Mr. Curran ENGLISH 10 2017-2018
Best method and time to contact: by E-mail anytime
Course Description:
At the beginning levels of high school, students in English 10 build on skills in speaking and listening, academic research, higher order reading comprehension, language usage and writing, literary analysis, and critical thinking. In English 10 students build the foundations they will need for mastering all the skill areas by the time they complete senior English. This level of English focuses on learning and developing skills in writing and reading comprehension. English 10 builds uses advanced critical thinking skills to promote growth.
* There are some violations that necessitate immediate consequences and thus the discipline plan is a general guide for the occurrence of misbehavior, I may decide (based on the infraction) to skip steps in the plan. Please refer to the California Education Code section on Removal, Suspension, or Expulsion of students in the CVHS Student Handbook for more information.
* There are some violations that necessitate immediate consequences and thus the discipline plan is a general guide for the occurrence of misbehavior, I may decide (based on the infraction) to skip steps in the plan. Please refer to the California Education Code section on Removal, Suspension, or Expulsion of students in the CVHS Student Handbook for more information.
Grade Breakdown-
The following percentages will be used:
A+ 100 – 99 B+ 89 – 88
A 98 – 93 B 87 – 83
A- 92 – 90 B- 82– 80
C+ 79 – 78 D+ 69 – 68
C 77 – 73 D 67 – 63
C- 72 – 70 D- 62 – 60
F+ 59 – 58
F 57 – 53
F- 52 – 0
Categories by Percentage of Grade
Class work and home work: 40%
- notebooks, vocabulary, outside readings, other work as assigned
Contribution: 10%
- participation in discussions or group work, contributions to groups, adding to whole class discussions
Essays/Presentations: 50%
- in class or processed essays, projects, individual and group presentations, and others as assigned
Note: Formal Written Essays are graded using the CVHS Blackhawk Writing Rubric and Writing Guide – available online.
* There are some violations that necessitate immediate consequences and thus the discipline plan is a general guide for the occurrence of misbehavior, I may decide (based on the infraction) to skip steps in the plan. Please refer to the California Education Code section on Removal, Suspension, or Expulsion of students in the CVHS Student Handbook for more information.
Materials Needed-
1. My Perspectives 10th grade ELA text books (bring texts every day).
2. Spiral bound notebook with at least 80-100 sheets of paper – 1 per semester.
3. 2 highlighters of different colors.
4. Blue or Black ink pens.
5. 3x5 notecards.
This year, outside reading requirements are heightened. Students will be responsible for reading and analyzing texts outside of class. Students must learn this skill for college/career readiness.
Additional Help / Make-Up for absences-
I will be available for students to do make up and seek additional help during lunch periods and after school by arranged appointments ahead of time only.
Late and Absentee Work Policy:
All assigned work is due in the period to which the student is registered for that class, on the date indicated. I do not accept late work. Advanced notice to the teacher is required. It is up to the student to keep me informed. If a student is absent, that student has one day (plus a day for each day of absence) to turn in the missed work, assignments, notes, and anything else that was due during class. For instance, if a student is out on a Monday, they have until Wednesday to turn in missed work. Barring an emergency situation, this applies to all students. Contact me by phone during business hours, email anytime, or through my website anytime.
Classroom Procedures:
1. Coming into class – come in quietly, take out materials, put backpacks, bags, purses in designated area, get to seat, copy Agenda and then start "Do Now"
2. During class - in addition to doing work, students ARE NOT allowed to wander around the class. Students must raise their hands and give a signal to request permission to leave seats (these nonverbal cues are taught the first week of school).
3. Leaving class - THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS THE STUDENTS. In order to be dismissed to passing period or to leave class for the day, ALL students must be seated, facing forward, and quietly awaiting final announcement(s).
Expectations of Classroom Behavior (Rules)
1. Achieve - students must be working, attempting all work, and if you need help - ask.
2. Act Dignified - this includes all school, district, and class expectations of appropriate behavior. The simple way for a student to know if their actions are following along with this policy is to ask their selves, “Would a dignified person do this?”
3. Include Everyone - this is my zero-tolerance policy for teasing, bullying, or attempting to exclude others based on ability or any other factor. We all have different levels of ability and everyone achieves differently, I expect everyone to be included.
Negative Consequences*
These are located on the school’s website under student information. Calling home is usually the first step.
* There are some violations that necessitate immediate consequences and thus the discipline plan is a general guide for the occurrence of misbehavior, I may decide (based on the infraction) to skip steps in the plan. Please refer to the California Education Code section on Removal, Suspension, or Expulsion of students in the CVHS Student Handbook for more information.
I look forward to another great year at CVHS with all of my students and parents. I believe in constant and direct communication with parents and students. Thank you very much for your time and I welcome any questions or comments regarding my policies, the coursework, or any other information you may wish to request. Thank you!
Mr. Curran
Curran 2016-17 Period: ____
Student/Parent please complete each area with the most up-to-date information and return this entire page (keeping the other page for your records) with signatures to Mr. Curran. Returning this document completely filled out and signed by all parties is the first graded assignment in my class.
Student Name ______Date ______
Contact Phone # ______
Work Phone # ______
Alternate Phone ______
Best time to Call ______
Parent E-mail ______
Emergency Contact ______
Emergency Phone # ______
Students please write the following sentence in your own handwriting:
“I understand all of the information in this syllabus and agree to abide by the procedures and rules of Mr. Curran’s classroom and those of CVHS.”
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______