Sunday 15th April 2018


Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London, WC1B 5BB

Members’ Business Meeting – 10.30am

Open Seminar - 11.30am

To reserve your seat, please contact the Secretary on 0844 5441373, or email

Tickets - £65 (Members), £75 (Non-members)

No increase in price from 2017!!

Book early to avoid disappointment

(Information on speakers to be confirmed)

VIEW FROM THE CHAIR by Frances Martin, BIAE Chair

Hello all

Autumn has quickly arrived and here we are, unbelievably, already in September.

I would usually begin by saying how wonderful it was seeing everyone at our recently held Seminar. Unfortunately, with deep regret, we had to cancel our Seminar, which should have taken place on September 10th in central London. Ticket sales were unusually low, so with deadlines set from the Imperial Hotel we had to make the challenging decision not to go ahead. For those members who had purchased tickets, they have now been reimbursed. Only twelve tickets had been sold and we were aware that there are usually last-minute bookings. However, as so few numbers had been confirmed, and taking into consideration the speakers being disappointed with a small audience, not to mention not many members there to network with, we could not take the risk. The BIAE will have to cover the cancellation fee from the hotel and some members had already paid for their travel. Losses have been incurred all round. It is a great shame as we do not get many opportunities to meet with one another. For any new members reading this, please do not worry as this was most unexpected and very unusual. We have run seminars successfully for the past four years and they have been well attended. I would like to urge all members to please book onto events early to prevent this unfortunate situation happening again. I am sure that in the future we will need to have a clear cut-off date stated when advertising events and courses.

The management of our website was taken over during the Summer by a company based in Suffolk called Polyspiral Graphic & Website Development. You may have noticed it looks ‘refreshed’ in parts. The directory/find a member has been altered due to feedback and comments from members of the public. Please have a look and navigate yourself around if you haven’t done so already.

May I also remind you to keep Janet updated with any changes to your personal details/email to ensure efficient communication.

The new practical CPD course that hopefully you will have heard about, is now complete and ready to be delivered. Dates and and venue are yet to be finalised, so please check on website and social media related pages for details. It will run sometime next year.

The Board have been focusing on recruiting new members. Extra exam dates have been added to clear the backlog of candidates awaiting to either re-sit or take our exam for the first time.

There is room on the Board for at least two more members. If you are passionate about the BIAE and interested enough to volunteer your time, we would greatly welcome nominations. In recent years there has been an increase in courses and events offered which has generated extra hard work on top of the regular emails and quarterly meetings amongst other things. If you know of a member that you think would be perfect then feel free to nominate them. It is a challenge and not for the faint hearted…but tremendously rewarding. I have been fortunate in my role as Chair to have had such strong, confident and amazing women by my side. Thankyou ladies.

Finally, Janet is busy preparing renewals, which will be sent out in the near future. Please make this task easier for Janet by keeping all forms received together, and return completed forms at the request date stated.

I hope you enjoy this latest edition of the Probe and please keep submitting your articles for publication.

Frances Martin

BIAE Board 2016/2017

Helen Graham Mandy Painting Angela Wheat June Norman Sharon Reid Alison Byrne Enid Maunder


ARTICLE SUBMITTED by Rhona Baylis, BIAE Member

As we are all aware, at our consultations we have to establish whether or not our client has cochlear implants and a heart pacemaker before we start any work on them, although if it's the latter we were recently informed that we can now work on a client with certain types of pacemaker, but obviously this has to be confirmed.

Also, recently it has been brought to my attention by one of my clients that short wave diathermy cannot be performed if the client has had a Neurostimulator fitted. This was placed at the base of her spine and

controls chronic pain. My client has recently had one fitted to control her bladder and her aftercare instructions stated that short wave diathermy was not permitted.

Interesting information which I felt needed passing on as it was news to me and maybe to my colleagues too.


NEW BIAE WEBSITE by Janet Stansfield, BIAE Secretary

Dear Members

Please would you take the time to check out the updated BIAE website, Hopefully, you’ll agree that the amendments make the site more user-friendly. Can I also please ask that you check all your contact details and ensure that they are up to date: go to the ‘Home’ page, scroll down to the bottom and type your name in the ‘SEARCH THE BIAE’ box. If details are incorrect, please shout.




As most of you are aware, the above event had to be cancelled through lack of support, and as a not-for-profit organisation, to run an event at a financial loss is not possible. Once the decision had been made to cancel the event (just 12 days before the event was due to take place), I then received some late ticket requests, and heard that some members thought it was OK just to turn up on the day and pay at the door.

Just to confirm, as catering numbers have to be confirmed 14 days before the event, it is essential that you contact me to advise that you are planning on attending, either drop me an email or pick up the phone. Whilst paying for your ticket on the day of the Seminar can be arranged, ideally if this could be settled prior to the event it would make my life much easier and more efficient.

Let’s hope the next event runs to plan.


This course was held in Kent on Monday July 3rd. Candidates travelled from Eire, Lancashire, Sheffield , London, Kent etc

It was a real pleasure for me to teach a group of liked minded professional Electrolysists.

Candidates had varying degrees of experience but all were keen to work with Transgender Patients and share their knowledge and experience. We were extremely fortunate to have some wonderful Transgender ladies at various stages of transition as our models. They were extremely willing and allowed all candidates to work on each of them.

The day comprised of morning session of theory followed by a lovely lunch then practical demo followed by practical session on transgender patients. We used a range of electrolysis machines from the Elite Spectrum, Apilus and SXB. Each candidate was able to learn how to use these machines on models. This was an example of sharing knowledge and good practice.

The course covered practical, theory, surgery, anaesthetic, consultation, funding, Tradeshift and NHS contacts, along with common problems, to mention just a few of the topics discussed on the day.

It was a very enjoyable day with all candidates giving positive feedback on course, including recommending it to colleagues.

Transgender course candidates, from left to right, Margaret Fahy, Angela Wheat, Amy Ronksley, Christine Clarke, Gail Creed and Emma Chottin

EMLA CREAM TO BE DISCONTINUED by Janet Stansfield, BIAE Secretary

BIAE Member, Sue Paradise, has asked me to advise you that Emla Cream is to be discontinued. However, she has recommended another product, Denela Cream, which, apparently, is just as effective although the cream does need re-applying more frequently. Thank you Sue. Also, thanks to Mandy Painting for the following additional information:

Info on Denela Cream:-


Denela 5% Cream

Lidocaine 2.5% w/w (25 mg/g)
Prilocaine 2.5% w/w (25 mg/g)

White soft cream


Therapeutic indications
Topical anaesthesia of the skin in connection with:
Intact skin prior to minor dermatological procedures (e.g. needle insertion and surgical treatment of localised lesions) and prior to dermal procedures on larger areas e.g. split skin grafting.
Dermal procedures on newly shaven skin of large body areas e.g. laser hair removal
Topical anaesthesia of the genital mucosa, e.g. prior to superficial surgical procedures or prior to infiltration anaesthesia of mucosa.
Topical anaesthesia of leg ulcers to facilitate mechanical cleansing/debridement.
In term newborn infants and children under the age of 18 years, Denela is indicated for local anaesthesia on intact skin prior to minor dermatological procedures. Studies have failed to demonstrate efficacy of Denela for heel lancing in newborn infants.

Skin: Apply a thick layer of cream on the skin and cover it with occlusive dressing.
Adults: Approx. 1.5g/10 cm2
Minor procedures e.g. needle insertion and surgical treatment of localised lesions.
2g ((approx. half a 5g tube) for 1 to 5 hours).


BIAE Board

Further to the discussion at the AGM regarding how the BIAE can support its members in the case of litigation which in the UK is generally on the rise.

Our expert court witness, Shelia Godfrey, explained that we all need evidence of practical courses taken at regular intervals to prove we are maintaining and developing our practical skills. In her recent experience, this evidence helped prevent litigation cases ever getting to court.

It was, therefore, decided to introduce compulsory practical CPD once every 5 years to all members to be able to ensure that members can produce this evidence and help to support them with clients who are attempting to sue them.

As a result, we will alternate the September Seminars and CPD practical courses from 2018, so that there is no additional financial burden on our members.

The board have developed two new one-day courses from which members can choose - you can either do one or both days depending on your own development needs.

The course cost will be minimal, to cover expenses only of venue etc., and comparable to Seminar. This is an exciting new venture to protect our members and stay at the top of the profession.

Course 1: Back to the Future - the Fundamentals

This course is for members to ‘touch base’ on the fundamentals of Electrolysis with emphasis on practical skills and discussion.This course content will cover the following areas:

Consultation Process to Protect Practitioner and Client


The Blend

  • How to calculate the currents
  • Progressive epilation
  • Benefits

Two Handed Technique


  • Currents and how they work around the probe
  • How to choose

Skin Reactions

  • What’s ok and what’s not
  • During, immediate and after treatment
  • Caring for skin reactions

Hair Cycle

  • Vellus to terminal
  • Target area
  • Pilo-sebaceous unit (P.S.U)

Course 2: The Current Theories, Settings and Techniques

Consultation safeguarding

Consent form

Aftercare leaflet


  • Currents and how they work around the probe
  • How to choose

Skin Reactions

  • What’s ok and what’s not
  • During, immediate and after and post treatment
  • Caring for skin reactions

How the Follicle Heals


Hair Growth Chart

Hair Stages and Ways to Treat

Three Clearing Strategy

Two Handed Technique


The Latest in Technology for Electrolysists

The Board are now securing venues to enable these courses to be implemented from Spring 2018.

We look forward to working with you.


Now that Nona Girling has retired and ‘Nona’s Posers’ are no more, the BIAE Board members decided to re-introduce a puzzle page for the Probe, hence ‘Probing Puzzles’. If any member would like to submit a puzzle for future publication, I’d be delighted to receive it. Don’t forget, each article earns CPD points.

This Word Search has been created by Angela Wheat, BIAE Board.

U / H / A / N / L / U / Q / P / N / E / E / D / L / E / S / R / Y / R / E / T / R / A / Y / D
C / W / S / I / M / R / E / D / Q / A / F / T / E / R / C / A / R / E / A / M / P / N / R / L
I / U / P / D / X / A / T / R / O / A / C / C / W / R / A / Y / E / D / O / H / T / A / C / O
R / H / G / J / C / I / E / V / R / E / N / L / A / N / I / M / E / G / I / R / T / R / M / H
C / Y / F / S / G / O / L / D / V / C / I / T / P / E / S / I / T / N / A / R / B / E / Y / S
U / X / T / H / R / O / M / B / O / C / Y / T / E / S / E / D / I / C / I / B / R / A / B / E
L / W / O / I / S / P / N / X / B / O / N / E / A / L / L / E / T / A / P / F / S / G / W / R
A / L / M / L / K / Q / O / R / E / D / N / E / G / S / N / A / R / T / C / K / F / U / M / H
T / Y / A / U / G / E / I / S / J / U / S / R / Z / S / L / P / O / U / L / R / T / L / S / T
I / M / S / C / O / Z / T / E / K / R / T / H / S / A / L / F / E / T / K / P / I / P / O / N
O / P / S / O / C / N / A / L / R / S / I / S / Y / L / O / M / R / E / H / T / S / K / D / I
N / H / E / S / Z / E / C / C / E / J / Z / V / S / I / S / P / E / S / Y / U / M / C / I / A
R / A / T / I / P / L / I / S / V / W / W / A / A / X / V / A / I / B / I / T / O / A / U / P
R / T / E / R / S / E / D / U / I / D / N / E / L / B / A / D / X / L / N / W / L / J / M / M
S / I / R / A / F / C / N / M / L / L / I / Y / T / H / Y / R / O / X / I / N / E / G / H / J
E / C / S / L / S / T / I / X / E / D / O / N / A / F / D / L / G / T / X / H / N / C / Y / N
L / H / I / U / E / R / A / B / Z / V / Y / R / A / V / O / I / N / S / U / L / I / N / D / W
U / A / S / C / T / O / R / X / S / C / L / I / E / N / T / T / T / H / U / F / O / L / R / I
D / I / O / I / E / L / T / H / N / B / V / H / D / E / T / A / L / U / S / N / I / O / O / C
O / R / T / B / B / Y / N / E / G / O / H / T / A / P / S / H / E / L / L / A / C / Y / X / V
N / M / A / R / A / S / O / R / T / H / B / A / M / S / A / L / P / O / T / Y / C / V / I / E
X / O / R / O / I / I / C / M / A / D / V / M / I / S / I / T / U / S / R / I / H / I / D / I
N / I / E / P / D / S / H / D / K / G / A / L / V / A / N / I / C / U / G / Q / U / Z / E / N
G / Q / K / M / Y / A / U / T / O / C / L / A / V / E / A / N / D / R / O / G / E / N / S / W
mole / transgender / client
vein / artery / electrolysis
barbicide / autoclave / sepsis
antiseptic / pathogen / lymphatic
orbicularis oculi / pain threshold / circulation
liver / sodium hydroxide / cathode
anode / jack plug / Diabetes
Insulin / Trigeminal nerve / muscles
masseter / Thrombocytes. / aftercare
contraindication / aorta / patella
cytoplasm / gold / thyroxine
ovary / hair / hirsutism
blend / tibia / ulna
Galvanic / Thermolysis / flash
bone / insulated / nodules
shellac / androgens / dermis
keratosis / needles


BIAE MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL by Janet Stansfield, Secretary

Hi Members

Hopefully, by now you will all have received your 2017/18 renewal membership papers. Can I please ask you to return them to me as quickly as possible. Firstly, ensure that all the details are correct, then tick one of the two options on the reverse, ie DD one payment or DD payment by instalments. Please remember, for those of you who enjoy BIAE insurance, it is important that your form is returned early October to ensure that cover is not interrupted, and also that the full amount of the premium will be taken with your initial payment. For those members who already pay by DD, it is not necessary for you to complete a further DD form unless your bank account details have changed.

Thank you.




AFTERCARE PADS (50 PER PAD)£ 15.00 + p&p

50 CASE HISTORY CARDS £ 9.50 + p&p

50 TREATMENT CARDS£ 8.50 + p&p


50 ACP LEAFLETS ***NEW*** £ 7.00 + p&p

ACP POSTER ***NEW*** £ 15.00 + P&P

BIAE BADGE£ 9.50 + p&p

Please note, stationery packs are now available:–

order any four of the above and receive a 10% discount.

Can I please ask that when ordering your BIAE stationery you use the terminology above, ie Treatment Cards,

Case History Cards, etc..


AGM/SEMINAR SPEAKERS by Janet Stansfield, BIAE Secretary

The BIAE are looking for interesting speakers for upcoming events. Ifyou know of a Dr / Specialist or A N Other who would ‘fit the bill’ and deliver an interesting speech/presentation, we’d be delighted to have their contact details. A small honorarium and travelling expenses are offered in return for their services.

Please send any suggestion(s) you may have directly to Enid Maunder.


Many thanks


This is an article I wrote for a local magazine. It is aimed at the savvy consumer and those people who have been having electrolysis over a period of time but not seeing results. After this was published I had two people come to me because they read it and realised they were not being treated correctly. Both of these ladies have now been treated by me and all hair has gone - two very happy clients!


When we say that electrolysis is the only recognised method of permanent hair removal we mean that you will get rid of your hair problem for good…..but….only if the technique of epilation is done correctly.

There are many beauty salons that offer electrolysis treatment. When searching out one to visit for treatment it is important to establish whether the operator specialises in this treatment or whether it is regarded as just another way to remove hair, perhaps like waxing or plucking.

When a therapist has a qualification in epilation it shows that a minimum standard has been reached for safe treatment. It does not mean that they necessarily are proficient or indeed actually perform the treatment correctly.

Each hair has to be treated individually. The follicle has to be carefully accessed, in other words the client should feel no pricking from the probe because the skin is not being pierced. The probe should slide easily into the follicle.

The correct intensity of current has to be administered whether using diathermy/thermolysis or galvanic or blending the two together. Too low and there will not be enough intensity of current to treat the follicle and hair root. Too high and the risk of damaging the skin is a concern. Once the level is correct the client will feel a short hot sensation, not painless but certainly not too painful. When the follicle has been treated the hair can be lifted out of the follicle with absolutely no resistance. In other words, the client should not be able to feel that hair being pulled out. If you have been having electrolysis treatment and have been feeling the hairs being pulled out then I am afraid that the hair follicle has not been treated successfully and you are paying for an expensive pluck….