Name / Gender
Year Level / Degree Enrolled

Evaluate yourself against each of the statements. Check the box that best describes your level of agreement.

Statements / Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree|
disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
1. I have a rich vocabulary. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
2. I am always prepared. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
3. I am the life of the party. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
4. I am interested in people. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
5. I am easily disturbed. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
6. I have a vivid imagination. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
7. I pay attention to details. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
8. I don't mind being the center of attention. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
9. I sympathize with the feelings of other people. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
10. I change my mood a lot. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
11. I have excellent ideas. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
12. I get chores done right away. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
13. I feel comfortable around people. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
14. I have a soft heart. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
15. I get irritated easily. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
16. I am quick to understand things. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
17. I like order and to have things in proper arrangement. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
18. I start conversations. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
19. I take time out for others. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
20. I get stressed out easily. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
21. I use difficult words when I speak and write. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
22. I follow a schedule and have a to-do list. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
23. I talk to a lot of different people at parties. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
24. I feel the emotions of other people. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
25. I get upset easily. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
26. I am full of ideas. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
27. I am exacting in my work. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
28. I don't talk a lot. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
29. I make people feel at ease. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
30. I have frequent mood swings. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
31. I am not interested in abstractions. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
32. I leave my belongings around. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
33. I think a lot before I speak or act. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
34. I am not really interested in others. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
35. I worry about things. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
36. I do not have a good imagination. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
37. I make a mess of things. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
38. I don't like to draw attention to myself. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
39. I insult people. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
40. I am much more anxious than most people. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
41. I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
42. I often forget to put things back in their proper place. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
43. I am quiet around strangers. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
44. I am not interested in other people's problems. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
45. I am relaxed most of the time. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
46. I don't like changes in my personal and academic life. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
47. I shirk my duties. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
48. I have no intention of talking in large crowds. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
49. I feel little concern for others. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢
50. I seldom feel blue. / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢ / ¢

Results of Personality Traits Questionnaire

Instructions: Complete the table with the corresponding scores of your responses.

Strongly agree 5; Agree 4; Neither agree nor disagree 3; Disagree 2; Strongly disagree 1

Tally the scores and divide by the number of items. Then indicate the description using this legend.

5.0 Very High; 4.0 to 4.9 High; 3.0 to 3.9 Average; 2.0 to 2.9 Low; 1.0 to 1.9 Very Low

S01 = / S02 = / S03 = / S04 = / S05 =
S06 = / S07 = / S08 = / S09 = / S10 =
S11 = / S12 = / S13 = / S14 = / S15 =
S16 = / S17 = / S18 = / S19 = / S20 =
S21 = / S22 = / S23 = / S24 = / S25 =
S26 = / S27 = / S28 = (r) / S29 = / S30 =
S31 = (r) / S32 = (r) / S33 = (r) / S34 =(r) / S35 =
S36 = (r) / S37 = (r) / S38 = (r) / S39 = (r) / S40 =
S41 = (r) / S42 = (r) / S43 = (r) / S44 = (r) / S45 = (r)
S46 = (r) / S47 = (r) / S48 = (r) / S49 = (r) / S50 = (r)
Total / Total / Total / Total / Total
Average / Average / Average / Average / Average
Description / Description / Description / Description / Description

(r) reverse the scoring

Constituent traits of the five personality traits (Wikipedia):

1. Openness to experience. (Inventive|Curious vs. Consistent|Cautious) Openness reflects the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty and variety a person has. It is also described as the extent to which a person is imaginative or independent, and depicts a personal preference for a variety of activities over a strict routine.

2. Conscientiousness. (Efficient|Organized vs. Easy-going|Careless) A tendency to be organized and dependable, showself-discipline, actdutifully, aim for achievement, and prefer planned rather than spontaneous behavior.

3. Extraversion. (Outgoing|Energetic vs. Solitary|Reserved) Energy, positive emotions,urgency, assertiveness, sociability and the tendency to seekstimulationin the company of others, and talkativeness.

4. Agreeableness. (Friendly|Compassionate vs. Analytical|Detached) A tendency to becompassionateand cooperativerather thansuspiciousandantagonistictowards others. It is also a measure of one's trusting and helpful nature, and whether a person is generally well tempered or not.

5. Neuroticism. (Sensitive|Nervous vs. Secure|Confident) The tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such asanger,anxiety, depression, andvulnerability.

In which personality trait did you score the highest? Do you agree with this result? What is the implication of this result to your student life and to your preparation for a marketing career?




In which personality trait did you score the lowest? Do you agree with this result? What is the implication of this result to your student life and to your preparation for a marketing career?




What are your thoughts about your overall results?



In psychology, these five personality traits are often referred to as the Big Five. Read up on the Big Five to further enhance your understanding about these broad domains or dimensions of personality.