Date: November 11, 2008
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Bill Eisenstot, Secretarty, called the board meeting to order at 7:33 PM
Claver, Eisenstot, Rosenbloom, Goldenstein, Friedman,
Fiordaliso, Manning,Iverson
Mary Lynn Kempf, Garry Garcia
General Meeting
Prior Minutes Approval - Bill
Motion by Bill Eisenstot – Proposal to approve minutes from 10/28 meeting, pending changes recommended by Henry Goldenstein. Seconded by Henry Goldenstein.
In Favor – Goldenstein, Eisenstot, Manning, Rosenbloom, Friedman; Against – None; Abstain – Fiordaliso
Motion passed, minutes approved.
Bill will also get past minutes to the webmaster for posting on the Grove United Website.
Update on Collections
There is about $60K in outstanding debt owed to Grove United through fees. Some are High School Boys who have not started yet. There are some players who are behind in payments and some who are not even making good faith efforts to pay.
In cases where appropriate (delinquent with no effort), the players pass will be pulled immediately.
< At this point the Board went to Executive Committee to discuss specifics>
Referral Commissions
The Board agreed that the process should be re-communicated to the coaches to encourage Club sponsorship. The Board agreed that we should try to contact those who could benefit from past efforts and pay as appropriate, including those who have brought this to the Boards attention.
Annual Meeting
Bill Eisenstot will be sending a notice to the club regarding the 2008 Annual Meeting. He will be contacting the BG Park District for a room. Bill will work with Cary to learn the Cooleremail system for communications. There will be the following agenda items:
Changes to Bylaws
Election of 4 Board Positions (Up for re-election: Cary Claver, Terry Iverson, Matt Friedman, Henry Goldenstein)
Presentation of Current Financial Statement
Presentation of Annual Budget
Q & A from Membership
Regular Board Business (time permitting)
Portable Lighting
Bob Fiordaliso reported that we had researched (in the past) portable lighting for night games. He will gather the details and bring it back for a future meeting.
Player Departure Impact
Conversation around what the Board/Club should do if a “key/star” player leaves the team/club…what do we do? How do we handle it? Is this a real concern?
Improper Behavior by opposing Coach
2 weekends ago a U13 Boys player was picked up ‘forcefully’ by the opposing coach at the end of the game.
Eric Rosenbloom (Dir. Of Boys) contacted YSSL and will contact that club regarding the coach and his inappropriate behavior.
Menards Field Update
Joel Manning is in contact with the Long Grove board regarding the fields at the new Menards site. It appears the fields will not be ready until Fall 09 or Spring 10 but they will have irrigation. Grove United will have “significant use” of the fields and Long Grove will be looking for Grove United to pay some fees for the use (amount to be determined). There will not be lighting there however due to the cost.
Fees for U8/U9
The Board discussed the newer teams and what an appropriate fee structure would be considering they are starting mid-year.
Cary Claver will send a welcome letter to the team.
Motion by Cary Claver – Proposal to charge $75 admin fee and 1/3 of the standard fees for spring only teams. Seconded by Terry Iverson.
In Favor – Goldenstein, Eisenstot, Manning, Rosenbloom, Friedman, Fiordaliso ; Against – None; Abstain – None
Motion passed.
Under Armor Logo for the Grove United Website
Bob Fiordaliso showed two UA logos for approval. The Board agreed to the Black Logo with White lettering.