Ms. Mohney (email: )
Student Name: ______/ Week of: 3/19 – 3/23
Due Date / Assignment / On Time / No Signature / Late
(No name?) / Incomplete / Missing
3/19 / Friday Folder
3/19 / Weekly Update (salmon)
3/21 / Purple Tri 1~2 Folder signed
3/21 / S&J Parent Signature
3/21 / S.S. “Breaking Up is Hard to Do” notes
3/22 / Love Letter to Self – in class, if not finished, due on this day
3/22 / Math Mod 4 Lesson 1~2
3/23 / Math Mod 4 Lesson 3
Friday Folders and Weekly Updates are due on Mondays
Ruby on the Outside Reading Reflection (paragraph form) is due on Tuesday, March 27th.
Reading (RINGO): Trimester three has gotten off to a great start! Days to present RINGOS are filling up! Many students are signing up for weeks ahead, planning out when they would like to finish and present books by! EXCELLENT!
Stop and Jot: We will finish our book, Ruby on the Outside very soon. Students have already received their reading response assignment (Thursday). The assignment, which is due on Tuesday, March 27th asks students to: answer each question in paragraph form / opinion writing format. 1. Is Margalit a good friend to Ruby? 2. Choose a character trait that fits Ruby and support your claim with evidence 3.Finish the sentence, then write an opinion paragraph with evidence to support your claim: Ruby and Matoo’s relationship is______.
***All Stop and Jot notebooks should have made their way home, been shared with you, and have a short note in them as well so I can check off each student. Stop and Jot notebooks are an incredible piece of on-going work that shows each child’s ability in reading and writing.***
Math: There are 33 lessons in the fourth module of Eureka Math and we have already begun. We spent this week looking at dividing whole numbers by other whole numbers. This module focuses on multiplying and dividing fractions and decimal numbers.
*****Please continue to check your child’s Eureka math work (answers and correct / discuss mistakes and praise triumphs in not giving up), sign, and turn in homework the following day. THANK YOU!*****
  • This week we:
  • Organized our facts and reasons
  • Created outlines for our essay
  • Focused on elaboration / different types of elaboration (mini stories, adding details, explaining more, experiences, scenarios)
  • Conversations about facts and talking about writing / talking through ideas is encouraged at home. We continue to do what we can here, but having more conversations about what we’re writing at home is helpful.
  • All writing (actual writing) should be done at school only.

Social Studies:
  • We started Storypath
  • This unit focuses on the events that lead to the US Revolution
  • Students are working together in “families” in this simulation to put themselves in the shoes of the late 1700’s colonists
  • We have five families and five businesses: Apothecary, baker, tavern, blacksmith, and grocer
  • Eventually, I would love to have a market day where students dress up and create products to sell from their business, just as life in Colonial Boston might have been like. Students don’t know that yet, but I wanted to give you a heads up!

Homework Policy: No name papers go directly in the "No Name" file by the homework checker. They are then counted as late. *** IF you notice your child getting considerably frustrated/discouraged/angry/upset because homework is just taking more than 60 minutes, please have them stop, write me a note and let me know that it was time to stop. You child will not be penalized for that.
CAMP: Is less than a month away. Please be on the lookout for more information about preparation for camp, and camp in the coming weeks. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at or reach out to Mrs. Jensen.
Musical Dress Rehearsal: Dress rehearsal, WITH COSTUMES, will be on Thursday (unless otherwise specified) during school. Please make sure your child comes to school with his/her costume and is able to easily change in to, or wear over their regular clothes, their costume for the dress rehearsal.
March 29th – 5th grade musical 7pm
THANK YOU! Next week is a B week.
PARENT ______/ STUDENT: ______
Have a great weekend! --Mindy Mohney