ANR Race Information: 2010 Homer BESH CUPS 3 & 4

ANR Besh Cup services: $30 for JO/AWG team services and $25 for all other team services. Please make checks payable to ANR.

ANR will be glide waxing at the Homer HS ski hut from 6-8pm Friday and (if needed) 5-7 Saturday evening, followed with a team meeting at 8pm both nights. The Homer ski hut building is to the right of the school by the pool entrance. Cross a small footbridge to get to the ski team building from the pool area. Note: you cannot park by the pool entrance, but there is room to stop and drop off equipment, then park in the main school parking lot. Map to high school:,+Homer,+Ak+99603&sll=59.64965,-151.5135&sspn=0.049874,0.181789&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=600+E+Fairview+Ave,+Homer,+Kenai+Peninsula,+Alaska+99603&z=15

The races will be held at Homer’s McNeil Canyon Ski Trails on Saturday for the classic sprint, and Lookout Mtn trails Sunday for the interval skate race. McNeil Canyon is located at McNeil Canyon elementary school about 20 minutes east of Homer on East End Rd. The Lookout Mtn trails are located up East End Rd at Mile 2 Ohlson Mountain Road above Homer. Map to Ohlson Mountain Road from Homer High School:,+homer,+alaska+99603&daddr=Skyline+Dr&geocode=FRg1jgMd-t739imzIbVviC3BVjHYbrFqpWdW8w%3BFZrgjgMd2mb59g&hl=en&mra=mr&sll=59.704586,-151.458228&sspn=0.006224,0.022724&ie=UTF8&ll=59.674415,-151.476402&spn=0.049838,0.181789&z=13

See the Kachemak Nordic Ski Club website for more detailed info and trail maps:

Start times for both races are at 11am. Make sure that your race skis are marked with your name, age class, and clearly marked kick zones on both sidewalls. Also make sure that you bring some warm-up skis. Because the sprint course is relatively flat, you might want to bring skate skis and longer classic poles for the sprint race if you want to double pole.

All athletes will need to be at the race venue with their skis no later then 9:00am on both days.

If you have any questions or problems please call Ja Dorris at 440-9944. The coaching staff will be staying at the Driftwood Hotel. Drive careful.