2009 BEA Scholarship Application Page 1 of 6



The Black Employees’ Association (BEA) of Pacific Gas and Electric Company is proud to announce the open scholarship application period for 2009. We understand that today’s job market is very competitive. Education is the key that opens doors to new opportunities andexperiences necessary to compete in the highly technical business community. The BEA Scholarship Program offers financial support to deserving students who are striving to improve and continuing their education.

This year,ten or more deserving students will receive a scholarship of $1,000 to $5,000 to aid in their educational expenses. Successful applicants will be notified by mail or email no later than May 31, 2009. Recipients will receive special recognition awards at BEA’s 28th Annual Scholarship Program. Scholarship dollars will be distributed upon confirmation of school attendance in the Fall 2009 semester or quarter. More information will be provided to scholarship applicants.

Eligibility Criteria

You are eligible to apply for a 2009 Scholarship if you are a

  • graduating high school or continuing college student and
  • resident of the PG&EServiceTerritory, i.e. your home address must be within the PG&EServiceTerritory.

A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher is required.

Applicants may not be an employee of Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

PLEASE NOTE: All PG&E scholarship awards are mailed directly to the student's college Financial Aid Office to be applied towards tuition and fees. We do not distributescholarship awards directly to the student or to their family.


The application and all supporting documents must bepostmarked by Friday, March 6, 2009.

Instructions continued next page

Return your completed application and documentation to:

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Black Employees’ Association

ATTN: SusanRandall-Nelson/Scholarship Committee

P.O. Box 192873

San Francisco, CA 94119

For additional information, please call Susan Randall-Nelson, BEA Scholarship Director at (415) 973-7794 or email at .


Read entire instructions and answer all questions. An incomplete or illegible application shall result in a disqualification. If you participated in our 2008 Scholarship Program, you are eligible to compete in the 2009 Program, but please be sure to submit a scholarship package that is current, reflecting new letters of recommendation.

Please be sure to submit:

1.A completed application (typed or handwritten in black or blue ink). All applications must be legible.

2.A currentofficial, sealed school transcript andyour proof of enrollment/acceptance in a college/university/vocational school for Fall of 2009.

3.Two(2) written letters of recommendation sealed and signed in their own envelopes(preferably from a teacher/professor, minister, employer or community leader) on your behalf.

4.A700-word,#12 font, double-spaced essay addressing one of the following topics:

Essay Question #1: As a young American, what can or will you do to promote a positive influence on the lives you encounter daily and/or those who you have not yet met?

Essay Question #2: What is your greatest accomplishment and why?

Essay Question #3: What adversities/challenges have you had to deal with and overcome in your life, and what did you do to overcome them?

Your essay will be evaluated based upon the following criteria.

  • Organization (Including an Introduction, Essay Argument, and Conclusion),
  • Originality, content, focus
  • Grammar, spelling, andword count. (An essay word count between 675 and 725 words will be considered optimum.)
  • Neatness

2009 BEA Scholarship Application Page 1 of 6

Applicant Information


Last NameFirstMiddle Initial


Last 4 numbers from S.S.N School counselor/Phone number


AddressStreetCity State Zip Code


Telephone Number (include Area Code) (E-Mail Address)

I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that the information within this application is true and complete.


Applicant’s SignatureDate

For BEA Use OnlyApplication Number ______Date Received______

_____ Eligible_____Ineligible_____Semi-finalist

_____ Member Child____PG&E Employee Child_____Engineer Student_____ Other

______Essay ______Education ______References ______Financial ______Extra Curricula

______Essay ______Education ______References ______Financial ______Extra Curricula

Official Comments:______





Family Data

The following information is requested of each applicant for consideration in the selection process. This privileged information will remain confidential with the BEA Scholarship Committee unless otherwise authorized by the applicant.

Father___ / Stepfather___ / Guardian___ / Other__ / Mother___ / Stepmother___ / Guardian___ / Other___
Name______/ Name______
Home Address______/ Home Address______
City______State______Zip______/ City______State______Zip______
Telephone Number ( )______/ Telephone Number ( ) ______
Employer______/ Employer______
Position______/ Position ______
Father/Stepfather- Education / Mother/Stepmother- Education
Check Appropriate Boxes / Check Appropriate Boxes
Grade School thru High School / Grade School thru High School
 Undergraduate Studies /  Undergraduate Studies
 Masters Studies /  Masters Studies
Doctorate Studies / Doctorate Studies

Relatives Employedat PG&E? _____ Yes _____ No If yes, who and state relationship (ex. Father, Mother, Aunt, Uncle, etc.)? ______


Can A PG&E employee claim the scholarship winner on their tax returns?

_____ Yes _____ No

Does the scholarship winner live with the employee for more than one-half of the year, and is the scholarship winner not self-supporting?

_____ Yes _____ No

Annual Family Income
Under $20,000 / $50,001 - $90,000
$20,001 - $50,000 / Over $90,000

Other Dependent Family Members

Name / Relationship / Age / Occupation/Student
______/ ______/ _____ / ______
______/ ______/ _____ / ______
______/ ______/ _____ / ______

Education Information


High School or College currently attendingCity State Zip Code


College MajorMinor Years Completed


Cumulative Grade Point AverageGrade Point Average in Major

Name of School
(High Schools & Colleges) / Location / Dates Attended / Major / GPA

Career plans, professional interests and goals:








Honors received in high school and/or college (including scholarships, awards):








Extracurricular and Community Service Activities during the past four years (including Teams, Clubs, Leadership Positions held, Volunteer Work, and etc):









Employment Data

(Please include Summer and Part Time Positions)

Dates: To/From / Employer / Position / Hours/Week / Reason for Leaving