A.  Size is Important

1. Smaller is Better

2.  The bigger the cell becomes…

a.  the more demands the cell places on its ______

b.  the more trouble moving enough ______across the cell membranes

B.  Exchanging Materials

1.  Rate at which ______of wastes, nutrients, gases takes place depends on the surface of the cell

a.  Surface area = ______x ______x ______

2.  Rate at which nutrients and gases are ______and wastes are made depends on volume of the cell

b.  Volume = ______x ______x ______

C.  Surface to Volume ratio

1.  Volume increases ______than surface area when a cell is growing

a.  Exchange of materials cannot keep up with the demand

2.  Smaller cells have a ______surface area to volume ratio

a.  Means there is ______surface area for materials to fit into

II.  Cell Division

A.  In order to stay the same size, cells must divide

1.  Split in 2: ______

2.  Are EXACT copies of each other à ______

3.  Before dividing, the cell must duplicate everything ______

so that everything is the same

B.  Prokaryotes are simpler (no organelles)

1.  After DNA is copied, cell splits in two

2.  Each new cell contains a copy of the DNA called ______

3.  Example of ______reproduction

C.  Cell Division in Eukaryotes

Occurs in stages:

1.) Preparation

- ______

2.) Division of ______

3.) Division of ______

III. Chromosomes

A. Structure that carry ______

1.  Made up of DNA and protein (______)

2.  DNA coils very tightly à degree of coiling leads to whether DNA is ______

B. Each eukaryote has a characteristic ______of chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell.

1.  Examples (singles, divided by 2 would be pairs)

–  Humans- ______

–  Dog- 78

–  Housefly- 12

–  Potato plant- 48

–  Cat- 38

–  Aspergillus (fungus)- 8

–  Drosophia (fly) - _____

–  What is a chromosome?

C. Degree of coiling

1. While the cell is “resting”, you cannot see the chromosomes: it is unwound

a. Called ______

2.  While the cell is dividing, you can see the chromosomes

a.  Wound up

b.  Made of two ______connected by a ______

IV. The Cell Cycle

A.  Overview

1.  Occurs in ______cells

2.  Definition à It is the period of time from the beginning ______


3.  Cell ______its contents so that it is ready to divide into 2 completely independent cells

4.  The Cell Cycle

B.  Consists of 4 phases

1.  _____ à intense growth and activity; new proteins and organelles are produced

2.  S phase à copying of ______

3.  _____ à intense growth and activity; new proteins and organelles are produced

  1. ______of the three phases

4. M phase – mitosis à the division of the cell ______

C.  Cell Cycle Rates

àCells do not move through the cell cycle at the same rate

1.  Cells in a developing embryo replicate rapidly- _____ minutes

2.  Average time of cell cycle- ______

3.  Lining of esophagus- 2-3 days Lining of small intestine- 1-2 days

4.  Lining of large intestine- 6 days Red blood cells-120 days WBC- 10hrs-decades

5.  Cell stops growing in ____ phase

a.  Once conditions are right, cell will leave G1 and go through S phase, G2, and M phase

b.  Some cells stop going through the cell cycle.

  1. They are permanently in the _____stage (normal cell function).
  2. This stage is referred to as ______

c.  Cardiac muscle

d.  Nerve cells (most)

e.  Red blood cells

D.  M phase

1.  Cell division

a.  Process in which the cell divides into two independent cells à ______

2.  Process is called ______in eukaryotes

3.  and ______ in prokaryotes

MITOSIS Chapter 10-2

I. Mitosis

à Time of cell division

A.  Divided into four main phases

1.  Prophase

2.  Metaphase

3.  Anaphase

4.  Telophase

II. Cell Cycle Stages

A.  Prophase

1.  ______of the four phases

2.  Appearance of chromosomes

  1. Creation of ______
  2. Attached at the ______

3.  Nucleus undergoes several changes

  1. ______begins to breakdown

4.  ______begins to form

  1. Series of microtubules that span the cell
  2. Purpose is to ______

5.  Chromosomes attach to the spindle at the ______

  1. In animals, spindle is created by the ______
  2. In plants, spindle is created between the ______

i.  Plants do not have centrioles

B. Metaphase

1.  ______phase of mitosis

2.  Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

C. Anaphase

1.  Centromeres split

a. Sister chromatids are pulled to the ______of the cell

D. Telophase

1. ______breaks down

2. ______forms around the

chromosomes again

3. Chromosomes ______again

II. Cytokinesis

àProcess of the ______

A.  Animals

1.  the cell pinches in ______

B.  Plants

1.  a ______is created in the middle of the cell