MG Car Club Canberra Inc
Club Monthly Meeting Minutes – 12 May 2016
President: Greg Whitfield (GW), Treasurer: Laurie Gardiner (LG), Secretary: Trevor Clement (TC)
Vice President & Sporting Secretary: Kent Brown (KB), Committee member: Graeme Rossiter (GR), Committee member: Mark Horsfield (MH), Committee Secretary Trevor Finklaire (TF)/ Graeme Corbett (GC)
Assistant Secretary: Dave Burns (DB)
Item / Minutes1. Opening and attendance, apologies / Welcome by President.
The President welcomed new members Allan Bryce, Andrew and Kathy Smith
Apologies: TC, Kent and Virginia Brown, Dick and Kerrie Buitendam, Tony and Eda McGloughlin, Bruce and Margaret Murray,
2. Guest Speaker / The President explained that the speaker tonight could not attend as his wife was sick. A silent book auction will be held instead.
3. Confirm Minutes / Minutes of the meeting of 14 April 2016 posted for review.
Proposed acceptance: MH
Seconded by: GR
4. Matters Arising / · Nil
5. President / · The Autumn Weekend Away in Orange was a very enjoyable weekend. Thanks to the organisers (John and Margaret Cooper, Mark and Naomi Horsfield, Trevor and Pauline Finklaire) for the effort in planning the event.
· Changes to the way the club publishes Tappet Chatter have resulted in savings. These will be used to fund club activities using the AWA and motorkhana this FY. For future financial years, the savings will go to major club functions to directly benefit members. The President asked for ideas from members on how to best use spare funds.
6. Treasurer / Monthly Treasurer’s Report as displayed.
Early next financial year, the committee will hold a meeting to plan the year’s expenditure. Suggestions are welcome.
7. Secretary / Two more members have joined since the previous meeting.
8. Social Secretary / TF advised members of upcoming events:
· Next mid-week meander is 2 June to Lanyon Homestead café
· Presentation Dinner at the Federal Gold Club, Sat 23 July at $67 a head.
· On 17 July, a run is planned to Lerida Estate Winery. Those wanting to go on the winery tour need to advise TF as soon as possible.
· The Springtime Tour and Autumn Weekend Away for 2017 need volunteers to plan and organise.
TF also reminded members that only limited copies of Tappet Chatter are printed and only the members who have advised that they want a hard copy should take one.
9. Sporting Secretary / Next Motorkhana is on 29 May. Chris Hillman needs volunteers to assist with running the event.
10.A/Secretary (Display) / GR advised members that Wheels 2016 on 15 May has a change of venue. Due to soft grass after recent rain, the event will be held in the carpark of the Treasury Building. Members bringing their cars should arrive early and use Gate 5/6.
11. Editor / Printing of Tappet Chatter is delayed and will be available next week.
12. Web Master / MH advised that the website was up to date with many photos and videos available. He will also distribute the electronic copies of the magazines of other clubs that elect to have electronic versions rather than paper ones.
13. CACTMC / Brian Calder explained that at the last CACTMC meeting there was much discussion on how the Council should function. There was strong support for a review of the Council’s organisation and procedures. Clubs will get a chance to comment on the Terms of Reference of the review. It was also clarified that at committee meetings of the Council, the members are not committee members not representatives of the motor clubs that they come from. Only at the General Meeting do the members represent their clubs.
14. Library / John Coper held a silent auction of excess books from the libraries stocks.
15. MGTYme / Brian Calder advised that 100 people and 35 cars were enrolled for MG TYme, many of them from interstate. The Shannons’ subsidy for the event was very welcome.
16. Natmeet / The President announced that Kevin Kirk had volunteered to be Natmeet Coordinator for 2017.
17. Regalia / Peter Long advised that they had lots of new stock – navy blue shirts, fleecey jackets and sleeveless jackets. Also new spray jackets.
18. Any New Cars?
19. Restoration News?
20. Have you received any good service lately?
21. Other / The Gathering of the Faithful will be on again in Wagga in September. Hunter Valley club is proposing a meetup at Cootamundra of their members and our members going to GOF on the Friday.
Next Meeting / President advised that the next meeting is 9 June 2016.
Close and then Supper / Meeting was closed at 9:00 pm.
Signed as a true and accurate record of the Club Meeting held on 12 May 2016.
Greg Whitfield
18 May 2016
Item / Referred toBendigo Bank statement / LG
CAMS invoice / LG
Membership application - Easton / DB
Email from John Craven MGCC SA on MGC register / GW
Application for MG TYme / BC
Item / AuthorNew member letter / DB
Matter / Action3