Meeting of the Montpelier Common Council

Montpelier City Hall

Monday, November 12, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:08 pm by Mayor Kathy J. Bantz.

Roll Call: Mayor Kathy J. Bantz

J. Michael Lee, Council President

Maria E. Thiery, Council Member

Thomas D Mounsey, Council Member

Jerry C. Downhour, Council Member

Kevin J. Stultz, Council Member

Kelli J. Schriver, Clerk-Treasurer

Approval of Agenda as Presented:

Motion to approve agenda was made by Kevin Stultz. Seconded by. Michael Lee.

Approved 5-0.

Discussion of items from the Minutes:


Approval of Minutes as presented.

Minutes of meeting of October 8, 2012 were presented.

Motion to accept minutes was made by Thomas Mounsey. Seconded by Michael Lee.

Approved 5-0.


Mayor Kathy J. Bantz, updated the Council on the Board of Works meeting. She stated that all the surplus vehicles had sold. Tiller Sanitation would buy the dumpsters, half this year and half next year. The property on 515 S Adams sold.

Clerk-Treasurer Kelli Schriver, none

City Attorney John H. Brooke, not present

Council President Michael Lee, none

Petitions and/or Comments by Those Present:

A.  Tom Lorenzen

Mr. Lorenzen asked the Council what they had decided about re-districting. Micheal Lee stated they would be discussing that in a few moments under unfinished business.


Unfinished Business:

A.  Re-Districting

Michael Lee stated that at the previous Council meeting he had distributed maps and asked the members to consider them and talk with their constituents about districts, He stated citizens he had spoken with wanted districts or had no opinion. Kevin Stultz, Jerry Downhour and Maria Thiery concurred. Mr. Lee has asked the attorney to have an ordinance ready for the December 10th meeting establishing the new boundaries of the four districts. See attached.


New Business

A.  Additional Appropriation CCD

As this was advertised for 11-13-12 the Council will meet then to approve it.

B.  Gully Donation

Mayor Bantz stated that the family of Marvin Gully would like to donate the property on the east end of STRD 18 to the City. The City would have to pay the closing costs and title work, approximately $500.00. The Council decided they were not interested due to the costs involved.

Misc. Business


Next Regular meeting of the Montpelier Common Council will be

Monday November 13, 2012, @ 6:00 pm in the Montpelier City Hall at 300

W. Huntington St., Montpelier, Indiana.

Adjourn:Time of adjournment 6:35 pm.

Motion by Kevin Stultz. Seconded by Thomas Mounsey.

So moved 5-0.


J. Michael Lee, Council President Maria E. Thiery, Council Member


Thomas D Mounsey, Council Member Kevin J. Stultz, Council Member


Jerry C. Downhour, Council Member


Kelli J. Schriver, Clerk-Treasurer Kathy J. Bantz, Mayor