Beth Tephillah

Ministry Centre

THIS QUESTIONNAIRE is designed to highlight any specific areas that could cause ongoing problems in a person’s life. When reading, keep the following points in mind: Did I do this, even once? Did any members of my family (living or dead) do such things? Have I read, or do I have in my possession books etc. on the subjects listed?

PRAY first that the Holy Spirit will unlock memory of things you may have forgotten.

UNDERLINE the word or phrase in each question where you and/or your family were involved. Place a tick in the appropriate column(s). If in doubt use a question mark in place of a tick.

This information will be helpful to those praying for you. However, do not feel obliged to answer all these questions. Leave some columns blank if desired.


  1. Have you believed in the theory of Karma or reincarnation?
  1. Have you denied the reality of the Triune God? That Jesus Christ is God’s Son? His bodily resurrection? His second coming?
  1. Have you believed in universal salvation, or that other religions also lead to God?
  1. Have you been involved in any study of the paranormal?
  1. Have you tried to tell the future (even for fun); visited a Fortune Teller or Clairvoyant? Taken part in Palm reading; Telepathy; the use of Tarot cards or Ouija boards; or any other method of fortune telling?
  1. Have you been involved in New Age practices? E.g. yoga, reflexology, iridology, etc.
  1. Do you still read (even occasionally) your horoscope? Have you studied astrology?
  1. Do you or your family own any ornaments that may have occult or religious symbolism?
  1. Have you ever attended a Seance? Been to a Spiritualist? Been told you have a spirit guide, or have psychic gifts? Attended Satanist meetings?
  1. Have you, or any member of your family, had any involvement with Freemasonry?
  1. Have you been interested in pornography? Have you been involved in sexual deviation, even as a child?
  1. Were you ever molested or sexually abused as a child? Have you taken part in pre-marital or extra-marital sexual activity?
  1. Have you tried drugs, soft or hard? Are you presently using drugs?
  1. Have you suffered from addiction to drugs; alcohol; or any compulsive behaviour patterns? e.g. eating disorders; sexual compulsions?
  1. Is there someone you can’t forgive, or have great difficulty forgiving?
  1. Do you continue to carry guilt from some memory which prevents you from knowing God’s complete forgiveness?
  1. Is rejection and/or acceptance of yourself an ongoing problem?
  1. Have you had a previous “bad” experience of being prayed for or experienced spiritual abuse at any time?