2016 Go for 2&5State Coaching School

Aim For Gold – Be Inspired

*Plus private lessons with Gill Rolton OAM and Associate Leadership Program

State Equestrian Centre, Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon



8:00am / Registration
8:25am / Welcome & Intro of new EO & SCP members
8:30am / Developing Working trot, Canter and Rhythm at all paces (C*)
Gill Rolton OAM Indoor Arena
9:30am / Dealing with Problems in Jumping (C-B)
Gill Rolton OAM Indoor Arena
10:45am / Morning Tea
11:15 am / Hands on practical sessions – 20 minutes each – groups rotate
PC Quick Release Knots (D* +)
Emma Allin TBC / Holding Reins & Whips
Bridge, one handed etc
Nyrell Williams & Denise Legge / Jump Distances & Safety
Judy Rose
12:15pm / Lunch
1:15pm / Flatwork through Games (E,D &D*)
Active Riding Committee Indoor Arena
2:15pm / Insurance, WWC - TBC
3:15pm / Afternoon Tea
3:45pm / Open Coaches Forum
Upstairs State Coaching Panelavailable to answer questions / Gear Check Update/Info
Jacinta Withoud
PCAWA Conference Room
4:45pm / Finish
6:00pm / PCAWA Annual General Meeting (upstairs)
Followed by a presentation by Gill Rolton OAM

2016 Go for 2&5State Coaching School

Aim For Gold – Be Inspired

*Plus private lessons with Gill Rolton OAM and Associate Leadership Program

State Equestrian Centre, Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon



7:45am / Registration & Sign in
8:00 am / 15 mins allowed for transit to the Cross Country Area
8:15 am / A Secure Lower Leg and Correct Rein Contact (C - B)
Gill Rolton OAMCross Country Course – Swan Valley PC
9:45am / 15 mins allowed for transit to SEC Indoor Arena
10:00am / Morning Tea
10:20am / Flat Work Exercises
To help establish a secure lower leg and correct rein contact
Gill Rolton OAM Indoor Arena
11:00am / Fitting Balancing Reins & Temporarily Adjusting
Poor / Incorrectly Fitting Saddlery
Deb Spencer & Co. Indoor Arena
12:00 pm / Vaulting - practical demo and how to coach this topic
Kay FowlerIndoor Arena
1:00pm / Feedback & Finish
Please complete your Feedback Form
So we can meet your needs in 2017. Thank you.


Upstairs in the SEC available prior to registration and during breaks

PC First Aid Kits / What you need for efficiency certificates / Alison (APE)
Inclusive Coaching /Adaptive Equipment / Connect Applications / Bridie(TBC) & RDA
Opportunities for NCAS
Accredited Coaches / Examiners / Course Presenters / Coach National / International Teams / Nyrell Williams & Deb Spencer
GCAP / GC Accreditation – Gear Checking Schools – Joining GCAP / Jacinta & GCAP
PPMG / Ways to incorporating Games into your rallies – Training Ideas / Hints / Active Riding Committee

Associate Leadership Development Program & Private Lessons with Gill Rolton OAM

State Equestrian Centre, Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon



11:00 am
1:15pm / Associate Leadership Program (no fees)
Starting Out Talk and Discussion followed by lunch
Gill Rolton OAM
PCAWA Conference Room
1:30pm / Group X-Country Lesson (max 4) - ht 80cm to 95cm
Gill Rolton OAM
Cross Country Course – Swan Valley PC
3:00 pm / Group X-Country Lesson (max 4) - ht 95cm +
Gill Rolton OAM
Cross Country Course – Swan Valley PC


11:00 am
11:45pm / Private or Shared Lesson - Flat Work
Gill Rolton OAM
C-Quest Warm Up Arena
12:00 pm
12:45pm / Private or Shared Lesson - Flat Work
Gill Rolton OAM
C-Quest Warm Up Arena
1:00 pm
1:45 pm / Private or Shared Lesson - Flat Work
Gill Rolton OAM
C-Quest Warm Up/Indoor Arena

Please see separate document to book lessons or apply for the Associate Leadership Program.

2016 Go for 2&5State Coaching School

Aim For Gold – Be Inspired

6th & 7th FEBRUARY 2016

State Equestrian Centre, Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon

The Pony Club Association of Western Australia Inc will be holding the 2016 Go for 2&5 State Coaching School, to which all Pony Club Coaches, Associate Pony Club Members, RDA Coaches and any interested parents are invited to attend. We are lucky to have Gill Rolton OAM as main presenter. Pony Club members will also have the opportunity for private lessons with Gill on both days.

Registration is at 8.00 am on the Saturday and slightly earlier on the Sunday to allow for time to get to the X-Country Area. To enable registration to take place and your attendance to be recorded, it is recommended that all participants arrive earlier than the scheduled commencement of the programme. For the Sunday session when we are outside it would be sensible to bring along a water bottle, cushion or beach chair plus a hat and neck cooler.

Please note:

  • The PCA Syllabus, coaching books, DVDs and pamphlets will be available for sale each day.
  • Lunch is provided on Saturday only along with morning and afternoon tea.


The School is open to all coaches and potential coaches who are actively engaged or who intend to be engaged in Pony Club or RDA Coaching, and who are on a Strength Return or Membership List submitted with appropriate monies to the PCAWA or RDAWA.

All forms MUST BE endorsed by the Club Chief Coach, Club President or Secretary. All coaches MUST have reached their 14th birthday. This is most important.

It is the responsibility of the Club Chief Coach, with the approval of the Club Committee, to nominate only those who are suitable for Pony Club coaching and who are reliable and responsible persons prepared to give at least 12 months’ assistance to the Club nominating them. Fees may be paid by the individual or the Club, with part refunds only on production of medical certificate received within 7 days of the school.

All participants MUST be suitably attired. Dress as a coach for a Pony Club rally including safe and correct footwear as there will be some hands on sessions and coaches will not be permitted to participate if not suitably attired. Prizes for best-dressed clubs


  • $105.00 per person (includes lunch, morning & afternoon tea) for 1 1/2 days (inc. GST)
  • $80.00 per person for Saturday (includes lunch, morning & afternoon tea) for 1 day (inc. GST)
  • $55.00 per person for Sunday only (includes morning tea) for 1 day (inc. GST)
  • Fees must accompany nomination form or paid by credit card otherwise applications will not be accepted.

LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED ON SATURDAY ONLY. Choice of meat /salad/ cheese and gluten free along with fruit salad and orange juice or bottle of water. Morning tea and afternoon tea on Saturday, and morning tea Sunday will also be provided.

* Plus private Lessons with Gill Rolton, Associate Leadership Program and Gear Check Update/Information Seminar.

2016 Go for 2&5State Coaching School Aim For Gold – Be Inspired

6th& 7th February 2016 State Equestrian Centre, Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon


Name of club:


  • $105.00 per person (includes lunch, morning & afternoon tea) for 1 1/2 days (inc. GST)
  • $80.00 per person for Saturday (includes lunch, morning & afternoon tea) for 1 day (inc. GST)
  • $55.00 per person for Sunday only (includes morning tea) for 1/2 day (inc. GST)

LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED ON SATURDAY ONLY – Meat /Salad or Cheese/Salad options

The following PC Coaches/RDA Coaches/Examiners, with the above Club wish to attend the 2016 Go for 2 & 5 State Coaching School to be held at the State Equestrian Centre on Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th February 2016:

PARTICIPANT’S NAME / Level Currently
Coaching/ Examining / Certificates
(if any) / SAT
() / Examiner Seminar
() / SUN
() / FEE / Meat (M) Vegetarian (V)
Gluten Free (GF)
Circle choice
$ / M / V / GF
$ / M / V / GF
$ / M / V / GF
$ / M / V / GF
$ / M / V / GF
$ / M / V / GF
Cheque Enclosed: / $ / Cheque Number: / TOTALS / $

EFT Payment is preferred and can be made to Bendigo Bank

PCAWA Inc. BSB 633 000 Account number 147906960. Please use Club or Surname and SCS as reference.

Participants are reminded that the state equestrian centre is a smoke-free venue. No smoking is permitted in any undercover area.

Healthway is a major sponsor of this program and we ask that all participants respect this.

2016 Go for 2&5State Coaching School

Aim For Gold – Be Inspired

6th & 7th February 2016

State Equestrian Centre, Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon


I endorse the application/s for the above to attend the Go for 2 & 5 State Coaching School to be held at the State Equestrian Centre on 6th & 7th February 2016.

Signature: / Date:
(Club Chief Coach/Club President/Club Secretary)
Club Contact Person: / Phone:
Email Address:

Closing Date: Monday 1st February 2016

Application Forms To: PCAWA, 303 Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon, WA 6069 Phone:08 9296 1500

Or return via email to with receipt of eft payment and names