Biomes of the World:Shoebox Diorama Project

Science Grade 7

The objective for this project is to learn about different biomes of the world and the features specific to them through research and investigation.


Each student will be given a specific biome and must construct a shoebox diorama (hmm, what’s that…see below) of the biome. The diorama will include features unique to that biome such as the geography and/or landscape, the plants and animals of the ecosystem, and finally, the interaction between the biotic and abiotic things.

What is a Shoebox Diorama?

A diorama is a small model of a real-life scene that has life like details and a realistic background. The box should be shoebox size or larger.

Grading Policy: Grades will be determined by the following:

Biome-in-a-Box Diorama: 50 POINTS

-At least 3 animals species found in your biome/diorama

-At least 3 plant species found in your biome/diorama

-Should realistically represent with geographical features such as mountains, streams, rivers, etc.

-A background on the back and sides of your box.


Other Requirements:

  • Needs to be constructed out of a shoebox or some sort of box
  • Needs to be 3 dimensional
  • Need to complete and turn in Biome Research page (50 POINTS) and PRESENTATION
  • Research MUST be turned in to Mr. Hacker.
  • Have Fun!!!
  • Needs to be turned in by TUESDAY, DECEMBER15THfor a TEST Grade!!!

Sources: You may use your textbook, class notes, encyclopedias, and the following Internet websites: MUST HAVE AT LEAST 3 SOURCES!


Biomes of the World

  1. Tundra – Arctic or Alpine
  2. Taiga (Coniferous or Boreal Forest)
  3. Desert
  4. Temperate Deciduous Forest
  5. Tropical Rain Forest
  6. Grassland- Savanna or North American Prairie
  7. Marine- Ocean or Coral Reef

Note: We will be spending a couple of days in class to research and to collect information regarding your biome. However, construction of diorama will take place outside of class (ie. At home or before/after school).

The Diorama is worth a maximum of 50 points.

The Biome chart (research page) and presentation of biome are worth a maximum of 50 points.

Together a maximum of 100 points is available!

Use the rubrics provided to help you with designing and researching. I will use the rubrics to grade your diorama and your research. You must turn in your rubrics with your project.


Biome in a Box Diorama RubricNAME:______


/ 10 / 8 / 6 / 5
and Creativity / Display box is very attractive and creativity is evident. / Display box is very attractive. / Display box is somewhat attractive. / Display box is messy and unattractive.
Accuracy of Animals / More than 3 animals are accurately shown. / At least 3 animals are accurately shown. / One animal is inaccurately shown. / More than one animal is inaccurately shown.
Accuracy of Plants / More than 3 plants are accurately shown. / At least 3 plants are accurately shown. / One plant is inaccurately shown. / More than one plant is inaccurately shown.
Background / Background is very neatly depicted and present on all three sides. / Background is neatly depicted and present on all three sides. / Background is present on all three sides. / Background is not present on all three sides.
Completeness / All components of assignment are present. / Most (1 item missing) components of assignment are present. / Some (2 to 3 items missing) components of assignment are present. / Few (more than 3 items missing) components of assignment are present.

Points earned: ______

Points from Diorama:______

Points from Research:______