Biology Midterm Practice Exam 2016

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.Biology is the study of

a. / minerals. / c. / the weather.
b. / life. / d. / energy.

____2.All organisms possess DNA. DNA

a. / creates energy for cells.
b. / allows sensitivity to environmental stimuli.
c. / contains information for growth and development.
d. / captures energy from the sun.

____3.Instructions for traits that are passed from parents to offspring are known as

a. / a species plan. / c. / genes.
b. / organ codes. / d. / natural selections.

____4.Homeostasis means

a. / a change over long periods of time.
b. / keeping things the same.
c. / rapid change.
d. / the same thing as evolution.

____5.The smallest units that can carry on all the functions of life are called

a. / molecules. / c. / organelles.
b. / cells. / d. / species.

____6.All organisms are composed of

a. / diatoms. / c. / cells.
b. / cellulose. / d. / None of the above

____7.Which example of scientific methodology is incorrect?

a. / observation—a number of people in a certain place dying of a disease outbreak
b. / measurement—a record of the number of people with symptoms of a disease and the number of people who had died from the disease
c. / analysis of data—comparison of the effects of mixing monkey cells with virus-containing blood in test tubes and the effects of mixing liquid from these test tubes with fresh monkey cells
d. / inference making—identification of the Ebola virus as the cause of a disease by taking electron micrographs of substances found in the blood of persons affected with the disease

____8.Scientific hypotheses are most often tested by the process of

a. / communicating. / c. / experimenting.
b. / inferring. / d. / analyzing data.

____9.A hypothesis is

a. / a definite answer to a given problem.
b. / a testable possible explanation of an observation.
c. / a proven statement.
d. / a concluding statement.

____10.A unifying explanation for a broad range of observations is a

a. / hypothesis. / c. / prediction.
b. / theory. / d. / controlled experiment.

____11.A hypothesis that does not explain an observation

a. / is known as an inaccurate forecast.
b. / often predicts a different observation.
c. / is rejected.
d. / None of the above

____12.A scientific theory

a. / is absolutely certain.
b. / is unchangeable.
c. / may be revised as new evidence is presented.
d. / is a controlled experiment.

____13.Which of the following components of a scientific investigation would benefit from communication between scientists?

a. / observing / c. / analyzing data
b. / measuring / d. / All of the above

____14.Typically, the order in which the steps of the scientific method are applied is

a. / observations, predictions, hypothesis, controlled testing, theory, verification.
b. / predictions, observations, hypothesis, theory, controlled testing, verification.
c. / observations, hypothesis, predictions, controlled testing, theory, verification.
d. / observations, hypothesis, predictions, controlled testing, verification, theory.

____15.A light microscope that has an objective lens of 10 and an ocular lens of 20 has a magnification of

a. / 30. / c. / 300.
b. / 200. / d. / 2000.

____16.All organic compounds contain the element

a. / C. / c. / Ca.
b. / N. / d. / Na.

____17.Which of the following is a carbohydrate?

a. / DNA / c. / wax
b. / insulin / d. / sucrose

____18.Polysaccharides are

a. / carbohydrates. / c. / proteins.
b. / lipids. / d. / unsaturated fats.

____19.Amino acids are monomers of

a. / disaccharides. / c. / nucleotides.
b. / proteins. / d. / steroids.

____20.Long chains of amino acids are found in

a. / carbohydrates. / c. / proteins.
b. / lipids. / d. / sugars.


Refer to the illustration above. Molecules like molecule 2 are found in

a. / carbohydrates. / c. / nucleic acids.
b. / lipids. / d. / proteins.

____22.All of the following are examples of lipids except

a. / saturated fats. / c. / cholesterol.
b. / starch. / d. / earwax.

____23.Saturated fatty acids contain

a. / carbon atoms that are each bonded to four other atoms.
b. / carbon atoms linked by double bonds.
c. / no carboxyl (–COOH) groups.
d. / more than 100 carbon atoms.

____24.Which organic molecule below is most closely related to nucleic acids?

a. / amino acids / c. / nucleotides
b. / CH2 chains / d. / sugars

____25.Energy is released when the bond between

a. / carbon atoms in ATP is broken.
b. / ribose and adenine in ATP is broken.
c. / phosphate groups in ATP is broken.
d. / two ATP molecules is broken.

____26.A model of enzyme action is the

a. / induced fit model. / c. / activator action model.
b. / lipid bilayer model. / d. / active site model.

____27.Without enzymes, the chemical reactions in the body would

a. / happen too fast.
b. / occur at much the same rate as they do with enzymes.
c. / require a different pH.
d. / occur too slowly to support life processes.

____28.When the volume of a cell increases, its surface area

a. / increases at the same rate.
b. / remains the same.
c. / increases at a faster rate.
d. / increases at a slower rate.

____29.Surface area is an important factor in limiting cell growth because

a. / the cell can burst if the membrane becomes too large.
b. / materials cannot enter the cell if the surface is too large.
c. / the cell may become too large to take in enough food and to remove enough wastes.
d. / waste products cannot leave the cell if the cell is too small.

____30.One difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that

a. / nucleic acids are found only in prokaryotes.
b. / mitochondria are found in larger quantities in eukaryotes.
c. / the Golgi apparatus is found only in prokaryotes.
d. / prokaryotes have no nuclear membrane.

____31.Which of the following is characteristic of prokaryotes?

a. / They have a nucleus.
b. / They existed on Earth before eukaryotes.
c. / The organelles in their cytoplasm are surrounded by membranes.
d. / None of the above

____32.Only eukaryotic cells have

a. / DNA. / c. / ribosomes.
b. / membrane-bound organelles. / d. / cytoplasm.

____33.Studying a picture of a cell taken with an electron microscope, you find that the cell has no nucleus and no mitochondria, but it does have a plasma membrane and a cell wall. You conclude that the cell is probably from a(n)

a. / animal. / c. / prokaryote.
b. / plant. / d. / extinct organism.

____34.The plasma membrane

a. / encloses the contents of a cell.
b. / allows material to enter and leave the cell.
c. / is selectively permeable.
d. / All of the above

____35.A particularly active cell, like a muscle cell, might contain large numbers of

a. / chromosomes. / c. / mitochondria.
b. / vacuoles. / d. / walls.

____36.The Golgi apparatus is an organelle that

a. / receives proteins and lipids from the endoplasmic reticulum.
b. / labels the molecules made in the endoplasmic reticulum with tags that specify their destination.
c. / releases molecules in vesicles.
d. / All of the above

____37.One important organelle that helps maintain homeostasis by moving supplies from one part of the cell to the other is the

a. / endoplasmic reticulum. / c. / nucleus.
b. / mitochondrion. / d. / cytoplasm.

____38.In which of the following organelles is a cell’s ATP produced?

a. / mitochondrion / c. / Golgi apparatus
b. / endoplasmic reticulum / d. / lysosome

____39.Numerous hairlike organelles that protrude from the surface of a cell and are packed in tight rows are called

a. / flagella. / c. / actin filaments.
b. / microtubules. / d. / cilia.

____40.The packaging and distribution center of the cell is the

a. / nucleus. / c. / central vacuole.
b. / Golgi apparatus. / d. / nuclear envelope.

____41.All cells have

a. / a covering called a plasma membrane that surrounds the cell and controls what information and materials enter and leave it.
b. / an internal fluid that gives shape to the cell and supports the other things within it.
c. / either a central zone or a nucleus that contains the cell’s genes.
d. / All of the above

____42.Refer to the illustration above. The cell uses structure 3

a. / to transport material from one part of the cell to another.
b. / to package proteins so they can be stored by the cell.
c. / as a receptor.
d. / to transfer energy from organic molecules to ATP.

____43.Refer to the illustration above. Structure 1 is

a. / the endoplasmic reticulum.
b. / a Golgi apparatus.
c. / a mitochondrion.
d. / the nucleus.

____44.Refer to the illustration above. The cell shown is probably an animal cell because

a. / it has mitochondria.
b. / it does not have a cell wall.
c. / it has a plasma membrane.
d. / it does not have a nucleus.

____45.How are chloroplasts like mitochondria?

a. / They can both use energy from sunlight.
b. / They look alike.
c. / They both contain DNA.
d. / They are both found in animal cells.

____46.Plant cells have a large membrane-bound space in which water, waste products, and nutrients are stored. This place is known as a

a. / mitochondrion. / c. / Golgi apparatus.
b. / chloroplast. / d. / central vacuole.

____47.Which of the following pairs contains unrelated items?

a. / eukaryote–amoeba / c. / cell wall–animal cell
b. / ribosomes–protein / d. / mitochondria–energy

____48.Which of the following is the correct order of organization of structures in living things, from simplest to most complex?

a. / organ systems, organs, tissues, cells
b. / tissues, cells, organs, organ systems
c. / cells, tissues, organ systems, organs
d. / cells, tissues, organs, organ systems

____49.As a result of diffusion, the concentration of many types of substances

a. / always remains greater inside a membrane.
b. / eventually becomes balanced on both sides of a membrane.
c. / always remains greater on the outside of a membrane.
d. / becomes imbalanced on both sides of a membrane.

____50.Refer to the illustration above. Which cell is most likely to lose both water molecules and solute molecules as the system approaches equilibrium?

a. / cell 1 / c. / cell 3
b. / cell 2 / d. / cell 4

____51.Refer to the illustration above. In which direction are water molecules in this system most likely to diffuse?

a. / from 1 to 2 / c. / from 4 to 3
b. / from 2 to 4 / d. / from 3 to 1

____52.Channels utilizing facilitated diffusion

a. / work in two directions.
b. / require an electrical signal to function.
c. / Both a and b
d. / None of the above

____53.Which of the following does not expend energy?

a. / diffusion / c. / active transport
b. / endocytosis / d. / a sodium-potassium pump

____54.The process by which water passes into or out of a cell is called

a. / solubility. / c. / selective transport.
b. / osmosis. / d. / endocytosis.


Refer to the illustration above. The process shown is called

a. / osmosis. / c. / active transport.
b. / facilitated diffusion. / d. / diffusion.

____56.Ridding the cell of material by discharging it from sacs at the cell surface is called

a. / pinocytosis. / c. / exocytosis.
b. / phagocytosis. / d. / endocytosis.

____57.Molecules that are too large to be moved through the membrane can be transported into the cell by

a. / osmosis. / c. / lipid carriers.
b. / endocytosis. / d. / diffusion.

____58.Placing a plant into a hypertonic environment will

a. / cause turgor pressure to increase.
b. / cause the plant to take in water.
c. / have no effect.
d. / cause water to leave the plant cell.

____59.A calcium ion channel will allow

a. / any kind of ion to pass through it.
b. / only calcium ions to pass through it.
c. / positive ions to pass through it.
d. / None of the above

____60.In order to fit within a cell, DNA becomes more compact by

a. / breaking apart into separate genes.
b. / extending to form very long, thin molecules.
c. / wrapping tightly around associated proteins.
d. / being enzymatically changed into a protein.

____61.Chromatids are

a. / dense patches within the nucleus.
b. / bacterial chromosomes.
c. / duplicate halves of a chromosome.
d. / prokaryotic nuclei.

____62.Which of the following is not a true difference between the chromosomes of eukaryotes and those of prokaryotes?

a. / Eukaryotic chromosomes are linear, while those of prokaryotes are circular.
b. / Eukaryotic chromosomes are found free in the nucleus, while those of prokaryotes are attached to the cell membrane.
c. / Eukaryotes usually have more than one chromosome, while prokaryotes have only one chromosome.
d. / Eukaryotic chromosomes contain DNA, while prokaryotic chromosomes contain a different form of genetic material.

____63.The chromosomes in your body

a. / exist in 23 pairs.
b. / include two sex chromosomes.
c. / include 44 autosomes.
d. / All of the above

____64.A student can study a karyotype to learn about the

a. / molecular structure of a chromosome.
b. / genes that are present in a particular strand of DNA.
c. / medical history of an individual.
d. / number of chromosomes present in a body cell.

____65.A diploid cell is one that

a. / has two homologues of each chromosome.
b. / is designated by the symbol 2n.
c. / has chromosomes found in pairs.
d. / All of the above

____66.diploid : body cell :: haploid :

a. / sex chromosome / c. / gamete
b. / chromosome / d. / zygote

____67.The diploid number of chromosomes in an organism is 36. How many chromosomes are in this organism’s egg cell?

a. / 72 / c. / 18
b. / 9 / d. / 144

____68.How many chromosomes are in the body cells of an organism that has a haploid number of 8?

a. / 4 / c. / 12
b. / 8 / d. / 16

____69.In a bacterium, cell division takes place when

a. / its nucleus divides.
b. / the cell splits into two cells, one of which receives all of the DNA.
c. / the DNA is copied, a new cell membrane forms between the DNA copies, and the cell splits into two cells.
d. / None of the above

____70.The stage of the cell cycle that occupies most of the cell’s life is

a. / G1. / c. / G2.
b. / M. / d. / interphase.

____71.Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the cell cycle?

a. / C  M  G1 S  G2 / c. / G1 S  G2 M  C
b. / S  G1 G2 M  C / d. / None of the above

____72.growth : G1 ::

a. / mitosis : meiosis / c. / cytokinesis : M
b. / mitochondria replication : S / d. / DNA duplication : S

____73.The phase of mitosis that is characterized by the arrangement of all chromosomes along the equator of the cell is called

a. / telophase. / c. / anaphase.
b. / metaphase. / d. / prophase.

____74.Refer to the illustration above. The cell in diagram 1 is in

a. / metaphase. / c. / anaphase.
b. / telophase. / d. / prophase.

____75.Refer to the illustration above. Mitosis begins with the stage shown in diagram

a. / 1. / c. / 3.
b. / 2. / d. / 4.

____76.Refer to the illustration above. The cell shown in diagram 5 is in

a. / metaphase. / c. / anaphase.
b. / telophase. / d. / prophase.

____77.A typical human cell contains 46 chromosomes. After mitosis and cytokinesis, each of the two new cells formed from the original cell

a. / has 23 chromosomes.
b. / grows new chromosomes from existing DNA.
c. / has a complete set of 46 chromosomes.
d. / None of the above

____78.As a result of mitosis, each of the two new cells produced from the original cell during cytokinesis

a. / receives a few chromosomes from the original cell.
b. / receives an exact copy of all the chromosomes present in the original cell.
c. / donates a chromosome to the original cell.
d. / receives exactly half the chromosomes from the original cell.

____79.Refer to the illustration above. Which of the following correctly indicates the order in which these events occur?

a. / 1, 2, 3, 4 / c. / 2, 1, 3, 4
b. / 3, 2, 1, 4 / d. / 1, 3, 2, 4

____80.The difference between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I of meiosis is that

a. / the chromosomes line up at the equator in anaphase I.
b. / centromeres do not exist in anaphase I.
c. / chromatids do not separate at the centromere in anaphase I.
d. / crossing-over occurs only in anaphase of mitosis.

____81.When crossing-over takes place, chromosomes

a. / mutate in the first division.
b. / produce new genes.
c. / decrease in number.
d. / exchange corresponding segments of DNA.

____82.True-breeding pea plants always

a. / are pollinated by hand.
b. / produce offspring each of which can have multiple forms of a trait.
c. / produce offspring each of which can have only one form of a trait.
d. / are heterozygous.

____83.A genetic trait that appears in every generation of offspring is called

a. / dominant. / c. / recessive.
b. / phenotypic. / d. / superior.

____84.homozygous : heterozygous ::

a. / heterozygous : Bb / c. / BB : Bb
b. / probability : predicting chances / d. / homozygous : BB

____85.The law of segregation explains that

a. / alleles of a gene separate from each other during meiosis.
b. / different alleles of a gene can never be found in the same organism.
c. / each gene of an organism ends up in a different gamete.
d. / each gene is found on a different molecule of DNA.

____86.When Mendel crossed pea plants that differed in two characteristics, such as flower color and plant height,

a. / these experiments led to his law of segregation.
b. / he found that the inheritance of one trait did not influence the inheritance of the other trait.
c. / he found that the inheritance of one trait influenced the inheritance of the other trait.
d. / these experiments were considered failures because the importance of his work was not recognized.

____87.Tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t) in pea plants. Which of the following represents the genotype of a pea plant that is heterozygous for tallness?

a. / T / c. / Tt
b. / TT / d. / tt

In humans, having freckles (F) is dominant over not having freckles (f). The inheritance of these traits can be studied using a Punnett square similar to the one shown below.

____88.Refer to the illustration above. The genotype represented in box 1 in the Punnett square would

a. / be homozygous for freckles.
b. / have an extra freckles chromosome.
c. / be heterozygous for freckles.
d. / have freckles chromosomes.

____89.Refer to the illustration above. The phenotype represented by box 1 is

a. / green, inflated. / c. / yellow, inflated.
b. / green, constricted. / d. / yellow, constricted.

____90.Refer to the illustration above. The genotype represented by box 2 is

a. / GgIi. / c. / GI.
b. / GGIi. / d. / Gi.

In rabbits, black fur (B) is dominant over brown fur (b). Consider the following cross between two rabbits.

____91.Refer to the illustration above. Both of the parents in the cross are

a. / black.
b. / brown.
c. / homozygous dominant.
d. / homozygous recessive.

____92.In pea plants, yellow seeds are dominant over green seeds. What would be the expected genotype ratio in a cross between a plant with green seeds and a plant that is heterozygous for seed color?

a. / 1:3 / c. / 4:1
b. / 1:2:1 / d. / 1:1

____93.codominance : both traits are displayed ::

a. / probability : crosses
b. / heterozygous : alleles are the same
c. / incomplete dominance : both traits are “blended” in heterozygote
d. / Punnett square : chromosomes combine

____94.What fraction of the offspring resulting from a heterozygous heterozygous dihybrid cross are heterozygous for both traits?

a. / 9/16 / c. / 3/16
b. / 1/4 / d. / 1/16

____95.Each organism has a unique combination of characteristics encoded in molecules of

a. / protein. / c. / carbohydrates.
b. / enzymes. / d. / DNA.

____96.The primary function of DNA is to

a. / make proteins.
b. / store and transmit genetic information.
c. / control chemical processes within cells.
d. / prevent mutations.

____97.All of the following are true about the structure of DNA except

a. / short strands of DNA are contained in chromosomes inside the nucleus of a cell.
b. / every DNA nucleotide contains a sugar, a phosphate group, and a base.
c. / DNA consists of two strands of nucleotides joined by hydrogen bonds.
d. / the long strands of nucleotides are twisted into a double helix.

____98.The scientists credited with establishing the structure of DNA are

a. / Avery and Chargaff. / c. / Mendel and Griffith.
b. / Hershey and Chase. / d. / Watson and Crick.

____99.Watson and Crick built models that demonstrated that

a. / DNA and RNA have the same structure.
b. / DNA is made of two chains in a double helix.
c. / guanine forms hydrogen bonds with adenine.
d. / thymine forms hydrogen bonds with cytosine.

____100.Chargaff’s rules, the base-pairing rules, state that in DNA

a. / the amount of adenine equals the amount of thymine.
b. / the amount of guanine equals the amount of cytosine.
c. / the amount of guanine equals the amount of thymine.
d. / Both a and b

____101.The base-pairing rules state that the following are base pairs in DNA:

a. / adenine—thymine; uracil—cytosine.
b. / adenine—thymine; guanine—cytosine.
c. / adenine—guanine; thymine—cytosine.
d. / uracil—thymine; guanine—cytosine.

____102.Which of the following represents the complementary strand for the segment of DNA below?


a. / 3’ TGCACCGCT 5’ / c. / 5’ TGCACCGCT 3’
b. / 5’ ACGTGGCGA 3’ / d. / 3’ ACGTGGCGA 5’

____103.Which of the following is not true about DNA replication?

a. / It must occur before a cell can divide.
b. / Two complementary strands are duplicated.
c. / The process of DNA replication is semiconservative.
d. / The process is catalyzed by enzymes called DNA mutagens.

____104.During DNA replication, a complementary strand of DNA is made for each original DNA strand. Thus, if a portion of the original strand is CCTAGCT, then the new strand will be