Marketing Planning & Problem Solving

[MKTG4900; Spring 2017; Dr. Carter]


[20 Points -- REPORT DUE Sat March 11th @ 11:59pm; ORAL “Show & Tell” March 6th & March 8th]


This Group Activity is designed to improve students’ knowledge of “Segmentation and Targeting” concepts, by composing a “Segmentation and Targeting Profile” for a specified brand. Chapter 4 of the textbook explains the “Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) concepts, and builds on chapter 3 lessons for “Understanding Markets and Customers.” However, only through hands-on activity can we develop an understanding of how to apply “Segmentation and Targeting” concepts to real-world consumer markets. Therefore, this Group Activity enables LEARNING at a higher “Bloom Taxonomy” level, while practicing team building, interpersonal, and oral/written communication skills. ONLY “Segmentation and Targeting” concepts are applied – NOT “Positioning.”


The specific real-world market situation for this “Identity Profile” activity is defined by “Gender,” “Age,” and “Brand” requirements. These requirements allow all groups to be evaluated on fairly consistent standards, versus each group choosing their own gender/age demographic and brand. However, these requirements can profile the desired target market ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!!!

A) Gender Requirement – Each group must compose TWO (2) SEGMENTATION & TARGETING PROFILES, one for each gender. This gender requirement does not limit the gender role and sexuality aspects (e.g., strait and LGBT) of the consumer’s “Demographic & Psychographic” attributes -- only the gender at birth.

B) Age Requirement – Each group must choose ONE OF TWO AGE DEMOGRAPHICS for their Target Market profile:

* Young Children 3 – 10 years OR * Elderly Adults 65 and over

C) Brand Requirements – Each group must use the same BRAND CATEGORY OF MOVIES. Either the same Movie Brand can be used to profile both Gender Target Markets, or a different Movie Brand can be marketed to each Gender Target Market. Groups must decide on a Movie Studio as the primary “family brand” (e.g., Pixar, Disney, Universal, Dream Works, etc.), as well as specific film title (current or previous) as the particular brand offering marketed to each Gender Target Market.

The following list of “Segmentation & Targeting” concepts specifies the points earned for correctly profiling each factor. Use this list along with the chapter 4 description of “Segmentation Variables” to account for all required profile factors. All of the concepts for each “Segmentation Variable” (or Base/Criterion) must be appropriately addressed to earn full credit. First study the meaning of each “Segmentation Variable” from chapter 4, as well as the “Understanding of Markets and Customers” in chapter 3. Then, discuss the real-world application for marketing Movies to actual young or elderly consumers. And lastly, compose the actual “Segmentation & Targeting Profiles” by describing the reasons with graphics/photo for the Group Activity Report. Remember, TWO (2) separate “Segmentation & Targeting Profiles” are required – one for males and one for females.

A) Overview of Brand/Company & WHY the “Target Market Profile” achieves the best market value match (-3pts if NOT Included)

B) Demographic (Besides Age & Gender) … 2 Points for each of two “S&T Profiles” … 4 POINTS TOTAL

C) Geographic … 2 Points for each of two “S&T Profiles” … 4 POINTS TOTAL

D) Psychographic… 3 Points for each of two “S&T Profiles” … 6 POINTS TOTAL

E) Behavior (Benefits, Usage, and Shopping/Purchase Care-Giver Authority Arrangement)

… 3 Points for each of two “S&T Profiles” … 6 POINTS TOTAL



*ORAL “Show & Tell” is required informal class 10min discussion to show group input [7pts Ex-Cr/Individual]


  • Document:Microsoft Word
  • SpacingDouble-spaced
  • Font:Times 12”
  • Margins:1” all sides (normal)
  • Headings:Use headings and subheadings from the outline of “Overview” & “Segmentation & Targeting Variables”
  • Content:Text/words and may also include diagrams and tables (may copy workbook or MKTG slide diagrams)
  • Group Input:Use a table on the last page to indicate the percentage (%) contributed by each group member