Bio 2 – Study guide for final - It is impossible for me to give a study guide with everything that was covered in this course. This is my best possible attempt. You should just know everything. (It’s too easy!!!!!!) The classification will be asked as matching. Be sure to know what makes each group unique. You will not be asked life cycles but you need to know what makes each different. The test is all true/false, multiple choice and most of the classification will be matching. I can only ask a few questions per chapter and will ask more questions about the information covered since the last exam. Good luck and see you again next semester (just kidding!!!!!)
Field Trips – Beach - What are the three types of areas off our coastline? Know examples. Which one did we visit? What causes the tides? What is a spring tide? A neap tide? What is the major current that affects our coast? What are waves? What is the water temperature of our local beaches? What are general problems experienced by the animals on a rocky shore? What are the four zones found in the rocky coast? Know examples of the animals we saw for each zone. What are the factors that control marine life? – Desert - Definition of a desert. What are the causes of evaporation? How much rainfall do they receive and what causes this? What are the four deserts found in the United States? Why are they located where they are? What is the difference between a cold desert and a hot desert? What are the four modes of gaining and losing heat? What are ectotherms? Endotherms? Poikilotherms? Homeotherms? Desert - Know the info on the following species – Western Diamond Back, Speckled Rattlesnake, Cottonwood, Common King Snake, Palo Verde, Gopher Snake, Desert Iguana, Desert pupfish, Desert Willow, Desert tortoise, Sidewinder, Smoke Tree, Gambel’s Quail, California Fan Palms, Cactus Wren, Creosote, Mesquite, California fan palms, Camels, Golden Eagles, Joshua Tree, Mojave Yucca, Humans, Greater Roadrunner, Ocotillo, Desert Tortoise, Turkey Vulture, Great-horned Owl, Gila monster, Mexican Wolf, Coyote, Ringtail, Mountain Lion, Bobcat, Big Horn Sheep, Arabian Oryx, Peregrine Falcon, Cheetah, Giraffe, Ostrich, Pronghorn, Jaguar, Hyena, Leopard, Turkey Vulture, Peccary, Leopards, Meerkats, Barrel cactus, Saguaro, Peccary, Badger, Peregrine Falcon, Burrowing Owl, and Zebra.
Chapter 24, 25, & 26 – Tracing Phylogeny and the Major Lineages of Life. - How could macroevolution occur on a grand scale (exaptation, allometric growth, heterochrony, paedeogenesis, paedeomorphosis). What is evo-devo? What are hox genes? Why the change from kingdoms to domains? What is the difference between classical evolutionary systematics and cladistics? Be able to do a cladogram.
Chapter 27 – Prokaryotes and Origins of Metabolic Diversity -Know the basic cell structure. How do they reproduce? What are their oxygen and nutritional requirements? Know the examples and characteristics given for each group. Know the examples in each group.
Chapter 28 – The Origin of Eukaryotic Diversity - Know the basic cell structure. What are the two theories for development of a eukaryotic cell from a prokaryotic cell? Know the classification. Know why individuals are in each clade. (Hint: What makes each unique?
Chapter 31 – Fungi -What is hyphae? Mycelium? Haustoria? Plasmogamy? Karyogamy? Syngamy? Coenocytic? Septate? Why are chytrids different than other fungi? Know the differences in the fungi life cycles?
Chapter 29 – Plant Diversity I – The Colonization of Land - What are charophytes? What are the adaptations necessary for early plants to colonize land? Know the highlights of plant evolution. Know the classification of nonvascular plants. Protonema? Prothallus?
Chap 30 & 38 – Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants - Know the three variations on gametophyte/sporophyte relationships (alternation of generation). Know the characteristics of vascular plants. Why are some plants sporophyte dominant? Why retain a gametophyte generation? Know the different divisions of gymnosperms. Know the life cycle of a pine tree and flowering plant. Know the structure of a flower (stamen, anther, filament, petal, sepal, carpel, stigma, style, ovary, ovule)
Chap 35 – Plant Structure - Know the three different tissue systems and their components (ground, vascular, epidermis)? Know the types of cells and tissues that make up each one. Know the plant systems (roots, shoots). Know about plant growth (meristems – apical (protoderm, procambium, ground), lateral (vascular, cork). What is the difference between monocots and dicots? Know the root system. What are the two types? What are the four regions of a root? What is the similarities and differences between a monocot and dicot root? Know the shoot system and what each part does. What is the difference between primary and secondary growth? What are the differences between monocot and dicot stems (primary growth) and how do they differ from dicot secondary growth? What makes up a vascular bundle? Know how vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and phloem. Where are the oldest rings? What is the difference between heartwood and sapwood? What is the difference between spring and summer wood? What is the difference between bark and wood to a botanist? Know the different leaf structures.
Chap 36 – Transport in Plants - What is water potential? What two factors contribute to it? Know the following terms (turgid, flaccid, plasmolysis, tonoplast). Know the five types of cellular transport in plants. What is an aquaporin? What are the three types of tissue level transport? How is xylem sap transported up a tree (pushing and pulling xylem)? What is root pressure? Guttation? Transpiration? Cohesion? Adhesion? Surface tension? Meniscus? Negative pressure? How do plants control transpiration? What controls the opening and closing of stomata? How do plants reduce transpiration? How do plants transport phloem sap down a stem? What is a sugar source? Sugar sink? How is phloem loaded into sieve-tube members? How does sugar move from a source to a sink.
Chap 37 – Plant Nutrition - Be able to explain how a plant gets available water and minerals from the soil (both positively and negatively charged). What are the three steps in soil conservation toward a sustainable agriculture? What are the numbers on a fertilizer bag? How do plants take in nitrogen? What is a parasitic plant? What are carnivorous plants? What do they take from their hosts?
Chap 39 – Plant Responses - What are plant hormones? Know the following hormones: auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, ethylene. What is polar transport of auxins? What is the acid growth hypothesis? How do auxins and cytokinins contol the balanced growth of a plant? How do plants respond to light? What is phototrophism? Gravitropism? Thigmotropism? What is rapid leaf movement? What are circadian rhythms? What is a phytochrome? What is photoperiodism? What is the difference between a long-day and a short-day plant? What is critical night length? What are the different plant responses to environmental stress?
Chap 32 – Introduction to Animal Evolution - What is an animal? Know the different stages of the life history of animals. (zygote, morula, blastula, gastrula, larva). Know the phylogenetic tree of animals given in class. Know the difference between protostomes and deuterostomes.
Chap 33 – Invertebrates - Know the characteristics for each invertebrate phylum. What level of organization do they have? How many layers of tissue (diploblastic, triploblastic)? Know the characteristics of the Porifera. Nematocyst? Know the different types of sponges (asconoid, leuconoid, syconoid). Know how the sponges are classified (sponge type and spicule type). Know the characteristics of the Cnidaria. What are the two body forms? What is a choanocyte? Nematocyst? Cnidocil? Know the classification of the phyla and the classes. How does ctenophora differ from the cnidaria? What is a colloblast? What are the characteristics of the flatworms? Know how they are classified. Know the life different types of flukes and how you can get them (only the ones talked about in class). What is a proglottid? Scolex? What is the difference between a pseudocoelomate and a eucoelomate? What is the advantage of having a coelom? Know the general characteristics of a nematode. What characteristics are found in a rotifer? Know the nematodes talked about in class (Where do humans get them? What stage is found in humans?) Know the Nemertea. Why is their lineage questioned? What are the three things that make them different than flatworms? What are the general characteristics of the lophophorates? What are the three phyla in this grouping? Where do they belong in the evolutionary chain? What are the general characteristics of the mollusca? Know the classification of the phyla and classes. What are the general characteristics of an annelid? What are the advantages to segmentation? What is onycophora? Where does it fit in the evolutionary scale? What are the general characteristics of an arthropod? What is the arthropod phylogeny and classification? What are the general characteristics of the echinodermata. Know the following structures: madreporite, oral vs. aboral sides, ocelli, pedicellariae, papulae (dermal branchiae), ambulacral goove. Know how the water vascular (canal) system works. Know the characteristics for each class: open/closed groove, madreporite aboral/oral/internal.
Chap 34 – Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity - What are the four general characteristics of all chordates? Know the subphylums in the chordate phylum. Which contains all four characteristics as an adult? Which contain all four characteristics only as a larva? Which subphylum is probably the most closely related to vertebrates? What are the adaptations present in vertebrates? How are they classified? What are the different classes of fish? How do they differ? How are they similar? What are lungfish? What are lobe-finned fish? Know the 8 superorders in bony fish along with their characteristics. Know the characteristics found in tetrapods. What are the advantages of terrestriality? Why are these adaptations important? What is a “fishapod”? What fish characteristics does it have? Tetrapod characteristics? What are the general characteristics of an amphibian? What is the structure of their eggs? What changes have been made to their jaw? What are the three orders of amphibians? Know their characteristics. Know the evolution of the amniotic egg. What are the following structures used for: shell, amnion, yolk sac, allantois, chorion, albumin. What are the general characteristics for the reptiles (skin, jaws, copulatory organs, lungs, water conservation limbs, nervous system). Know the history of the reptiles: synapsids, sauropsids, anapsids, diapsids. What are the reptile orders? Know the general characteristics for each. What are the modifications made to a snake for eating large prey? How are crocodilia different from other reptiles? What are the general characteristics of birds? What modifications do they have for flight? What are the three theories on how flight evolved? Know the types of feathers and their functions. What are the different types of plumage coloration? What are the costs and benefits of molting? What are the adaptations seen in birds for flight? (furucula, keel, synsacrum, pygostyle, carpometacarpus, hollow bones)? What is the advantages and disadvantages of flocking? What are the different types of breeding systems? What is the difference between altricial or precocial? What muscles are used to raise and lower the wings? What is Archaeopteryx? What are the characteristics that make them both bird and reptile-like? What are the two major types of birds? What are the general characteristics of mammals? Know the characteristics of a mammal. What were the changes seen in the mammalian jaw and ear bones? What are the three different types of mammals? How do they differ? Know the evolution of the mammals. What are therapsids? Monotremes? Marsupials? Placentals? What is the evolutionary trend seen in mammals? What are the modern primates? What are anthropoids? What are the early hominids? What characteristics made them unique? What are the two theories of human evolution?
Chap 41 – Digestion and Nutrition - What is the difference between overnourished, undernourished and malnourished? What are the essential nutrients necessary for animals? How many amino acids are there? How many are essential? What are fat soluble vitamins? Water soluble vitamins? What are the essential minerals in class? What are the different food eating types? What are the different types of feeding adapatations discussed in class. What is intracellular digestion? What is extracellular digestion? Who does which? What is a gastrovascular cavity? Alimentary canals? Know the different types of structures associated with the alimentary canal (gizzard, crop, pharynx, stomach, intestineWhat is peristalsis? Sphincters? Bolus? Acid chime? Feces? Know the different types of dentition discussed in class. What is the difference between a carnivore and herbivore digestive tract? What do cows have?
Chap 42 – Circulation and Respiration
What is the difference between open and closed circulatory system? What is hemolymph? What are the parts of the cardiovascular system? What are the different types of circulation in invertebrates discussed in class? Know the evolution of the vertebrate heart. What are the different types of circulatory schemes? Know the path of blood through the human heart (chambers, valves, vessels). Which carry blood with oxygen? Without oxygen? Know the cardiac cycle (what’s contracting, what valves are open/closed, time, and function). Know the cardiac output. Know cardiac control (SA node, AV node – Why the two nodes?) What is the composition of mammalian blood? Know the factors in blood clotting. Know the different types of cardiac diseases discussed in class. What are the three conditions for respiratory surfaces? What is the difference between aquatic and terrestrial environments? What are the four types of respiratory systems? What is countercurrent gas exchange? What are tracheae? Spiracles? Tracheoles? What is the difference between diffusion and ventilation lungs? What is the difference between positive and negative pressure breathing? How is avian respiration different from other animals? What controls breathing? What do animals use to transport oxygen? How is carbon dioxide transported? What are the adaptations seen in deep-diving mammals?
Chap 44 – Controlling the Internal Environment - What are the functions of the excretory system? What are the three types of nitrogenous wastes? Know the invertebrate excretory systems (protonephridia, metanephrida, nephrostome, malphigian tubules). Know the origins of the excretory system in vertebrates (pronephros, mesonephros, metanephros). Know the parts of the human excretory system (kidney, ureter, urethra, bladder). What is the function of the glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule? proximal tubule? Distal tubule? Loop of Henle? Collecting duct? What controls the kidney?