Know the meaning of the following terms and concepts.

Cell Division (Chapter 10 & Chapter 11.4 (meiosis))

1. When do cells divide?

2. Asexual reproduction

3. Sexual reproduction

4. Cell Cycle Diagram (p 281)

5. Plant and Animal cell differences found (Cell division) (p. 285)

6. The phases of the cell cycle in eukaryotes (know what occurs in each phase)


1) G1

2) S

3) G2

  1. MITOSIS (M phase)






Label Each Stage (Some pictures are in the same stage)

7. What cells don’t divide?

8. When does DNA Replication occur?

9. Chromatin

10. Sister Chromatids

11. Centromere

12. Chromosomes

Label the diagram to the right (p. 280)

13. Compare the differences of mitosis in plants and animals

14. What is Meiosis? Why is Meiosis important?

15. Haploid

16. Diploid

17. Homologous pair

18. Know all the phases of Meiosis and the events that occur in each

  1. Prophase I
  2. Metaphase I
  3. Anaphase I
  4. Telophase I
  5. Prophase II
  6. Metaphase II
  7. Anaphase II
  8. Telophase II (Haploid Cells)

19. Egg & Sperm – haploid or diploid?

20. Variation – Mitosis or Meiosis?

Fundamentals of Genetics (Chapter 11 & 14)

1. What is the study of Genetics?

2. Trait

3. Purebred/Truebreeding

4. Hybrid

5. Mendel’s work (with peas)

a) Law of Segregation

b) Law of Independent Assortment

6. Alleles

7. Dominant allele

8. Recessive allele

9. Genotype

10. Phenotype

11. Genes

12. Cross a heterozygous individual with another heterozygous individual with the letter R (p. 316)

  1. Chromosome Theory of Heredity
  2. homozygous
  3. heterozygous
  4. probability
  5. Punnett Square
  6. Know how to determine the genotypes and phenotypes for a monohybrid and dihybrid cross
  7. Why use a Test Cross?
  8. Know how to read a Pedigree (p.397)
  9. What’s a carrier? What are genetic disorders?
  10. Know how to determine the genotypes and phenotypes for:
  1. incomplete dominance
  2. codominance
  3. multiple alleles
  1. Polygenic traits
  2. Sex-linked traits
  3. Cross a PpQq and PpQq and what is the percent chance of having a baby with the genotype of PpQq (p 316)
  1. Chromosomes crossing over (p.324)
  2. Karyotype (normal and abnormal) (p 392)
  3. DNA molecule and parts (p 354) (p348)

DNA Replication, Protein Synthesis & DNA Technology (Chapter 12, 13, 15)

Complete the chart based on Chargaff’s rule

% A / % G / % C / % T
Wolf / 21.2 / 38.8
Chimp / 5
Tiger / 28.5 / 28.5

1. Differences between DNA & RNA (RNA structure p. 363)




2. Protein Synthesis –

3. Transcription –

a. enzymes involved in transcription?

4. Translation –

5. Codon and Anticodons

6. Amino Acid chart based on anticodons (p. 367)

7. mutation –

8. Chromosome mutation (p.374)–

a. deletion –

b. duplication –

c. translocation –

d. inversion –

9. Gene mutation –

a. frameshift mutation –

b. point mutation –

10. cancer – uncontrolled cell division

11. causes of cancer -

a. mutagen

b. carcinogen

12. selective breeding –

13. inbreeding -

14. genetic engineering –

15. restriction enzymes –

16. recombinant DNA and gene cloning using a plasmid (p. 425) –

17. vector –

18. Plasmids -

19. Gel Electrophoresis –

20. DNA fingerprint (Diagram to the right)–

21. Transgenic organisms –

22. What are some products produced by genetic engineering?

23. Gene therapy (p. 431)–

24. What medical advances have resulted from genetic engineering?

25. DNA & crime

a. Safety and Ethics in Biotechnology

1. Biotechnology –

2. Human Genome Project –

26. How is DNA replicated?

27. What enzymes are involved in DNA replication?

Evolution Unit (Chapter 16, 17)

1. species –

2. variation –

3. adaptation –

4. fossils –

5. Darwin and His Theory

6. Evolution –

7. Lamarck vs Darwin

8. HMS Beagle & The Galapagos Islands

9. Four main points of Darwin’s theory of Natural selection are?

10. Gradualism -

11. Tracking changes (evidence of evolution)

12. homologous structures (p 468) -

13. vestigial structures (466-467)-

14. analogous structures –

Which evolutionaryterm is shown in the picturebelow?

15. similar embryonic development

16. similar biochemistry (e.g. DNA, cytochrome c)

17. speciation –

18. convergent evolution (examples)–

19. divergent evolution (examples)-

20. Coevolution (examples)–

21. Adaptive radiation –

22. Hardy-Weinberg principle -

23. Gene pool -

24. Allele frequencies -

25. Genetic equilibrium –

a. disruptive (489)-

b. stabilizing (489)–

c. directional (489)-

26. Genetic drift –

Earth’s Early History (Chapter 19)

1. Gases in the early atmosphere are?

2. Miller & Urey Apparatus – what did they produce?

3. Protocells –

4. Microspheres –

5. half-life –

6. What were the first cells found in the fossil record?

7. Most fossils are found in what type of rock?

8. What are the two ways of dating a fossil’s age? Which one is more accurate?

9. Know how to read the Geologic Time Scale (p. 542)

Classification (Chapter 18)

1. Taxonomy –

2. systematics-

3. 7 Levels of classification

a. Kingdom

b. Phylum

c. Class

d. Order

e. Family

f. Genus

g. Species

4. What are the Six Kingdoms?

a. Archaebacteria-

b. Eubacteria-

c. Protista –

d. Fungi –

e. Plantae –

f. Animalia –

5. Know each groups characteristics and examples from each Kingdom

6. Binomial nomenclature –

7. Know how to write a scientific name (Genus/Species)

8. Phylogenetic tree/cladogram –

9. Know how to use a Dichotomous Key (Biological Key)

10. Know how to read a classification chart with different levels of organization.

11. Cladogram (p. 517 and 519)

12. Various organisms- place in proper kingdom (p. 527)