. It was hard. I fell in the dirt and my arm was sore. Then a girl helped me. She was a soccer star. We started to play. She helped me kick the ball far. She helped me to score. She helped me to turn and kick. We got thirsty, so we drank some water. Then we played some more. When it got dark, we went home.

It is fun to play sports. I wanted to play soccer. First, I went to the store to get a shirt and a ball. I went to the park to kick the ball far. It was hard. I fell in the dirt and my arm was sore. Then a girl helped me. She was a soccer star. We started to play. She helped me kick the ball far. She helped me to score. She helped me to turn and kick. We got thirsty, so we drank some water. Then we played some more. When it got dark, we went home.

It is fun to play sports. I wanted to play soccer. First, I went to the store to get a shirt and a ball. I went to the park to kick the ball far. It was hard. I fell in the dirt and my arm was sore. Then a girl helped me. She was a soccer star. We started to play. She helped me kick the ball far. She helped me to score. She helped me to turn and kick. We got thirsty, so we drank some water. Then we played some more. When it got dark, we went home.


Teaching Letter Patterns
First we will work with word patterns. We are going to start by listening for long and short vowel sounds. Remember that a long vowel says its name. We are going to review words that have the vowel sounds in hat, cake, pig, and bike. Stretch those words with meso that we can find the vowel sounds: h-a-t; p-i-g; c-a-k; b-i-k
I’ll say a word and you point to the right vowel sound. Your first word is mad. Point to the word with the same vowel sound. Right. Mad has the same sound as hat. The next word is ape. Point to the word with the same vowel sound. Ape has the same sound as cake. Bake. Bake has the same sound as cake. Chat has the same sound as hat. Cane has the same sound as bake. Rag has the same sound as hat. Dive has the same sound as bike. Lift has the same sound as pig. Dime has the same sound as bike. Line has the same sound as bike. Flat has the same sound as hat. Brim has the same sound as pig.
Distribute the word lists.
When you see a final e, the vowel says its name. I’ll say a word. I want you to find the word, and then when I say “go,” spell it out loud. (Say words in random order.)
I will say a word, and I want you to spell it on your white board. Remember to use a final e when the vowel says its name.
1 / mad / ape / bake / chat
cane / rag / dive / lift
dime / line / flat / brim
1 / mad / ape / bake / chat
cane / rag / dive / lift
dime / line / flat / brim
_a_ / _i_ / _a_ / _i_
_a_e / _i_e / _a_e / _i_e

It was time for the big bike race. Mike and Jen were set to ride. They had to ride five miles. It was hot, so they had lots of water. When the race started, Mike was the first to glide down the hill. Then Jen came close. She rode past Mike. She rode fast, but she was still safe. She rode past a lake. She rode for miles. Mike came after her, but she was fast. Jen made it to the line first. Mike came next. Jen and Mike were tired. They sat under a tree and took a rest.

It was time for the big bike race. Mike and Jen were set to ride. They had to ride five miles. It was hot, so they had lots of water. When the race started, Mike was the first to glide down the hill. Then Jen came close. She rode past Mike. She rode fast, but she was still safe. She rode past a lake. She rode for miles. Mike came after her, but she was fast. Jen made it to the line first. Mike came next. Jen and Mike were tired. They sat under a tree and took a rest.

It was time for the big bike race. Mike and Jen were set to ride. They had to ride five miles. It was hot, so they had lots of water. When the race started, Mike was the first to glide down the hill. Then Jen came close. She rode past Mike. She rode fast, but she was still safe. She rode past a lake. She rode for miles. Mike came after her, but she was fast. Jen made it to the line first. Mike came next. Jen and Mike were tired. They sat under a tree and took a rest.

Long Vowel Teams

Decoding by Analogy
You know how to read short vowels, r-controlled vowels, and vowel consonant e patterns. We are going to work with other long vowel patterns. The way we’ll do it is we’ll learn a set of clue words, and we’ll use those words to read other words.
Your clue words today are rain, May, and eight. They all use patterns to spell the long A. In the word rain, the letters AI represent the long A. In the word May, the letters AY represent the long A. In the word eight, the letters EIGH represent the long A. We are learning three different ways that the long A is spelled.
I am going to show you a new word. I want you to point to our clue word with the same pattern and then say
“I know______. This must be ______.”
BAIT. “I know rain. This must be bait.”
NEIGH. “I know eight. This must be neigh.”
REIGN. “I know eight. This must be reign.”
STAIN. “I know rain. This must be stain.”
BAY. “I know May. This must be bay.”
CLAIM. “I know rain. This must be claim.”
PLAY. “I know May. This must be play.”
WEIGH. “I know eight. This must be weigh.”
RAY. “I know May. This must be ray.”
WAY. “I know May. This must be way.”
MAID. “I know rain. This must be maid.”
PLAIN. “I know rain. This must be plain.”
Let’s see how many times you can read all of your new words in 1 minute.
Let’s review one of our old lists. How many times can you read these words?
1 / bait / neigh / reign / stain
bay / claim / play / ray
weigh / way / maid / pain
1 / bait / neigh / reign / stain
bay / claim / play / ray
weigh / way / maid / pain
Long A Teams
rain / May / eight
_ai_ / _ay / _ei_
Long A Teams
rain / May / eight
_ai_ / _ay / _ei_

We went on a trip to the beach. We wanted to see the sea spray. We wanted to hear the sound of the waves. The sun was bright and the sea was green. We saw a boat blown by the breeze. We went for a swim, and stayed close to the shore where it was not too deep. Then we came out to get dry. We brought a pail so that we could play in the sand. We knew it would be cold in the night, so we found a spot to stay warm. It was a day of fun.

We went on a trip to the beach. We wanted to see the sea spray. We wanted to hear the sound of the waves. The sun was bright and the sea was green. We saw a boat blown by the breeze. We went for a swim, and stayed close to the shore where it was not too deep. Then we came out to get dry. We brought a pail so that we could play in the sand. We knew it would be cold in the night, so we found a spot to stay warm. It was a day of fun.

We went on a trip to the beach. We wanted to see the sea spray. We wanted to hear the sound of the waves. The sun was bright and the sea was green. We saw a boat blown by the breeze. We went for a swim, and stayed close to the shore where it was not too deep. Then we came out to get dry. We brought a pail so that we could play in the sand. We knew it would be cold in the night, so we found a spot to stay warm. It was a day of fun.

1 / bait / neigh / reign / stain
bay / claim / play / ray
weigh / way / maid / pain
1 / bait / neigh / reign / stain
bay / claim / play / ray
weigh / way / maid / pain
Long A Teams
rain / May / eight
_ai_ / _ay / _ei_
Long A Teams
rain / May / eight
_ai_ / _ay / _ei_
1 / bait / neigh / reign / stain
bay / claim / play / ray
weigh / way / maid / pain
1 / bait / neigh / reign / stain
bay / claim / play / ray
weigh / way / maid / pain
Long A Teams
rain / May / eight
_ai_ / _ay / _ei_
Long A Teams
rain / May / eight
_ai_ / _ay / _ei_