BK Trial Exam 2009 Marking Scheme
1 (a)His parents were astonished when they saw him, and his mother said to him, “Son, why have you
done this to us? Your father and I have been terribly worried trying to find you.” (Luke 2:48)
(i) Where was Jesus when this happened?
Lk. 1:46He was in the Temple [1]
(ii) Why had Jesus come to this place?
Lk.2:41-42His parents took him there for the Passover Festival. [1]
(iii) What did Jesus say in answer to this question?
Lk.2:49 Jesus answered, “Why did you have to look for me? [1]
Didn’t you know that I had to be in my Father’s house?” [1]
(iv) Explain the significance of Jesus’ answer.
He claimed to be the divine Son of God by calling God his Father. [1]
(b)The disciples went to Jesus and woke him up, saying, “Master, Master! We are about to die!”
(Luke 8:24)
(i) Why did the disciples say this?
Lk.8:23Their boat was filling with water in the storm and they were in great danger of sinking. [1]
(ii) How did Jesus respond when he woke up?
Lk.8:24 Jesus got up and gave an order to the wind and to the stormy water,
and they quieted down and there was a great calm. [1] (iii) What was the reaction of the disciples?
Lk.8:25 They were amazed and afraid. [1]
They said, “Who is this man? He gives orders to the winds and waves,
and they obey him!” [1]
(iv) What does this incident show us about the nature of Jesus?
It shows us that Jesus was human in being tired and asleep;
and he is also God in being able to command the winds and waves. [1]
(c)The servant went back and told all this to his master. The master was furious and said to his
servant, “Hurry out to the streets and alleys of the town and bring back the poor, the crippled,
the blind and the lame.” (Luke 14:21)
(i) In this parable, what had the servant told his master that made him furious?
Lk.14:18-20 (He had told his master all the excuses made by the guests invited for the great feast.)
[Give 1 mark if the above is the only answer given without stating the excuses. No mark
to be given if candidate gives specific excuses.]
One said he had to look at the field he just bought. [1]
Another said he had to try out the five pairs of oxen he had just bought. [1]
The third one said he had just gotten married and could not come. [1] Max 3
(ii) What further instruction did the master give his servant after he had carried out the order
stated above?
Lk.14:23 “Go out to the country roads and lanes, and make people come in,
so that my house may be full. [1]
Lk.14:24 None of those men who were invited will taste my dinner.” [1] Max 1
(iii) State the lesson of this parable.
This parable shows the rejection of the Jews and the admission of the Gentiles into
the kingdom of God and the Church. [1]
It also shows that those who neglect the invitation to Gospel privileges will finally be
excluded from them. [1] Max 1
(d)… and the curtain hanging in the Temple was torn in two. (Luke 23:45)
(i) State the time and day when this happened.
Lk. 23:44 It was 3 o’clock in the afternoon [1]
on Passover Friday. [1]
(ii) What did Jesus say at the same moment?
Lk.23:46 “Father! In your hands I place my spirit!” [1]
(iii) Explain the significance of the tearing of this curtain.
This curtain separated the ‘Holiest of Holies’ from the ‘Holy Place’ in the Temple. [1]
Only the High Priest went into it once a year on the Day of Atonement.
With the curtain torn, man had access to God’s holy presence. [1]
Jesus had opened the way into the direct presence of God. [1] Max 2
2 (a)Many of them believed his message and were baptized, and … people were added to the
group that day. They spent their time in learning from the apostles, taking part in the fellowship,
and sharing in the fellowship meals and the prayers.(Acts 2:41-42)
(i) Whose message did the people believe?
Acts 2:38 It was Peter’s message.[1]
(ii) How many people were added to the church that day?
Acts 2:41 About three thousand people were added to the church. [1]
(iii) Mention three things the new believers did to show the closeness of their fellowship.
Acts 2:44-46 They shared their belongings with one another. [1]
They sold their property and possessions and distributed the money among all,
according to what each one needed. [1]
They met together as a group in the Temple day by day. [1]
They had meals together in their homes, eating with glad and humble hearts. [1]
Max 3
(b) “It is my opinion,” James went on, “that we should not trouble the Gentiles who are turning to
God. Instead we should write a letter telling them …” (Acts 15:19-20)
(i) What ‘trouble’ had the Gentile believers in Antioch faced?
Acts 15:1They had been told by some Jews from Judea that they could not be saved
unless they were circumcised according to the Law of Moses. [1]
(ii) List the things that James told the Gentile believers not to do.
Acts 15:20They were not to eat food offered to idols because it was ritually unclean. [1]
They were to abstain from sexual immorality. [1]
They were not to eat any animal that had been strangled. [1]
They were not to eat blood. [1]Max 3
(iii) How would this help a church which had both Jewish and Gentile believers?
These were four areas of weaknesses among Gentiles and the Jews found these repulsive.
They believed that God gave these prohibitions even before the Law of Moses.
If Gentile believers were willing to give up these practices they engaged in before becoming Christians,
then fellowship between Jewish and Gentile believers would be made possible. [1]
(c) But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers before the city
authorities and shouted, …(Acts 17:6)
(i) In which city did this take place?
Acts 17:1This took place in Thessalonica. [1]
(ii) Who dragged Jason and the other believers before the city authorities?
Acts 17:5Some worthless loafers from the streets hired by the jealous Jews dragged Jason
before the city authorities.[1]
(iii) State the accusations against Paul and Silas who had stayed with Jason.
Acts 17:6-7The accusations were:
“These men have caused trouble everywhere. [1]
They are breaking the laws of the Emperor. [1]
They say that there is another king, whose name is Jesus.” [1]
(d)And after the men had gone a long time without food, Paul stood before them and said, “Men,
you should have listened to me and not have set sail from Crete; then we would have avoided
this damage and loss. But now I beg you, take courage! …” (Acts 27:21-22)
(i) Name the strong wind that had caused this damage to the ship.
Acts 27:14The strong wind was the “Northeaster”. [1]
(ii) What promise did Paul give to his fellow passengers for them to take courage?
Acts 27:22Paul told them that not one of them would lose his life; only the ship would be lost. [1]
(iii) Relate the message of the angel who had appeared to Paul the night before this.
Acts 27:23-24The angel asked Paul not to be afraid. [1]
Paul must stand before the Emperor in Rome. [1]
God in his goodness had spared the lives of all who sailed with Paul. [1] Max [2]
(iv) How many people were on board this ship?
Acts 27:37There was a total of 276 passengers. [1]
3.(a)Give an account of the birth and circumcision of John the Baptist. [13]
(b)In Zechariah’s song of praise on this occasion, what three things did he say about his son’s
work in the future? [2]
(a)The Birth and Circumcision of John the Baptist (Lk 1:57-67)
It was time for Elizabeth to give birth to her baby and a son was born to her. [1]
Her neighbours and relatives heard how wonderfully good the Lord had been to her /
they all rejoiced with her. [1]
When the baby was a week old / eight days old they came to circumcise him. [1]
They wanted to name him Zechariah after his father. [1]
But his mother said his name was to be John. [1]
They objected and said she did not have any relative with that name [1]
and made signs to the father to ask what name he would like the boy to have. [1]
Zechariah asked for a writing pad / tablet and wrote, “His name is John.” [1]
They were all very surprised. [1]
Immediately Zechariah was able to speak again, and he began to praise God. [1]
The neighbours were all filled with fear, [1]
and the news about these things spread through all the country of Judea. [1]
Everyone who heard of it, thought about it, and asked,
“What is this child going to be?” [1]
It was evident that the Lord’s power was upon him. [1]
Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and he spoke God’s message. [1]Max 13
(b) Three things Zechariah said about his son (Lk.1:76-77)
He said that John will be called a prophet of the Most High. [1]
John will go ahead of the Lord to prepare his road for him / be the forerunner of the Lord/Messiah. [1]
John will tell the people that they will be saved by having their sins forgiven. [1]Max 2
4(a)Narrate the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. [12]
(b) Why was this parable spoken? [1]
(c)State the lessons that can be learnt from this parable. [2]
(a)The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Lk. 16:19-31)
(There was once a rich man who) dressed in the most expensive clothes
and lived in great luxury every day. [1]
(There was also a poor man named Lazarus,) covered with sores,
who used to be brought to therich man’s door,
hoping to eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man’s table. [1 mark for any 2 descriptions]
Even the dogs would come and lick his sores. [1]
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to sit beside Abraham at the feast in heaven. [1]
The rich man died and was buried, / and in Hades, / in great pain, [1]
he looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus beside him. [1]
He called out to Father Abraham to take pity on him, /
and send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool his tongue, [1]
because he was in great pain in the fire.
Abraham reminded him that in his lifetime he had all the good things
while Lazarus had all the bad things. [1]
And now Lazarus was enjoying himself in heaven while he was in pain. [1]
Furthermore, there was a deep pit lying between them
and none could cross over from one side to the other. [1]
Then the rich man begged Abraham to send Lazarus to his father’s house
to warn five his brothers so that they would not come to this place of pain. [1]
Abraham replied that his brothers had Moses and the prophets to warn them [1]
(and they should listen to what they had to say.)
The rich man said that (that was not enough; but) if someone were to rise from the dead
and go to them, then they would turn from their sins. [1]
Abraham replied that if they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would
not be convinced even if someone were to rise from death. [1]Max 12
(b) Why this parable was spoken (Lk.16:14)
This parable was spoken against the covetousness of the Pharisees. [1]
(c)The lessons from this parable
The parable shows the awful fate of a rich man living in selfish pleasure and luxury with total
disregard for the poor man at his gate.[1]
As a sequel to the parable of the shrewd manager, it shows the fearful punishment of those
who do not use their stewardship of wealth in the right way. [1]
5(a)Give an account of Jesus’ appearance to the disciples in Jerusalem after his resurrection. [12]
(b)What had the women and Peter seen in the tomb on the morning of the resurrection that puzzled them? [1]
(c)From the accounts in the Gospel according to St. Luke, what was unusual about the resurrected body
of the Lord Jesus? [2]
(a)An account of Jesus’ appearance to the disciples in Jerusalem after his resurrection
The disciples were listening to Cleopas and his friend tell how they met the resurrected Lord Jesus [1]
(on the road to Emmaus / and how they recognized him in the breaking of the bread).
Suddenly the Lord himself stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” [1]
They were terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost. [1]
But Jesus asked them why they were alarmed / and why doubts were arising in their minds. [1]
He asked them to look at his hands and his feet, and see that it was him himself. [1]
He invited them to feel him and they would know that he had flesh and bones
which a ghost would not have. [1]
He showed them his hands and his feet.
They still could not believe it / they were so full of joy and wonder. [1]
Jesus then asked for something to eat.
They gave him a piece of cooked fish which he ate in front of them. [1]
He reminded them that these were the very things he had told them about while he had been with them.
Everything written about him in the Law of Moses, the writings of the prophets, and the Psalms,
had come true. [1]
Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. [1]
He said that it was written that the Messiah must suffer and must rise from death three days later, [1]
and in his name the message about repentance and forgiveness of sins [1]
must be preached to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem. [1]
They were witnesses of these things. [1]
Jesus himself will send upon them what the Father had promised; [1]
but they must wait in Jerusalem until the power from above had come down upon them. [1]Max 12
(b) What the women and Peter saw in the tomb that puzzled them (Lk.24:3,12)
They had seen the linen grave cloths that wrapped Jesus’ body lying there but without a body. [1]
(c) From the accounts in the Gospel according to St. Luke, what was unusual about the
resurrected body of the Lord Jesus? (Lk.24:31,36,51)
It was a physical body that had bones and flesh and that could eat; but his body could also vanish
suddenly and appear suddenly. [1]
His body defied gravity and was able to rise up to heaven. [1]
It was a glorified body that disappeared / ‘vaporised’ from the grave cloths. [1]Max 2
6 (a) Give an account of how the first Gentile church was established in Antioch-of-Syria. [8]
(b) Describe the visit of the prophet Agabus to that church. [3]
(c) Show how this church became the centre of missionary activity to the Gentiles throughout the
region around the Mediterranean Sea.. [4]
(a) An account of how the first Gentile church was established in Antioch-of-Syria (Acts 11:19-26)
Some of the believers who were scattered by the persecution which took place when Stephen was killed
went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, telling the message to Jews only. [1]
But some men of Cyprus and Cyrene went to Antioch [1] (and proclaimed the message to Gentiles also,)
telling them the Good News about the Lord Jesus. [1]
The Lord’s power was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord. [1]
News of this reached the church in Jerusalem and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. [1]
When he arrived and saw how God had blessed the people,
he was glad and urged them all to be faithful and true to the Lord with all their hearts. [1]
Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith, [1]
and many people were brought to the Lord. [1]
Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul. [1]
He took Saul to Antioch and for a whole year they taught a large group of people in the church. [1]
It was at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians. [1]Max 8
(b) The visit of the prophet Agabus to the church in Antioch (Acts 11:27-30)
Agabus was among some prophets who came to Antioch from Jerusalem.
He stood up and by the power of the Spirit [1]
predicted that a severe famine was about to come upon the whole earth. [1]
This was fulfilled during the reign of the Emperor Claudius. [1]
The disciples in Antioch decided that they would send as much as they could to help their fellow
believers in Judea. [1]
They collected the money and sent it to the elders in Judea by Barnabas and Saul. [1]Max 3