Biology 2 - Cells, Molecules, and Genes- Laboratory
Fall 2011
Instructor: Hao Nguyen
GTA: Dana Carper
Office: Humboldt 211DOffice Phone: (916) 278-6569E-mail:
Office hours: T 10:30 – 13:30 (or by appointment)Website:
Text:Lecture:Biology. Campbell and Reece, 9th edition, 2011.
Lab Manual:BIO 2: Cells, Molecules, and Genes, Lab Manual. Fall, 2010.
(Available from Copy Central, 925 Howe Avenue.)
Required for Lab: Lab fee and Laboratory notebook
Course Description:Bio 2 Cells, Molecules, and Genes (5 units). Introduction to molecular and cellular biology and genetics. Topics include biomolecules, cell structure and function, cellular energetics, molecular flow of information, cell division, and genetic inheritance. Development of scientific skills and a scientific mindset will be emphasized throughout the course, particularly in lab exercises and activities. Designed for science majors. Lecture three hours; laboratory three hours; activity two hours. Prerequisite: BIO 001, CHEM 001A.
Grading:You are required to maintain a laboratory notebook. The lab notebooks will be collected every week during the semester. There will be a lab quiz at the beginning of most lab meeting. Lastly, you will have to participate in lab. Points will NOT be added, but will be DEDUCTED from the total lab score when class participation is insufficient.
Lab quizzes ------120 pts
Lab notebook ------80 pts
Laboratory total------200 pts
Attendance:Attendance is mandatory for the laboratory section and be on time. Ten points (out of the
possible 200) will be deducted from the final lab grade for every lab meeting missed. Four
points (out of the possible 200) will be deducted from the final lab grade for every tardiness.
If you did not attend the lab, you should note that in your lab notebook. If you clearly indicate that you did not attend, you may use your partners’ data. In addition to notingthat you were not present, you must also acknowledge the source of the data that you used.
Make-up lab work:There will be NO make-up lab. In case of health-related EMERGENCIES, notify me as soon as possible in these instances. You will be asked to provide written proof.
Policy on Dishonesty:An automatic grade of “F” for the exam and possibly the entire course will be given to anyone who cheats on any quiz or assignment. If I catch you cheating, if I hear about your cheating, if I suspect that you cheat, YOU WILL EARN a ZERO for the lab portion ofBIO 2. CHEATING constitutes:
- receiving answers (in any form) from another person or source (other than your own brain power, of course) during a quiz
- giving answers to another person during a quiz
- submitting a notebook that was not produced by you
- copying from another person's notebook.
Classroom Conduct:1.Please, be courteous to everyone in your class... yes, that includes the person
sitting next to you.
- Turn OFF all cell phones, pagers, and watch alarms.
- No disruptive behaviors during lecture such as talking, popping gum, dancing, etc.
- I WILL NOT TOLERATE DISRESPECT. Be respectful to everyone in the class; yes, including me.
- Misconduct will result in your being removed from the class, possibly permanently.