Dear (name)

Welcome to your online English course. My name is …….. and I will be your tutor on this course. This means that you can send your written tutorials to me and I will correct them and we will talk during the speaking tutorials.

You can read some information about me and see a photo of me if you click on “My Tutor” on the platform.

About the course

You have access to a complete level which corresponds to 10 units a mid-level and an end-of-level test.

We recommend you try to complete one unit a month. This means that you need to spend about three hours a week on your English course. However, you can work faster if you prefer.

To begin the course, click on unit 1 of the course and go into the section “Start”. You can work through the exercises at your own pace as long as you keep to the timetable. Once you have finished the “Start” section, continue with the next section “Reading” etc.

In each unit there are two writing tutorials (Tutorial 1 and Tutorial 2). You need to write your tutorials on a Word document and send them to me as an attachment using the mail system on the platform. I will send you my corrections and comments in the same way.

There is a speaking tutorial at the end of each unit (Speaking tutorial). The speaking tutorial will take about 20 minutes. This means you skype (recommended) or phone me and we can talk.

You have also signed up for 10 additional speaking tutorials. This means that we can do two speaking tutorials per unit, instead of one. We can arrange the extra speaking tutorials when it’s convenient.

Arrange the speaking tutorial by mail. Look at my timetable (below) and then send me a message like this:

Dear ……, can we have a phone tutorial on Thursday 13th March at 11 am?

I will tell you if this is OK or not.

Here are the times when I am free to do speaking tutorials.






If these times are not convenient, please contact me and tell me when you are available to do the speaking tutorials.

My phone number is [phone number] and my Skype ID is: …………… Please send me a message before you phone me. If you want to talk by Skype, please send me your Skype ID.

Please note that once your speaking tutorial has been confirmed, if you need to cancel and rearrange it, you need to do this at least 24 hours in advance.

The course is assessed in the following way: each writing task is marked (tutorial 1 is out of 10 and tutorial 2 is out of 20), and your speaking tutorials are also marked (each speaking tutorial is out of 20). There is also a test at the end of each unit (section 15) which looks at your vocabulary (mark out of 5), grammar (mark out of 5), your functional language (mark out of 5), listening comprehension (mark out of 5) and reading comprehension (mark out of 5). The mid-level test at the end of Part A of the course will give you are mark out of 50 and the end-of-level test is also marked out of 50. This is the way we calculate your result:

Writing work (10 units): total marks: 300

Speaking (10 tutorials) total marks: 200

Vocabulary (10 units) total marks: 50

Grammar (10 units) total marks: 50

Functional language (10 units) total marks: 50

Listening comprehension (10 units) total marks: 50

Reading comprehension (10 units) total marks: 50

Mid-level test total marks: 50

End of level test total marks: 50

Total: 850

You need 60% to pass the course and download a certificate.

If you have any questions before you start the course, or any problems during the course, please send me a message on the platform. I will try to answer your message quickly.

Could you now send me a message to confirm you have received this information?

I hope you enjoy your Net Languages course.

Best wishes,
