Welcome to Birmingham Cathedral.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we offer you a very warm welcome to this act of worship. God’s greatest gift to the world is fullness of life in Christ, and it is our hope and prayer that you will experience something of God’s love through this service. If you are a visitor or newcomer, please do introduce yourself to one of the clergy or wardens.
Communicant members of all denominations are welcome to receive Communion; please come forward as directed by the Stewards. If you do not wish to receive Communion but would like a blessing, you are warmly invited to come to the altar rail, please bring this service booklet with you. Gluten-free wafers are available on request.
Gift Aid envelopes are available in the back of seats for use by UK tax payers. This enables us to increase your donation by a further25% at no cost to you.Thank you. You can also donate through by sending a text to 70070. In the body of the text you need to putCATH01(CATH zeroone) followed by the amountyou wishto donatee.g. CATH01£5
Planned Giving
If you give by bank standing order, please pick up a yellow offertory card at the back of the cathedral when you arrive for the service. Putting these in the offertory bag helps to prevent embarrassment on the part of the planned giver and, more importantly, lets people know that everyone contributes to the offertory.
Children's Church
Children’s Church meets in ‘Matthew Room’ which is through the wooden doors at the end of the south aisle. Please join us during the second hymn of the Sunday 11am Eucharist. Parents of children under four years who wish to come with their child are welcome to join us.
Please look after your belongings at all times.
Regrettably, like any public building, we experience occasional thefts.
Recordings are available at (sermons) and at (Tuesday Talks)
Following the Eucharist tea and coffee are served at the back of the cathedral. Do join us if you are able, particularly if you are new to the congregation or visiting us for the first time.
Keep in touch
Today’s Services
9.00am Holy Communion
The Rev’d Canon Nigel Hand
11.00am Choral Eucharist
ReadingsExodus 12.1-4; Romans13.8-end;Matthew 18.15-20
PresidentThe Rev’d Canon Nigel Hand
Preacher The Rev’d Canon Peter Sellick
3.30pm Choral Evensong
President and Preacher The Rev’d Canon Andrew Lythall
Visiting choir Sine Nomine
Installation of Matt Thompson – The Installation of Rev’d Canon Matt Thompson as Dean of Birmingham has been set for Saturday 30th September 2017 at 3pm.
We are delighted that Canon Dr Paula Gooder will be preaching at the 11:00am service on October 15th and leading our Community Day later on the day. Do put it in your diary now.
Children's Churchis on this Sunday. We welcome all children to join us for stories and crafts, young children may bring an adult carer with them. Please join the Children's workers at the Welcome Desk by the South West door (the one you came in), during the second hymn.
Refreshments for Dean's Installation, Saturday 30th September 2017:Judith Whalley is coordinating refreshments for the Dean's Installation and has had several offers ofcanapes and help on the day. If anyone else would like to make and/or bring a tray of bite-sized nibbles or to help set out, serve and/or clear away on the day, please talk to Trisha and Sandra.
The Chineke Orchestra, Europe’s first majority Black and minority ethnic orchestra, are performing a concert on Saturday 16th September at 7.30pm. Quoting the code ‘CHINEKE5’ online or over the phone, members of the congregation can get reduced price tickets (£10 adults, £5 children, free for OAPs).
Birmingham Heritage Week is 7th to 17th September. The cathedral is taking part in this city wide initiative again this year. Terry Slater is exploring the Architecture of St Philips with a tour todayat 1.30pm. A few places remain.
There are regular guided tours of the cathedral on most Mondays at 12.30 and Weds at 11.30am. Contact: if you'd like to join our Heritage Guide Team.
Prayer List – A reminder that if you would like anybody adding to (or removing from) the prayer list, please let a member of the clergy know.
For your Prayers
Those who are long-term ill or frail: Geoffrey Wilsher, Mary Partridge, Sidney Christian, Jessie Rider, Beryl Barrington, Irene Lakin, Tony Stephenson, Shirley Knott, Margaret Phillips (mother-in-law of Andrew Packer), Jim Earle,Sheila Bamforth (mother of Sally Huxley), Reg Hitchman (nursing home),Mary Spooner (mother of Sandra Bailey), Fr Henry Burgess, Charlie Beattie, Trevor May, Noreen Murray (nursing home), Joan Bates, Stephen Wilcox (recovering from a knee operation).
Those ill at home or in hospital:Beverley Hallahan (severe pain), Vicky McGrath (relative of Martin Hone, had brain surgery which was a success(pray for healing), Jasper Carrott (operations), Mrs Mary Lee (sick at home), Sharon Marks relative of Charles Marks (recovering slowly at home), Jessica Hand (Nigel and Judy's daughter-in-law, recovering slowly), Ollie Partridge (son of Nick Partridge, Cathedral Visitors’ Chaplain), Robert Howes (Retired Head Verger) cancer, Sister Christine at CSJD (recovering from a fall), Christopher Stammers (sick at home), Eugene McGlynn (in hospital after a fall), Caroline Piggott (undergoing radiotherapy).
Anniversaries in the coming week:(Christopher) Charles Velu (2004), Ann Creaton (1969), Janet Martin (2010), Canon Ted Utley (2011), Bram Swallow (2004).
Sunday109.00amHoly Communion 11.00am Choral Eucharist
Preacher: Rev’d Canon Peter Sellick
1.30pmA Tour of the Architecture of the cathedral (booking essential – book via cathedral website)
3.30pmChoral Evensong with visiting choir
Preacher: Rev’d Canon Andrew Lythall
(Canon Precentor)
Monday118.00amMorning Prayer and Holy Communion
5.45pmEvening Prayer
Tuesday128.00amMorning Prayer and Holy Communion
5.45pmShorter Choral Evensong (Girls’ and Lower Voices)
Wednesday 138.00amMorning Prayer and Holy Communion
11.30amFree Guided Tour (meet at main door)
1.10pmHoly Communion
5.45pmShorter Choral Evensong (Boys’ Voices)
Thursday148.00amMorning Prayer and Holy Communion
12.00pmThanksgiving Service for the life of Rosemary Gregory
1.10pmWholeness and Healing Service
5.45pmEvening Prayer
Friday158.00amMorning Prayer and Holy Communion
10.00amToddler Group in the cathedral
5.45pmChoral Evensong (Boys’ and Lower Voices)
Saturday 169.00amMorning Prayer and Holy Communion
3.30pmEvening Prayer
Sunday179.00amHoly Communion 11.00am Choral Eucharist
Preacher: Rev’dElaine King
3.30pmChoral Evensong (Girls’ and Lower Voices)
Preacher: Rev’d Canon Andrew Lythall
(Canon Precentor)
The cathedral diary and events can be found online at
Please send items by noon on Thursdays.