Beyond Our Walls Service October 15, 2017

Thank you to our guests from enVision


Announcements and Sharing of Celebrations Dennis Coley

Video: “What the World Needs Now”

Song “Draw the Circle Wide” MV 145

Opening Prayer enVision

Sharing and Learning Anya Klassen

Song “This Little Light of Mine”

Scripture Reading: Luke 14:12-14 enVision

Song: “When My Day Has No Meaning” sung by Judy Wolfe

Reading: “All the Difference in the World” enVision

Reflections: Judy Funk and Rebecca Enns from enVision

Song “Family of God” sung by Judy Wolfe

Minute for Mission Video “Learning Life Skills”


Song “What Can I Do” MV 191

Prayer enVision

Song “Go, Make a Diff’rence” MV 209

Blessing for Presence and Passing of the Peace Dennis Coley


The ushers today are Janet and Cornie Wall and the pianist is Maureen Aubry. Thank you to these people and all the other volunteers who helped with today’s service.

Christmas Choir Practice Monday, October 16

Men start at 7:00 pm; the women join at 7:30 pm. The other practices will be the first three Monday evenings in December and Saturday, Dec. 23

Steinbach Community Outreach Open House: Thu. Oct. 19, 4-7 pm

Steinbach Neighbours for Community, movie night: “Prayers for Bobby” Fri. Oct. 27, 7 pm at the Arts Centre. See poster on b.b.

Why the Reformation Still Matters!

Celebrations of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation at the Covenant Reformed Church Steinbach and ‘Providence’, resp. Oct. 29 & 31.

All information on the office wall near the coat racks.

Exploration Team "Conversation Circles Part 2: A conversation to build priorities within the focus of Spiritual, Inclusive, and Reaching Out.

Please join us at one of the following circles hosted at the church:

Thu, Oct 26, 2-4p m; Sat. Nov. 4, 10-12 am; Mon. Nov. 6, 7-9 pm

We look forward to continuing the discussion! "

Coming Guest Speakers: Oct. 22: Dennis Hiebert; Oct. 29: Doug Enns;

Nov. 5: Gay Boese & Pearl Wintoniw; Nov. 12: George F. & Barbara P.