The MEDNAX Center for Research, Education and Quality

Biographical and Conflict of Interest Form

Educational Activity Title: Education Activity Type/Date:

Role in Educational Activity: (Check all that apply)

Faculty/Presenter/Author Nurse Planner Planning Committee Member

Content Reviewer Other – Describe:

Section 1: Demographic Data

(Name and Degrees)
Preferred Contact Address:
(Address, City, ST Zip)
Preferred Contact Phone: / E-mail Address:
Present Position:
(Employer, job title)

Education (include basic preparation through highest degree held)

Degree / Institution (Name, City, State) / Major Area of Study / Year Degree Awarded

Section 2: Expertise – Planning Committee

Content Expert: Describe your expertise and years of training specific to your role in planning this educational activity.

Other: Describe your expertise and years of training specific to your role in planning this educational activity.

Section 3: Expertise – Presenter/Faculty/Author/Content Reviewer

Mark with an "X" if the expertise information the same as listed above if you are BOTH a planner and a presenter/faculty/author/content reviewer.

Describe expertise & years of training specific to the educational activity listed above.

Section 4: Conflict of Interest / FDA Disclosure

The potential for conflicts of interest exists when an individual has the ability to control or influence the content of an educational activity and has a financial relationship with a commercial interest,* the products or services of which are pertinent to the content of the educational activity.

See the Addendum at the end of this form for definitions of commercial interest and relevant financial relationships.

Is there an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest for yourself or spouse/partner?

Yes No

If yes, please complete the table below for all actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest**:

Commercial Interest / Nature of Relevant Financial Relationship
What was received / For What Role?

* *All conflicts of interest, including potential ones, must be resolved prior to the planning, implementation, or evaluation of the continuing nursing education activity.

FDA Disclosure

If a device or drug requiring FDA approval is identified as an important component of your presentation, you must indicate the FDA status of those devices as Approved, Investigational Device/Drug, or Not Approved for Distribution in the United States. Off-Label use is defined as using products for a purpose other than that for which it was approved by the FDA. Please list the name(s) of the device(s) and drugs(s) in your presentation requiring FDA approval and check appropriate status.

These presentations do not include any applicable devices or drugs. The statement is True or False .

Device/Drug Approved Investigational Not Approved Off-Label Use

1. ______

2. ______

Contributing Presenter’s Agreement

I hereby grant the rights described below for the presentation named above to MEDNAX Services, Inc. d/b/a The MEDNAX Center for Research, Education and Quality, and its affiliates (collectively, "MEDNAX"), effective if and when my presentation is accepted for publication/production by MEDNAX. I also warrant that the presentation contains no material which, if published by MEDNAX, would violate any copyright or other personal or proprietary right of any person or entity, and I acknowledge that MEDNAX will rely on this agreement when publishing/producing the presentation.


MEDNAX acknowledges and agrees that I shall retain my rights to use the presentation for my own purposes.

Faculty Standards

Faculty is expected to:

·  Objectively select and present in an unbiased format, as well as accurately reflect current methods and evidence generally accepted in the educational and scientific community.

·  Emphasize educationally and scientifically rigorous data derived from adequate, well-controlled research rather than anecdotal evidence of unsupported opinions.

·  Discuss favorable and unfavorable information in a balanced manner.

·  Be impartial, using generic names when writing/speaking about technologies, programs, products and/or services.

·  Use trade names only for clarification.

·  Provide support from the overall body of evidence, if claiming superiority of one technology, program, product, and/or service.

·  Refrain from discussing consulting/related services or posting/distributing promotional materials.

·  Base all recommendations involving clinical medicine on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for indications and contraindication in the care of patients.

·  Refer only to scientific research that conforms to generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis to support or justify a patient care recommendation.

Section 5: Statement of Understanding

An “X” in the box below serves as the electronic signature of the individual completing this Biographical/Conflict of Interest Form and attests to the accuracy of the information given above. I have read and will follow the Faculty Standards as outlined above in preparing content for this presentation. In addition, I will include disclosure (FDA and Relevant Financial Relationships) information at the beginning of my presentation.

Electronic Signature (Required) Date ______


Completed By: Name and Credentials


The Nurse Planner is responsible for evaluating the presence or absence of conflicts of interest and resolving any identified actual or potential conflicts of interest during the planning and implementation phases of an educational activity. If the Nurse Planner has an actual or potential conflict of interest, he or she should recuse himself or herself from the role as Nurse Planner for the educational activity.

All individuals who have the ability to control or influence the content of an educational activity must disclose all relevant relationships (see glossary)with any commercial interest, including but not limited to members of the Planning Committee, speakers, presenters, authors, and/or content reviewers. All information disclosed must be shared with the participants/learners prior to the start of the educational activity.

Evidence of a relevant relationship with a commercial interest may include but is not limited to receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest (stock and stock options, excluding diversified mutual funds), grants, contracts, or other financial benefit directly or indirectly from the commercial interest.

Sample Terminology

What was received: Salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest (e.g., stocks, stock options or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutual funds), or other financial benefit. / Role(s): Employment, management position, independent contractor (including contracted research), consulting, speaking and teaching, membership on advisory committees or review panels, board membership, and ‘other activities (please specify).

ACCME and ANCC Glossary of Terms

Commercial Interest

The ACCME defines a “commercial interest” as any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on patients. The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be commercial interests.

ANCC defines a commercial interest as any entity producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients, or an entity that is owned or controlled by an entity that produces, markets, resells, or distributes healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients.

Financial relationships

Financial relationships are those relationships in which the individual benefits by receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest (e.g., stocks, stock options or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutual funds), or other financial benefit. Financial benefits are usually associated with roles such as employment, management position, independent contractor (including contracted research), consulting, speaking and teaching, membership on advisory committees or review panels, board membership, and other activities from which remuneration is received, or expected. ACCME considers relationships of the person involved in the CME activity to include financial relationships of a spouse or partner.

Evidence of a relevant relationship with a commercial interest may include but is not limited to receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest (stock and stock options, excluding diversified mutual funds), grants, contracts, or other financial benefit directly or indirectly from the commercial interest. (ANCC)

Relevant financial relationships

ACCME focuses on financial relationships with commercial interests in the 12-month period preceding the time that the individual is being asked to assume a role controlling content of the CME activity. ACCME has not set a minimal dollar amount for relationships to be significant. Inherent in any amount is the incentive to maintain or increase the value of the relationship. The ACCME defines “’relevant’ financial relationships” as financial relationships in any amount occurring within the past 12 months that create a conflict of interest.

ANCC defines relevant relationships as relationships with a commercial interest if the products or services of the commercial interest are related to the content of the educational activity. Relationships with any commercial interest of the individual’s spouse/partner may be relevant relationships and must be reported, evaluated, and resolved. Evidence of a relevant relationship with a commercial interest may include but is not limited to receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest (stock and stock options, excluding diversified mutual funds), grants, contracts, or other financial benefit directly or indirectly from the commercial interest. Relevant relationships must be disclosed to the learners during the time when the relationship is in effect and for 12 months afterward. All information disclosed must be shared with the participants/learners prior to the start of the educational activity

Conflict of Interest

Circumstances create a conflict of interest when an individual has an opportunity to affect CE content related to products or services of a commercial interest with which he/she has a financial relationship.

An organization is NOT a Commercial Interest Organization* if it is:

·  A government entity A non-profit (503(c)) organization

·  A provider of clinical services directly to patients, including but not limited to hospitals, health care agencies and independent health care practitioners

·  An entity the sole purpose of which is to improve or support the delivery of health care to patients, including but not limited to providers or developers of electronic health information systems, database systems, and quality improvement systems

·  A non-healthcare related entity whose primary mission is not producing, marketing or selling or distributing health care goods or services consumed by or used on patients.

·  Liability insurance providers

·  Health insurance providers Group medical practices

·  Acute care hospitals (for profit and not for profit)

·  Rehabilitation centers (for profit and not for profit)

·  Nursing homes (for profit and not for profit)

·  Blood banks

·  Diagnostic laboratories

*Reference: Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards of Commercial Support, August 2007 ( - ANCC’s definition is intended to ensure compliance with Food and Drug Administration Guidance on Industry-Supported Scientific and Educational Activities and consistency with the ACCME definition.

Revised 2/7/13