Blackboard Training Program for Online Faculty – Task Assignment
Input Data Questionnaire for Pre-Assessment
Outcomes, definitions, and assessment methods exist in all Blackboard-related course offerings
Rationale for questionnaire
To determine accurate placement of participants in the Delgado Blackboard Training Program, we need specific information to build a rubric for rationalizing placement of people into classes that match the stage of technical competency in which they presently happen to be.
Therefore, we need to know what trainers expect participants already to know how to do before participating in a particular course. We also need to know what trainers expect participants to learn and leave with after participating in the course. Next, we divide those skills in a way that suits the purpose of the training program, i.e. by increasing levels of competence, types of skill, etc. Knowing and organizing this information will help direct participants at different stages of competence into more appropriate training and provide a more valuable experience for them.
In addition, we need to know all the characteristics of Delgado Blackboard Training Program participants and rationalize a way to divide those characteristics into stages of present competence for US. This provides a baseline for “as-is” technical readiness of Delgado online faculty.
Looking at entry expectations and exit outcomes and comparing them to our present competency baseline informs decisions about whether or not a participant is ready to take a course or too advanced for the course. If we have good, accurate information on these points, we can match our people who are at the same stage of competency development to courses that will enhance that competency.
So, to do this, we begin with the end in mind and work from there. “What do we want the outcome of the Blackboard training program to be?” (Desired Outcome) and “What does that look like?” (Outcome Indicators)
Data requested
· Desired outcome and outcome indicators for Blackboard Training Program
· Definition of each course in the program (may be a reference site to go to for this info.)
· Technical skills required to create and deliver an effective online course in Blackboard
· Expected skills required to participate in each course delivered in the program
· Learning outcomes for each course delivered in the program
· List of characteristics of our participants in the program
· Way of compartmentalizing the lists of required skills, expected entry skills, learning outcomes, and participant characteristics
· Common concerns/needs from trainers and participants
Data Example (if any of this looks reasonable, please indicate):
Ä Desired Outcome – Participants can create a basic course using the Blackboard interface without technical support in any of the basic application tasks.
Ä Outcome Indicators – At the end of this program, participants should be able to. . .
1. enroll students to the course
2. add a syllabus and other handouts to the site
3. add links to external websites to the site
4. add an announcement to the site
5. post grades through Blackboard
6. create an assessment with the test feature
7. create an assignment with the assignment feature
8. post and respond to items on a discussion board
9. use Impatica to add a PowerPoint presentation to the site
10. format the site with the style, color, or pattern features
11. explain how to log onto Blackboard
12. explain how to navigate a course site
13. explain how to post assignments
14. explain how to post and respond to an item on the discussion board
15. identify Delgado’s internal and other external Blackboard resources and support available to faculty and students
16. explain why, how, and what kinds of files should be stored outside of Blackboard
17. explain the Delgado’s requirements and procedure for requesting and creating a Blackboard site
18. give examples of what responsibilities are in and outside the scope of DCC IT technical support for Blackboard
19. list questions for faculty to consider when planning an online site at Delgado
20. explain how to set a timeline for creating and implementing an online site at Delgado
21. identify ethical considerations of online course sites