
Charlie Plummer

Cast Overview

Lionel-Young, handsome, roughly in his mid-twenties, Lionel is the manager of Harmony’s Gyms’ I.T. Department. He is physically fit with nice hair and oozing with enthusiasm.

Sara – A young staff member who isn’t exactly the brightest, but filled with good nature and childlike wonder.

Davey – Tired and out of shape, Davey is the funhouse mirror image of Lionel. He is the manager of Kray Industries’ I.T. Department, he is unkempt with grown out hair and facial hair, wearing a creased shirt with a loose tie.

Chris – Chris is a stressed out wreck, working as hard as he can and helpless if anything goes wrong.

Narrator – The voice that takes us inside the worlds of both Harmony’s Gym and Kray Industries.


We open on an office, small, but clean. At one of the computer desks sits a young woman in her twenties: Sara, not the most graceful but enthusiastic nonetheless. She is exploring the main screen of OFFICE 365. She gazes at it in awe at this brilliant piece of technological achievement, we see other staff members using this program at their workplace with the manager, Lionel, a young fresh faced man, looks over their shoulders with a big grin on his face, and pats his subordinates on the back. Over this, we hear a voice.


In this is the IT Department of Harmony’s Gym. This Office has a little underbelly that guarantee’s big success, all thanks to Microsoft’s brilliant installation, Office 365!

Int. Talking Head room. Day.

Lionel (To Camera):

Office 365 has made business run so smoothly for us here, it practically does half the job for us, it’s portable, resourceful, and it connects all of our phones together so we can communicate more.

Int. Office. Day.

Lionel is having an inaudible but delightful discussion with a female worker, Sara.

Sara (To Camera):

With Office 365, you really do feel secure with your Data. It’s like having a friendly virtual guard dog help you with your work. It’s also enabled me to work outside of the office; I can keep on going on my break, after work, before work. It gets the job done so much quicker.

Int. Office. Day.

Sara is working at her desk with multiple tabs open.

Lionel (To Camera):

Office 365 personal also includes OneNote, your very own digital notebook.

Int. Office. Day.

Sara then opens up OneNote and jots down a few points.

We then cut to an over the shoulder shot of Lionel looking at a document created by Jacob on his computer screen.

Int. Talking Head room. Day.

Lionel (To Camera):

This program enables me to consult with my colleagues on their work, it just saves so much time and stress.

Int. Office. Day.

The staff are all together in a manner similar to a group photo as the narrator speaks.


It seems Harmony’s Gym has really benefitted from using Microsoft Office 365…

Int. Kray Industries IT Office. Day.

The IT department is the opposite of what we saw in the other company. The environment is downbeat, the office is dark and messy. Instead of the upbeat and borderline campy feel of the “Office” Company, we see the department head: Davey, he is unkempt, with this shirt untucked and covered in food stains from his lunch, and wrought with exhaustion and contempt with his job.

The computers and printers are the average looking desktops you would normally find in an office.


However, other companies such as Kray Industries, prefer to use their own resources over Office 365 and are just as content with how business is going…

Int. Talking Head room. Day.

Davey (To Camera):

We’re very happy with what we’ve got here; Can the computers be slow? Yeah, even the most advanced technology has its bad days.

Int. IT Office. Day.

We go back to Davey whose internet browser has finally loaded up, he takes a look at his phone and sees that it’s four o’clock in the afternoon, he leans back in his chair and runs his hands down his face.

Int. Talking head room. Day.


Just out of curiosity, how much work do you manage to get done in a week?

A beat.

Davey (To Camera):

…Well the tech may not be 100% perfect but it’s the best we’ve got.


Well, have you heard of Microsoft Office 365?

Davey (To Camera):



You haven’t? Have you been living under a rock or something?

Davey (To Camera):

I don’t think so.


Does going home and still being able to work; portable network, secure data and Internet connection interest you?

As he hears this, Davey’s face brightens up more and more.

Davey (To Camera):

…It does a bit.


Ask and you shall receive!

Davey (To Camera):

I didn’t ask-


All you have to do is download it from-

Davey (To Camera):

I see what you’re doing here, listen, whatever fancy app you’re selling I’m not buying. So if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.

Davey storms off camera, and we are left staring at a black curtain.


Oh well, his loss…

Int. Kray Ind. IT Office. Day.

Davey walks into the office to see the machines emit whirring noises and start smoking, another employee, Chris, a stressed out nervous wreck, frantically typing and clicking at his computer.


What the hell is going on here?!


Well, I was on my break, then my computer, well went crazy.


As long as the rest of the computers in the building aren’t connected to the same network, we should be fine.

Chris freezes and starts to look away from Davey.


They are, aren’t they?

Chris nods. A long pregnant pause fills the room. Davey continues to stand there, looking at him.

The camera then cuts to the Apocalypse as Davey is swathed in telephone cords responding as much as he can while Chris trashes the office like he’s going to tear down the building with his bare hands. As the office continues to descend more and more into chaos until the frame freezes and we hear the narrator chime in.


Oh dear, oh dear; it seems these fools have built there houses on sand…

Int.365 Office. Day.

We then go back to the “365” team, still in that group photo pose.

Narrator (Cont.):

These lot built their houses on rocks, and those rocks were the computers that downloaded Microsoft Office 365. Good job you lot!Sara then breaks from the pose and whips out her phone.


Hey everyone, let’s go to Nando’s, Office 365 has a map that can take us there!

365 Team:


They all head out of the office as we go on a close up of an Office 365 case sitting on the edge of the desk.


Microsoft Office 365: Your small business just got bigger.

Int. Kray Ind. IT Department. Day.

The office is still in the midst of chaos. Cut to black…